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Lord Valentine

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Posts posted by Lord Valentine

  1. Nah. NPO are the jocks. You guys are more like the kids who were in the football team a few years back but stopped growing and have been left by the wayside. Now you're the Kings of the Nerds; the nerds look up to you because you were once jocks and you try and maintain popularity in your new group by dismissing that way of life, but inside you're bitter and would really like nothing more than to get back inside that locker room and be around your old pals again.

    Does that make you 'THAT guy', who smells a bit of urine and no-one really likes?

  2. Not really, I've read enough Vox nonsense to know that even if Vox does vanish (which I doubt because I don't think NPO will) you lot will still continue to blow your own trumpets as the saviours of CN no matter which alliance you're in.

    You can take the boy put of Vox but you can't take the Vox out of the boy.


    So you just don't like us much then? Well, perhaps you should read other threads instead of ours :) The fact you come to our thread and tell us just how much we annoy you is a rather nice little victory for us anyway.

    Thanks, lovely :)

  3. I stopped reading here. I'd like to think if NPO were defeated you guys would disappear but I fear your sickening self-congratulation and smugness would only get worse.

    Hmm... admitting to not reading the thread doesn't help you when you want to make a point.

    So, if you had actually read the thread, you'd have seen that we are going once the NPO do. As it stands, you're left looking ignorant and your rather pointless troll is made moot!

    I think that's a good result all round :)

  4. So, what will become of Vox Populi after Karma finishes killing the bad guys? Will you continue fighting oppression? Will you be corrupted by CN politics? or Will you wither away into obscurity? The only thing that saddens me about the destruction of these scurvey dogs is the possibility of losing you to purposelessnes, Vox.


    Once the NPO is defeated and international anarchy returned, we will disband. Better to quit while you're ahead, after all :)

  5. Vox's goal at least from my analysis of it isn't primarily to gain converts but more subtlety, to create an atmosphere of tension.

    Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

    In a nutshell, we want the collective alliances of Bob to grow some balls and start thinking for themselves, instead of flocking to the biggest power and asking them what to do. If that means creating tension in the ranks of the continuum, then so be it.

    Plus, it's good fun :)

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