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Posts posted by Thomasj_tx

  1. Yeah, the tech advantage cost us a lot of infra; most of WD started at 500 tech and full airforces, and a handful kept buying back to that. Most of those guys also had huge amounts of cash, though, so they could certainly afford it. 


    Damn dude.  Admit defeat and quit making excuses!  After all, you DOW'ed.    :rolleyes:

  2. If you mattered, or were someone I particularly cared about, I might be offended. But then again, I'm trying to imagine this in an Irish, or Scottish accent, because its the only way I can make any sense of this gibberish. This was aimed at Clash as a rant. The last part of my rant is the only thing you should be paying attention to, because it's the only thing that pertained to you(other that the Vag!@#$ comment... That was totally aimed at you. :P) . Now... Carry on peasant. 


    Hello.  Have not seen you in a while.  How's the family?


    My have you changed.

  3. You should have complained at the time. Maybe you could have gotten somebody to run more Destroy Land ops. :P



    And this is the only thing that you took away from my post?  Or did you selectively ignore and deflect from the rest of the post?


    I strongly suspect that it is the latter.


    I have never had a Destroy Cash spy op run against me in my 21 rounds and I have never run a Destroy Cash spy op.


    Have you E?


    And I suspect you will claim that you have had them run against you, so I ask, you ever had them run against you in the first 2 weeks of a round?

  4. Have never been one to post in here as I try to stay out of the politics of the game as much as possible and just fight like the game was disigned to do.


    Though I definitely can't say the same for PolarBear as apparenty he has such a hard on (forgive my french) for Citadel that he actually believes that he should try and hinder our rebuild efforts this early in the round by doing spy attacks that I always thought were reserved for those that you absolutely hated or near the end of round you used to try and keep them from the flag.



    With 550 spies I could pull the same dirty stunt on every one of my opponents but have choosen not to as it is just not in me.


    Just remember Mr PolarBear that "Hell hath no Fury as a Woman Scorned" sweety.

    Gets even worse when that woman has lots of friends here in game. :mad:


    Seeing that you do not post often, one of your few posts should not be so full of hypocrisy.


    During the Cit/TPC thinly veiled curbstomping of OP, I received every possible spy attack...


    - Destroy Land
    - Incite Government Propaganda
    - Incite Religious Propaganda
    - Sabotage IRS Proficiency


    But then there were these:


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your federal reserves and managed to destroy $182,789.34 money. Your attacker was able to return home unharmed and unidentified.


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your federal reserves and managed to destroy $190,830.89 money. Your attacker was able to return home unharmed and unidentified.


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your federal reserves and managed to destroy $214,248.92 money. Your attacker was able to return home unharmed and unidentified.


    Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your federal reserves and managed to destroy $297,845.62 money. Your attacker was able to return home unharmed and unidentified.



    So I guess that Cit finds it distasteful to have their Government setting changed to "try and hinder our rebuild efforts this early in the round", but find no problem is changing all the settings of their opponents PLUS destroy nearly $1 million much earlier in the round.


    What does a "scorned women" have to say about that hypocrisy?


  5. I don't want to be the party pooper, but this thread was about asking Admin to clarify if this is or is not going to be the end.


    Not to repeat suggestions that have been posted in the proper place in the past. (Not saying the suggestions are either good or bad).


    Let's get back to the original reason for this thread.....


    Kevin, is this the end or not?

  6. Paper aside, I can't have fun if my opponents aren't. We were hoping to have a fun war but clearly OP intends to make this war a precursor to a hostile round. Of course we know you will regroup, that itself is an argument against attempting to pull a fast one. I guess it wouldn't be a final round without TPC and OP going at it though lol.



    lol good times.



    That is total DEFLECTION!


    Why did you completely ignore my posts?


    Are you the Mastermind?


    If so, I look forward to talking with you on IRC and shaking your internet hand. 


    Awesome move!  :awesome:

  7. With the nukes difference it's obvious that they were preparing for an early war and we weren't.  Kudos to them for catching us with our pants down, but can we please drop the pretext of anyone looking for a fair fight?  It's obvious that this was just an effort to cripple OP, which we admittedly left ourselves open to.


    I personally wasn't expecting anything and with all sorts of other wordly stuff on top of it, was not able to put up much of a fight.  Hopefully our next war will be more fun.



    Agree with every word posted.




    Concentration of efforts is a new tactic now?



    Well, interesting question.


    Concentration of efforts is certainly not a new tactic.


    Carrying out ones real intent by masking it in a tag-a-long declare is, and is awesome as well.


    Hats off to the mastermind!  :awesome:

  8. :rolleyes:




    Who knew that killing nonexistent nukes could be so pricy? :(



    OP had three nukes at the time of the DoW.  All bought within less than 24 hours of the DoW....


    Despair (Komplex) of the Blue team of the alliance Ordo Paradoxia purchased a nuclear weapon on 3/29/2013 12:00:37 AM. The nation of Despair now has 0 nuclear weapons. 


    Glorified Bastards (14dwright) of the Blue team of the alliance Ordo Paradoxia purchased a nuclear weapon on 3/29/2013 6:38:41 PM. The nation of Glorified Bastards now has 0 nuclear weapons.


    Doctor Who (Doctor Who) of the Blue team of the alliance Ordo Paradoxia purchased a nuclear weapon on 3/29/2013 9:30:36 AM. The nation of Doctor Who now has 0 nuclear weapons.

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