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Posts posted by Guardian666

  1. for reference, SystemFailure's charts page http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=127566

    just because we choose to be neutral does not mean we are unfamiliar with how to fight.

    Crimi!!!!!!! You rock dude hope u kick their behinds into some distant far away place.

    I got all excited seeing this and thought it was another one of those joke DoWs like the one GLOP had way back when. Now i know it definatly is a failure.

    o/ Grey Council

    o/ Crimius

  2. 44600431.png

    Howdy Planet Bob

    The Brotherhood today come before u to share our joy.

    Today we have reach a milestone in our growth. We are now over 300k NS Plus to add to this occasion we also have Nooks :wub: Just look below there be our stats. Important one are in red boxes of course.


    We also would like to announce that we have 2 new flags. TB would like to thank Seiphercaim for these flags. The first is up top. The second is our War flag and i must admit i :wub: it its below for ya. Also Thanks Seipher for our awesome sigs :D


    Yep thats about it for us today. Enough of my ramblings and back to yours lol


    Commander In Chief

    The Brotherhood

    EDIT: Grammar. Im a perfectionist at times

  3. Hey guys several announcements from KIA.

    1: Killed In Action shall hence forth be known as The Brotherhood.

    2: The Brotherhood have a new forum. These new forums can be found at http://thebrotherhood.2kool4u.net/index.php.

    3: We also have a new IRC Channel. This is #tb on the coldfront network

    4: With the name change we also amended our Charter.

    The Brotherhood Charter



    The Brotherhood is a military style alliance who ideals are to defend their members, friends and allies. For the remainder of this Charter members will be known as Troops.

    ARTICLE I: Membership

    All nations wishing to become a Troop of The Brotherhood should read the charter and the Pinned topic in the New Member Sign Up thread. All new Troops should fulfill the following:

    - Must not be in a war at the time of the application

    - Must not be on any alliance ZI list

    - Must read the charter

    - Must read any Pinned topics in the Welcome Centre

    Article II: Command and Elections

    The Brotherhood is run by a Military style leadership. This Leadership consists of the Commander in Chief and 3 Generals, each incharge of different sections in The Brotherhood. Under the Generals are Colonels, who are in charge of specific areas under the said Generals. Under the Colonels are Captains, Who runs certain areas under the Colonels.

    SECTION 1:

    Colonels and Captains are voted in by the membership. The voting will take place over 7 day in the last week of a 3 month cycle. Nominations will begin 4 days earlier.

    SECTION 2:

    Generals are not voted in. The Generals are placed into office by the Commander in Chief. Should a General resign from his position the Commander in Chief will apoint a new General,

    SECTION 3:

    All elections are open to the membership except for the Generals Vote which is detailed in Article II SECTION 2.

    SECTION 4:

    The General of the Interia will be responsible for starting and running the elections.

    SECTION 5:

    Any ties in the elections will be resolved by a public vote by the Generals.

    SECTION 6:

    Any Troop that is caught cheating in the elections will find themselves removed from all elections and be fined accordingly.

    Article III: Powers Of The Troops

    The Brotherhood Troops have the power to remove any member of Command by starting a vote explaining why they wish the Official to be removed. If 2/3 of the Generals believe this to be a invalid reason the vote will be closed. The said member will not be punished in anyway. Should this be a valid reason the Troops vote must reach a total of 75% of the Troops in the Alliance. All Troops have the right of Freedom of Speech on the forums.

    Article IV: Rules Of Engagement

    SECTION 1:

    Tech Raiding is permitted in The Brotherhood so long as they are an Unaligned Nation over 5 days of inactivity and the raider has a Militia License.

    SECTION 2:

    Wars will only be declared if 2/3 of the Generals agree. If War is declared then the General of the Armed Forces will post up the DoW and command the Troops with the help of the Colonels and Captains under him

    SECTION 3:

    Should any Nation be attacked by another Nation then this should be reported to the Alliance. Should the attacker be an aligned Nation then the attacking nation shall then be contacted by a member of Command and given 24hrs to declare peace and offer reps and his/her alliance will then be contact by that member of Command. If by the end of the 24hr period peace is not declared the All troops are cleared to attack to gain back the damage done to our Troop. Should the Nation be unaligned then all Troops are cleared to attack at anytime.

    SECTION 4:

    The Brotherhood will strictly operate and NON-NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE POLICY. It is perfectly fine for the Troops to buy Nukes. Anyone found using Nukes without the Commander In Chief perm will be removed from the alliance.

    SECTION 5:

    No Troop may attack a Purple Nation. Doing so will result in the Troop facing a court marshall (see Article V).


    Any Nation found attacking another Nation with the reason"Join My alliance will be given a warning. Further wraning will result in a Court Marshall (see Article V)

    Article V. Court Martials


    The Judge Advocate General (JAG) will preside over all Court Martials. The JAG will be be appointed by the Generals at the time of the Court Martial. The JAG can be any member the Generals see fit to fill the position, as long as that member has over 30 days alliance seniority.


    If any Troop wishes to accuse another Troop of war crimes, the Troop must report the crime directly to the Generals, who will then assess the claim and deem weather the claim should be escalated to Court Martial. Should the claim proceed this stage, the Generals will appoint a JAG as outlined in Section 1.


    Troops facing Court Martial will have 2 days to compile their defense. Troops have the option of finding their own attorney, if one can not be found, the JAG will appoint one to the defendant. The prosecution team will be headed by the GI, and will be made up of 3 Colonels appointed by the Generals. All Court Martials will be finalised within a 5 day period, with any judgment being handed down on the 6th day. The JAG's decision is final and no right of appeal will be offered to the Troop facing Court Martial.


    No Troop shall have input to a Court Martial, unless being called as a witness, or, providing evidence in support of either party.

    ARTICLE VI: Schedule Of Penalties

    All penalties will be decided by the Commander in Chief and the Generals. Thes penalties can range from a 1 day forum ban up to expulsion from KIA. Should a penalty be given to a Troop from outside the alliance that Troop must follow the timeline etc that the alliance gives.

    ARTICLE VII: Rejoining the Alliance

    Any Troop that leaves of their own accord may rejoin the Alliance. Any Troop that is removed from the alliance will not be able to rejoin the alliance. If a Troops is found to be a rerolled nation of a expelled Troop he will be immediately removed without warning.

    ARTICLE VIII: Multis

    Any Troops found to have a multi will be instantly removed and reported to Cybernations Admin.

    ARTICLE IX:Changes to the Charter

    Any Troop may submit changes to the Generals or Commander in Chief. All change will be discussed by the Generals and Commander in Chief before being edited into the Charter if they agree it should be changed.

    ARTICLE X: Alliance Colour

    The offical Colour for The Brotherhood is Purple. This will be the Colour for all Troops. Troops are given 1 month to find a suitable Trade Circle on the Purple team. After this the Troop will be forced to move onto the Purple team weather they have a Trade Circle or not.


    The signatories below are hereby representatives of The Brotherhood alliance. They follow the Charter and uphold its values. The Brotherhood is now an Alliance of Planet Bob


    Guardian666 - Commander In Chief

    Swillmaster - General Of The Interia

    PresidentSO - General Of The Exteria

    linkkjm - General Of The Armed Forces

    5: We also announce our command which is currently

    Guardian666 - Commander In Chief

    Swillmaster - General Of The Interia

    PresidentSO - General Of The Exteria

    linkkjm - General Of The Armed Forces

    On a final note our allies have been informed of these change 1 week in advance. While our member are in change over the AA KIA is reconised by us. This reconision is in place for 2 weeks from today.

    Thank you for being patient


    Commander In Chief

    The Brotherhood

  4. I would like to annouce the following MDP treaty between Killed In Action and The Russian Empire.

    The Western Front Treaty




    To protect and maintain the prosperous relations and views of our alliances, The Russian Empire (TRE) and Killed In Action (KIA) agrees to the following terms of mutual defense.

    Article I: Peace

    In the signing of this pact, it must be clear that both organizations will remain sovereign as will the members in each nation. Both alliances shall not attack each other, if so, then reparations shall be discussed by both alliance leader(s).

    Article II: Comradeship

    In the signing of this pact, both sides agree to defend and aid one another in times of war when requested by the other signatory alliance. Both alliance leadership(s) shall discuss what a reasonable amount of aid and/or defense is in order to help the other alliance if an aggression takes place.

    Article III: Defense

    To request assistance in a time of war, the alliance which is in need must first send a request to the other signatory alliance. That alliance then has a maximum amount of 48 hours, or two days, to fully prepare for the shift from peace to war. Granting assistance requests is only required if that request is defensive, not offensive. Important international information must be shared between the two alliance's leaders; failure to forward vital information can result in the cancellation of this treaty.

    Article IV: Communication

    Both Alliances agree by the signing of this pact to remain in good communication with each other and to IRC and/or another IM network in which to speak with each other. Both sides are expected to be respectful towards to each other regardless of belief's or ideology, Both Signatories MoFA (or rough equivalent) shall keep personal contact due to their important positions within their alliances and the future for other Pacts, Treaties, etc shall be discussed along with other matters regarding the signatories.

    Article V: Aid

    Aid shall be given for defensive wars only. Whereas aid is central to the growth of new and developing nations, both alliances recognize the need for each alliance to have control over there domestic affairs and as such Inter-alliance Aid shall be given only if both rulers agree.

    Article VI: Cancellation

    If this pact is to be broken, both signatory alliances must agree to the following. First, the offended alliance must notify the offending alliance of their intentions to break the pact at least 48 hours in advance in order for said alliance time to prepare for the change. Second, both alliances agree to a 72 hour period of mandatory non-aggression after the pact has been officially rendered null and void, in which neither side may declare war upon each other.

    Article VII: Amendments

    This pact may be altered to better represent both signatory alliances' interests. This will be done by holding a meeting between the governing bodies and/or ruling parties of each signatory alliance. Each alliance's governing bodies and/or ruling parties must approve of any change of the pact with a 2/3 majority vote in favor in order for any change to occur. Each alliance can send up to 5 governing and or ruling members to represent their respected alliances in the meeting. Notice of said meeting must be given 24 hours before it is to take place.


    This mutual defense pact between the KIA and TRE is signed in good faith


    Killed In Action:

    Guardian666 - Commander In Chief

    Swillmaster - General Of The Interia

    King Wally - General of the Exteria

    The Russian Empire:

    Emperor Nicholas II - Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, Grand Duke of Finland and King of Poland

    DesertFox - Prime Minister of The Russian Empire

    Raymond Jaeger - Minister of Defence of The Russian Empire

    I would also like to note that our protectors, Invicta, have seen this treaty and have given their agreement.

    o/ KIA

    o/ TRE


    Commander In Chief

    Killed In Action

  5. Plz sign up if you want to join this Trade Circle. Include a Link to your Nation as well.















    Initial infrastructure cost: -39%

    Infrastructure upkeep: -21%

    Population increase: 19.5%

    Citizen income increase: $0

    Population happiness increase: 9.5

    Initial land cost: -10%

    Purchased land area increase: 23%

    Natural growth increase: x0

    Technology cost decrease: 0%

    Environment: 1

    Soldier increase: 43%

    Soldier cost decrease: $-3

    Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5

    Tank cost decrease: 0%

    Tank upkeep cost: -5%

    Aircraft cost decrease: -8%

    Aircraft upkeep: 0%

    Aircraft limit increase: 10

    Cruise missle cost decrease: 0%

    Cruise missle upkeep: 0%

    Nuke cost decrease: 0%

    Nuke upkeep: 0%

    Uranium allows nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nations government preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every level of tech purchased up to level 30 but loses -1 population happienss. If a nation owns nuclear weapons but does not have uranium the cost to maintain nukes is doubled.

    Construction requires technology level of 5 of greater.

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