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Posts posted by Hector

  1. No. Diplomacy is talking nicely with the person you have a disagreement with instead of making thinly veiled threats and then hiding behind your body building, gun collecting next door neighbor.

    We've admitted to our mistakes in the past showing that we aren't ignorant of diplomacy, and for a threat to be valid it would mean damage. If they decline then it would only keep foreign relations down. Unless you count making The German Empire sad a threat then there are no threats. Any threats made here were by other members of Cybernations. And understand this - Almost every alliance has allies, NoV has allies so the excues of the neighbor fails in this situation.

  2. TGE is pretending to be tough by hiding behind their "allies"

    Instead of being diplomatic and talking to NoV, they try to force a crisis. It may mean TGE has no balls, but they definitly have brains...or maybe they just got lucky here.

    You're the one pushing for war between the two Germanic alliances, this is a diplomatic approach to relations. Respect is key in diplomatic relations, without respect diplomatic relations crumble and cease to an end. This is a minor jump that will lead to many skips towards this peace between NoV and TGE.

  3. TGE and NoV should fight it out 1v1. TGE hiding behind their allies with big mouths is cute, but means nothing.

    The German Empire isn't seeking war, we're seeking peace. So a one on one battle betrays the idea of what this post is dirrected towards, it's a step for peace between the two Germanic based alliances.

  4. Unofficial response: When TGE initially formed last July we aspired for good relations, even offering you a protectorate, after which you ignored us, signed a protectorate with FOK, gave us the run-around, and your diplomat began openly insulting us in your embassy. We then stated we ceased diplomatic recognition, which had since been reinstated.

    We have never "threatened" TGE, and nor have we ever attempt to "oppress" it. Nor have we ever attempted to use the Nordland Doctrine as a device to take aggressive actions against other alliances.

    The German Empire was inexperienced at the time of its birth; we were no grand Reich of immense power and skill upon arrival to the world of Cybernations, then built up. This is how every alliance works, from the start they are weak, unorganized, and unprepared. Yet as time goes on they adapt to the situation and grow. Perhaps the Empire made mistakes in its past like all other alliances, but is it wroth clinging onto even now? Do not be ignorant of the fact that our alliance exist, this is a step towards diplomacy which our two alliances have both equally ignored with each other for so long until now.

  5. I currently - And once more can not log onto my nation. This whole mess started when all of my machines went down, during this time I found another laptop to use. I tried to log onto my nation from that laptop, it denied me from logging in as it said my password is invalid. I had used my password, got others submitted to me, I copied and pasted, and typed them manually. Nothing worked, after getting my powercord, I begun to use another laptop, I logged onto my nation finally, but after I tried to log onto my nation once more, I was denied. I desperatly need to get onto my nation, as through my machines problems, I was attacked by someone quitting CN, and I'd rather be able to fight a somewhat fair battle, rather then I can do nothing for these problems.

  6. I have not been able to log onto my nation ever since I have switched laptops due to my powercord failure. Now, I am typing my password normally, I started off fast, it was wrong so I slowed my pace -- Still apparently 'wrong', I checked caps lock and number lock, both in which were off, and I'm using correct caps for password. Also, I can not manage to get to my email on this laptop so I require assistance.


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