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Posts posted by menwearpink135

  1. At the time I was in the Greenland Republic Senate about to take a trip to Italy. Before I left, I asked around and everyone said "the war shouldn't happen for about 2 weeks" so I thought, "hey, I'll make it back in time." Wrong. Halfway into the trip I got messages saying we were going to war. I was on this trip with my family, so by this time I was pretty bored and decided to use my phone to get on the internet. I made it home the night before the war actually began but I remember being on my phone updating the forums at midnight waiting for a declaration. Those are the times that I miss in CN.

    A month later I got my phone bill, lets just say it was a 4 digit number. I'd say I was addicted to CN.

  2. I don't understand why everyone is putting Aircastle on blast. This is their first war and they preformed better than most alliances do when they first start off. Aircastle hasn't done anything wrong to you (unless I'm mistaken), so back off.

    There is only one thing I love more than seeing my own enemies bawww and thats seeing stat-whores (ex-Citadel) bawww about new and up-coming stat whores. Just because someone new is contending your glory of having large warchests and large average nation strengths doesn't mean you have to troll them. I think some of the trolls here (TOP and NSO) have their own business to handle (such as having their @#$% handed to them).

  3. Oh silly TGS. You see, when we first planned on entering against the all powerful military force of TORN, we expected our chart to look something like this:


    But wait, that's your chart. Let me find ours.


    Now we know that TORN is taking damage from a lot of fronts, but we aren't receiving any damage in return, which is quite upsetting honestly. So now we are off to face VA, hoping that they will be more of a challenge than TORN is

  4. Chimaera did the right thing here. All of you can baww as much as you'd like, but you should have thought about the way you handled this situation. Unlike NpO's false claims, Chimaera actually followed his moral convictions and followed what he felt was right. At one point he might have thought that Polar was right, but the way things played out obviously changed his mind. I personally witnessed him stress about what to do because not only did we have conflicting treaties, but the members of IAA did not have one set opinion and he was trying to please everyone. Maybe you shouldn't completely blind side other alliances and this wouldn't be happening, then again we all see where that went.

    o/ Chimaera. You were put in a difficult position, but in the end you made the one that was best for the Empire.

  5. Yes, poor torn,....

    Just to say, your view how we treated torn is not the only one, but there has been enough controversy around that.

    I point this out to show you how although you strongly believe in your world view of events, there are people that don't. If you decide to just blatantly laugh at their faces for that to try to insult them or provoke them, then,...thats a bit weak you know....

    I find it hard to believe that you have never laughed at someone to insult them, but whatever you say. But yes, I did make that post to try and draw someone into a debate. And it worked. It was kind of like this: I was too lazy to read a post that would end in "lapdogs till death yo" so I wasn't really in the mood to make a full response. The small post's purpose was to either draw someone in or me leave. Someone decided to bite on it, and I knew he would read my response, hence the second post.

    Reading comprehension much? Notice that I never said I wouldn't respond, just that I wouldn't make a thought out response.

    Read above. All I wanted was a reply to know that someone was watching ;)

  6. I'm not even going to make a thought out response to this, I'm just going to laugh at you.

    But by quoting me, you do make a response, and bring me back to this thread. And now I will say why I am laughing. Invicta has been a close follower of the NPO for a long time. They meant a lot to you, but um seeing as the way they treated a strong militaristic alliance like TORN, it all came true that they are just looking out for themselves. Now they are desperate because everyone has abandoned them. Who do they go to that will still listen? Invicta. The fact that people like IRON have decided to move on yet you haven't it the reason I am laughing.

  7. Hell no you aren't me.

    But enough with the wordplay. Grub, you know I respect you even though I don't agree with you 100%. In theory, I would agree with your post 110%. Sadly, there is one factor that you haven't thought of as far as NPO goes. Polaris learned her lesson but Pacfica has not. Pacifica hasn't changed much of its policies or its mentality. I haven't seen any, at least. Until I see some, I do agree with the harsh terms. I do agree with the Karma (not the coalition, but rather the actual karma) that faces them. It took Polaris a bloody coup that tore some of the most die-hard Polars from their homes, a war that crushed us all, and reparations that crippled the proud Polar Order before indeed, a NEW Polar Order emerged. I don't know what it will take for Pacifica to begin anew and to abandon age-old policies of diplomacy. I hope it doesn't take Karma's massive, massive terms. I hope it doesn't take a massive coup d'etat. I hope it doesn't take another massive war. But until I see some change for the better, I don't think I can ever agree with letting Pacifica get not-as-devastating terms. I say this not out of hatred, anger, fear, nor vengeance. I say this as a former member of Pacifica who gave his nation's earliest bloody, sweat, and tears to protect. I say this because I am a former member of Pacifica who isn't happy with what his former home became. I'm not pointing any fingers, I'm not placing any blame, but there needs to be some change.

    Then again, some on the other side of the coin also need to start shaping up and showing that they aren't the big bad boogey monster under the bed.

    I agree with this man right here.

    If Pacifica was to show change, of course I would believe they need lighter terms and less punishment. But I have seen no change in them.

  8. NPO on their own and so extremely isolated simply cannot rise up again. The only way they are going to rise up again if others provide themselves as an even worse example of how to be top dogs in the world. If that happens then yes NPO will be able to gain power like they did in the past. So, remember, karma is real and if you choose to act out of vengeance then you shall simply become that which you sought to destroy and you shall in the end empower those you wished to destroy.

    I don't believe that Karma is trying to kill them in order to take power. Karma is giving them what they deserve, but that doesn't mean that from here on out those terms are going to be imposed on everyone. Yes it will be hard for them to rise politically, but I feel that there are still alliances out there who will sign based off of military strength. If NPO rises up easily, they will be looking to plot, and in plotting they will deceive.

    You completely and utterly missed the point.

    Punish them, don't cripple them beyond recognition.

    I don't believe they are crippled beyond recognition. Remember, they are Pacifica who can "push billions in weeks."

    The suggested manner in which the NPO can meet the activity preterms is to boot non-compliant nations in order to reach what is essentially an objective that relies entirely on the honor system. Not to mention the ban on recruiting.

    Karma has shown itself, in general, to not be honorable. The issue is not lighter terms, but honest and possible terms which reflect some kind of moral high ground, rather than wanton lust for Hegemony status shown by most Karma alliances.

    Sure I think some of those terms should be altered some, but I want those nations to come out of peace mode. I want to see them fall. They have not suffered enough.

  9. I'm curious, if lighter terms are imposed, do you not believe NPO will just rise up like they did after the First Great War? Their large nations have large war chests, and hid in peace mode for most of the war. The damage to the upper ranks have not been enough. They can quickly rebuild and rise to power once again.

    And there is a difference between the fate of Polaris and the fate of Pacifica. We know you are a smart and honorable guy Grub, everyone knew you would lead Polaris in a brighter direction. Moo on the other hand, is still the same. There is no doubt in my mind that Pacifica would not try the same stunts. They have had their time to play their games, and now they must pay the consequences. If this means crippling them for a long time, so be it. We are Karma, not Mercy.

    Even though I don't believe Echelon deserved those terms.

  10. That is the standard for the Cyberverse.

    "We demand an apology!"

    "OK, sorry for doing what it was that pissed you off. I won't do it again."


    If we cut out line 1 we'd avoid having to endure lines 2 and 3.

    While I do not wish to go against my brother in the Empire, I must agree with you Tyga. Many people called for Ivan to apologize, but when he did, no one was pleased. What else did you want from him?

  11. .......and all it took was you ruthlessly gutting The Galactic Republic. Not that I necessarily find anything wrong with ruthless tactics, just don't attempt to pass judgement on ours.

    I don't know the full story, so I'm not going to call you a liar or anything of the sort, but I do know that many of the members from TGR were former members/friends of the Empire. And I'm sure you know how it goes, some friends chatting, one thing leads to another, and BAM babytime another member joins IAA ^_^

  12. SWEET. I've always wanted Doppel in my alliance, I think I'm going to recruit him now!

    (Actually, I have no intention for him to join my alliance, but since all the cool kids are recruiting from alliances these days...)

    Also, our Beloved Emperor Chimaera is the king of recruiting from alliances. No one else comes close to his glory. That is all.

  13. Guys, its Rebel Virginia, of course he is just trying to piss us off. Now if this was someone who actually had an alliance behind him, yeah we'd talk back; but once again, it is Rebel Virginia. Just leave him alone.

    Also, lolRebecca. Can you please grow your nation just a tad so I can rock you back down to the bottom? kthxbai. If not, just get some more people to join Hanayome, declare war on us, and then I will rock your alliance.

  14. How exactly? They are continuing to put harsh terms on alliances and are making no reperations for past harsh terms. Recognizing NPO is a threat that needs to be fought is not the same as realizing their wrong doing. I am not saying that anyone should force them to pay reparations for what happened, but that if FoK TRULY feels that what they had done is wrong, they would make reparations for it. Otherwise, its nothing more than talk.
    They've done nothing more than switch to the winning side, not so different.

    Are you two in the back channels with FOK hearing their government's every stance and in their discussions with foreign alliances? I'm not saying I am either, but I know my government has, and I know that FOK is not an alliance that manipulates and backstabs.

  15. So if FOK admits they had a change of heart, then they admit that they were wrong at one point at WERE guilty of the same thing Karma blames the NPO for. So just as Karma (and FOK) sees fit to seek reparations and revenge for past wrongs from the NPO, shouldn'tFOK be willing to pay for their wrongs as well of their own will to those that they harmed? Seems to me FOK is willing to take revenge, but not offer it for what they have done.

    They realize their wrong-doings, and agree with everyone else that NPO is what they were said to be for so long. I guess they have proven themselves to be different, and no longer need to be held to their past-actions. Plus, they are basically avenging those they wronged by attacking NPO. NPO on the other hand, has not tried to be different whatsoever, and are still being held for their past actions.

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