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Posts posted by shaferthejail

  1. This time last year I was constantly active, things were interesting, war was brewing, two equal sides. Now, it sucks. Of course some of the faux intellectual people will go on a rant about why we shouldn't compare times, but the fact is, there was more going on then, less people ganging up on one alliance. Now, everyone needs all their friends, cousins, newly met acquaintances and anyone they can get to gang up on one alliance. I liked the old order of things.

  2. Congratulations on the treaty everyone! I will be looking at this a lot, as it is my job. But I am happy that you have forged closer ties. Again, like everyone, Maroon Unity would not be the correct way of describing this bloc, as only three of many are in it, and not even the biggest alliance on maroon. We will definitely want to build relations.

  3. This treaty is between the New Order of Independence (NOI) and Fellowship of Unified Nations (FUN). The purpose of this pact is to enhance the bond between the two alliances. Both signatories agree to the following terms:

    Article 1

    This article does not affect the sovereignty of either signatory alliance or member nations.

    Article 2

    No member of either signatory may declare war on a member of the other signatory alliance. Any member at war with a nation from the other signatory alliance must declare peace and offer reparations within 48 hours. If the nation violating this article refuses to offer peace and/or reparations then an acceptable response is the expulsion to the violating nation from their alliance.

    Article 3

    If either signatory alliance is attacked, they may request aid from the other signatory alliance. The requested alliance is not obligated to send aid, however, they are strongly encouraged to do so. A period of 48 hours is set for the requested alliance to respond to the request. It should be not that both signatories should consider other documents that may prevent the request being fulfilled.

    Article 4

    Both alliances agree to share intelligence that may affect the other signatory alliance. This includes information relating to the security of either alliance and non-emergencies.

    Article 5

    Both alliances agree to not spy on the other. This is also covered by article 4, where both alliances should inform the other about any potential spies in the alliance.

    Article 6

    This treaty can be cancelled by either signatory alliance with 48 hours of written notice.

    Signed for NOI

    Kalus, High Chancellor

    Arturion, High Chancellor

    Luxornv, Minister of Internal Affairs

    ladychickensoup, Minister of the Census

    Mahasoor, Minister of Finance

    Salty, Minister of Defense

    Bionic Redhead, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Signed for FUN

    Vicente, Chief Magistrate

    Shafer, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Jumpshoot, Minister of Defense, Ambassador to NOI

    FUN Parliament

  4. Grant is the guy who taught me everything about the game. I felt really awful when he died, I remember really looking up to him and wondering how he got to 9,000 strength! I can't believe it's been a year.

  5. I would say my favorite time was either the 5 months of peace after GWI, when NAAC, GATO, Legion, NPO, and ODN were still add odds, the classic NPO versus the world. I remember being in IRON and watching us go back and forth with NAAC over who was more powerful.

    Or the time Before and during GWII when there were two equal forces and everyone had to take a side. If the League had only fought longer, or had Legion and ODN actually followed their MDPs during that war, things could have changed. WUT still might have won, but there wouldn't be a very clear winner and the time of WUT dominance might have been lessened. Not that I didn't love WUT, I was in it, but it would have made things a lot more interesting.

  6. There was no political issue, there couldn't be because FUN hasn't done anything politically yet.

    Thanks for the time under your influence IRON! It was truely a pleasure, I look forward to future relations. And with that we step out onto our own.

    If IRON's Sec of State or Deputy Sec of State want to discuss further relations, PM me!

  7. I'm going to call it the Initiative Civil War. It makes the most sense and makes the fall of WUT seem more epic. Also, people said this was the biggest war for participants, that's not true, there were 14,000 wars going on in this one, and at the height of GWIII there were 17,000. Also, it lasted longer, and was more dire. The situation here was not as intense, because it did not fight for either dominance or freedom. In this war, it was just two sides fighting for who would continue on, but the sides were so lopsided, unlike in GWIII, it was not life and death.

    GWIII resulted in complete and utter Initiative dominance. This war resulted in the loss of 3 alliances from the political sphere, but opened up the door for more alliances.

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