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Posts posted by Thrower08

  1. I don't dislike the NPO. I merely have a healthy dose of distrust and disagree with the way they handle things. This is a very stupid generalization to make and I'm disappointed to see you stating it.

    NPO and GATO have too long of a history against each other to really be allies by now, I think, but the PIAT is there to give the relationship a chance. Both alliances would need to move past the whole "THEY BE MINE ENEMY! KILL!" thing. Yeah, they nearly destroyed GATO. Yeah, they put us under a viceroyship for several months. Yeah, they were hostile to us and created a hostile political environment for us.

    I agree that it's stupid to hate NPO because they're NPO. I do, however, think it is healthy to have a high level of distrust and disapproval towards them until they have some major leadership changes. I guess I just don't accept the idea that the same cadre of individuals will change enough to affect the core of an alliance.

    EDIT: also, I can't decide if ShinRa or DP won this thread :psyduck:

  2. I was in GATO once. Spent 9 months there after the creation of my nation. I expect nobody remembers me there anymore.

    .... you're kidding, right? weren't you the MoDA for a while?

  3. I used to be in GATO back in spring 2006; I fought in the Second Polar War and if my memory serves me right, in the Great War I, too. I used a different nick back then; Ural, though I'm pretty much sure none of you remembers me, as I wasn't the most active member.

    Ah, 2006! What a sweet era of CN history.

    Ural? That name does seem familiar....

  4. Peace out, Griffy.


    <Griffy> QUOTE ME ON THAT

    See you when you come back.

    QFT. You have to stay on IRC. At least until August :P

    And we'll be waiting :)

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