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Posts posted by Khellendros

  1. I think he's referring to that time when NPO got attacked during negotiations a few nights ago. :P

    that is exactly what i was refering to... thank you

    I know NPO attacked OV during negotiations, but for those of you who say it was cowardly and dishonorable, how do explain the fact that ya'll did it in return to NPO? or does that make it honorable?

  2. Yeah and if we had entered on another treaty the other guys would of been saying what you are and youd be defending us. Double Standards my friend. So please dont air your ignorance in public.

    they can't help it, i'm quite certain they have NO idea what honor is.

    after the Declare on NPO during negotiations.

    i don't know how we have no honor by honoring a treaty but..... maybe i'm wrong maybe keeping your word is dishonorable, but i don't think it is.

    i'll see ya'll on the battlefield

  3. we chose DT to honor our treaty with TPF and as a result we will be attacked by more of you karma cowards, this is a tactical decision so that we don't over extend ourselves, but god forbid any of you would actually think for a second before flaming... i know that you aren't capable of that so i'll just end this with

    o/ TOOL

    o/ TPF

    o/ NPO

  4. give it a couple days.... it will apear if IRON doesn't make a showing

    as for this "surprise" karma has for IRON, i don't believe a word of it.... this is only being used to instill fear in everyone else. they are trying to keep IRON out of the war by making them think they will get destroyed.

    unless of course somehow karma gets TOP and Gramlins, but i don't see that happening as many in karma have already said they want to attack gramlins.

  5. clever_ruse.jpg

    I had no idea Scrappy Doo had started playing CN.


    You haven't been around here long though. Your nation is - shock shock horror - not that important in the grand scale of things.

    CN Wiki tells me y'all have MDoAPs with a bunch of as-yet non-combatants and RoK. I would say there's no guarantee that TOOL would enter on hegemony's side, should the runaway gang hoose to enter.

    we'll see...


  6. o/ echelon, NPO needs the support of those who aren't cowards!!

    i have half a mind to join you myself.... i love how "Karma" talks of cowards but they only attack after NPO's allies abandon them...... if you ask me "Karma" is a bunch of cowards who were scared to take on the might of NPO as long as they had IRON.

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