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Posts posted by Jaboy

  1. You can currently have up to 8 events active at any one time. Though once you have three events, the odds of getting another one are lowered.

    Hmmm... I must be really unlucky then. I have 4 negative and one positive. Got all of them in a 5 day span.

  2. There is a 10% chance each time you collect or pay your bills. However, from what I have seen recently, this seems to be a lot higher. I am getting a negative event every day (except for yesterday).

    They seem far too frequent atm.

  3. I've been talking to two of my three attackers and I must say the tea party was superb. I got a sneak preview at the goblin-wretcher, though it was zecret and covered with bedsheets, it looked like a very hearty death machine :P Besides the fact that I burned my nosehairs out on the stench in my nation, it smelled rather kindly over there. Must be something in the air...or the goblins had some southern cooking last night.

    Bushido, with the exception of...five or six, I hope has certainly been a "nice" alliance to fight. I must compliment RoK on the fact that they have been enjoying this game the way it's supposed to be enjoyed: having fun and not resorting to vulgarities, bad yo mamma jokes, and such :D

    Aww, come on. Yo momma jokes are always funny... right? :)

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