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Silent Spectre

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Posts posted by Silent Spectre

  1. [quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1340594020' post='2994983']
    Says a traitor to Spartan law...

    That's laughable to the Nth degree DA. The only way Sparta can save any reputation is to remove Tulak and Adrian from power. They want to point fingers with no proof and what not that's fine on them... but its dragging the rest of Sparta down with them.

  2. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1320084170' post='2835820']
    PR =/= morality.

    PR is how the world perceives you. Morality is doing what is right. STA is as moral as they come, but has questionable PR because they have alienated many people in their moral stance. As with OBR, they are strong and moral, but they are considered all but neutral and, therefore, have negative PR.

    NSO is as immoral as it comes, but their "strategic withdrawals" and are [b]always[/b] for PR.

    Hey now, OBR doesnt have a negative PR... They are flat neutral.

  3. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1320082027' post='2835803']
    What the $%&@ are you talking about? You and your little coalition amassed more NS than Legion. You and your coalition are the incompetent party because most of it is gone and they now clearly and easily outnumber you when you had a head start.

    You are getting thrashed again but you still haven't learned. You still don't understand that the reason you always end up smashed is because you put yourself in the dumbest situations because you can't hold your tongue. And worse than that, people enjoy rolling you, so my guess is that until you learn you'll keep being victims of yourselves.

    UMB.. always classy!

    /me loves UMB

  4. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1320080192' post='2835784']
    To make it official, though, what % of a membership has to say this before it becomes official alliance policy?

    Well good point rush. I guess is NSO Gov was saying that they would do it on their own.. that seems to me like policy. If it was just a member, I could understand your point. TBH, idk who said it.

  5. Okay so then Legion should offer crazy reps and continue to beat on NSO even after Tetris accepts WP. Then, only then, should they offer a middle ground to NSO, and NSO would be foolish not to accept. In fact, forget that... just let Legion ZI NSO and really show CN how fail NSO is. Just my .02

    In all honesty, no one wants the cause of a global war to be LOLegion and N-Someone pay attention to me-O. People want GOD and NpO.... (understandably so).. dealing with his mini-drama is a waste of the puppet masters time and efforts. If you want a Global War... make the move. THIS is not it though I am afraid, and pushing this global would be unwise.

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