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Posts posted by smackpixi

  1. Debates like these all hinge on some abstract morality...much like in 1774 the height of honor in war was wearing a bright red shirt, standing in a line and shooting at the enemy 50 yards away...if you didn't do that, well you were a despicable dishonorable !@#$%^&...

    however, the dominate force in the world at that time chose to define that as the moral form of combat because that is what they were good at. Much like using nukes used to be taboo in CN...then one alliance came around and took the position that they would not only use nukes as a last resort defensively, not even just defensivly, they would first strike nuke in every war, even on offense. Thanks to them, it's now the standard.

    this debate basically is about who can you sanction. the only reason not to start a sanction war is cause, well, perhaps the enemy is in a better position politically to beat you at it...or cause the potential blowback on the moral front is worse than the gain (hence this debate). We all live in a world where the opinions of others, like this thread, matter.

    Yet, what is assumed to be moral and just and right is ALWAYS what supports the current dominate force. IT IS ALWAYS THAT WAY. Only minority rule tortures, and spies on it's citizen population. In this case, only a threatened power looks to open a new front in the war by sanctions. TOP is gonna lose by sheer force of MASSIVE ATTACK...depending on their end goal, fractioning into 300 one man alliances is a possible tactic...perhaps it would help them survive better, perhaps not...but it's an idea.

    just talking it up i guess. really there is no possible moral judgement in war. morality is a creation of civilization, and war is not civilized. i live by a set of principals in my daily life, in civilization, but the second my life is challenged, you point a gun at me, all bets are off and i will kick you in the nuts as a first tactic.

    That said, the whole point of my post was to lead up to a moral judgement on this discussion. It is immoral to open a new front on a war if you're winning. It is always moral to do such if you are losing. In this case, no, you can't sanction that dude.

  2. There were over 10k nations on the Karma side at one point. I'm pretty sure some of them were idiots...heck, I'd bet over 90% are idiots...but then, that's pretty much par for alliances imho. This being an OOC area, the idea that one side of this conflict is somehow "better" than the other is just ridiculous and anyone that thinks so is a freaking moron. In Character, yeah, this is my third time fighting NPO and having lost the first two, man I hate thoes !@#$%^&*. But seriously, OOC? Grow up dude.

  3. I am looking for two people interested. Deal works like this...I send you three million, you need to have a middleman to get me 50 tech within 48 hours. Will only work with people in reputable alliances who've been there over 30 days.

    Am looking for long term deals. Meaning, I keep sending you money every 10 days, you keep getting tech sent to me.

    Please contact me in game....



  4. Sorry, Floyd. We've got nothing personal against Fly or any other alliances involved in the war. We're just supporting our allies. Good luck to ya, Floyd. :wub:

    If only you had some allies as flipping cool as we do you could actually enjoy it. Fighting alongside MK makes me feel all tingly in the right places.

  5. LoSS really has no choice in this, sure they could have flipped a coin and joined a side but that would have been stupid. Much like GDA the only way the could honor all treaties would be divide into two halves and attack themselves.

    LoSS has more allies on one side than the other. They could have stood the coin on end and watched which way it fell. However, that said, it's the commentating public that make the war two sided. Really it is many sided, alliances that make specific declarations only activate the MDP treaties of thoes alliances. In practice there is a cascade effect, but really, in theory, it shouldn't be as dramatic. But, yeah, in practice, it becomes two sided. And the people that sit around and count the wars are mostly to blame for that.

    Lost in the Greater Conflict, is often that many alliances declare or attack alliances on "the other side" when they had no treaty obligation. It's just part of allocating reasources in a Great War....outside of one, it would be considered an act of aggression, w/o cause, and universally frowned upon.

    Ultimately it matters little. Power wins in this game. Right can..well take a seat over there on the right next to power and listen to what power tells it to do.

  6. i wake up every morning hoping someone has come up with a good excuse to drop hell from above on the half of WAPA I hate...and everytime i see it about to happen (previous) or happening (now) i just think, god, it's someone that has more of an vendetta against them than i do and no standards of having a good reason. in this case, maybe i'm missing something, but they attacked a 3 person alliance (with apparently a famous dude in it) and that's reason to kill them? since it's full on this time...you know, i shrug, but still seems a trumped up reason in the style WUT used to give for Fark. But, then, never a bad time to teach some one a lesson about not having enough allies....i guess.

  7. Lessons learned:

    CN has a large appetite for fake drama

    Don't attack Red

    WAPA has no friends

    Tech raiding is dangerous

    If it looks like someone is quitting the game and giving away all their resources, think for a moment who they are giving them too, and think if those recipients would mind if you took some of what they're gonna get.

    Anyone that knows me knows I've little love for WAPA anymore. Very few of you know me but I'll spare all the back story. Suffice to say, they can #@$%!ng blow me.

    WAPA has never been a gang of hard core thinkers. While they have no allies now, they will again someday as soon as someone needs 100 committed thugs on their side. While for a moment there i was excited and hopeful that they would be blasted out of the sky, truth be told, this was blown way out of proportion and we all know it. That some of them were hostile in the face of massive opposition shows they have balls, and are mostly comprised of stupid.

    The perspective of time...time being from when i first heard about this last night and drank my regular bottles and passed out till now...lets me look at this from a more rational perspective. WAPA owes some reps. Their victim, having created a spectacle, will probably get way more than he deserves. However....

    It's in the interest of all nations and alliances to see that they don't pay the ridiculous amounts demanded. One, or in this case two, retarded raiders should never be cause for the end of an alliance. We all know how hard it is to control everyone and while sometimes you will happily cast them off for ignoring your teachings, sometimes you want to keep them. The two WAPA guys in question here should have known better. For reps, yes, for as much as you can get depending on the size of your support, yes and that is the obvious goal of this thread. Still, we should never forget.....AGGRESSIVE TECH RAIDERS FILL A NECESSARY ROLE...they are the ones that make everyone's alliance possible. Few new members would join you if they didn't need the support you provide in a crazy violent world. Yeah, the great comraderie and teachings you offer are all nice you master Jedi, but really, if there wasn't a giant stick out here, why would anyone care about your carrots.

    While WAPA may not be top of your love list, the hatred shown here is way out of proportion to the crime. Does their behavior in response coupled with the crime show more evidence of a pattern of behaviour, who knows, that's your choice, but this, this was a minor crime and we all know it.

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