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Posts posted by Ditocoaf

  1. Yeah... I was just a regular member, hanging out in IRC one time... Gonzo was drunk, and making a mess out of a discussion that was supposed to be a treaty talk. I started to step in, and he slowly eased out of the conversation, and I managed to prevent a war. After that, I was named "Mouth of the King" for some reason. So it was my job to "speak for him", which meant it was my job to clean up messes, but I wasn't allowed to make any decisions. Which I did as well as I could, until the whole incident with the ujw bandwagon, where ro, woot, and I had to choose between a coup and the destruction of the alliance... which is when he swore at me in his famous post that got him banned during the three days after the surrender.

    OFS isn't proud of it's mistakes, but we own up to them.

  2. Woot abondoned you?

    Yeah, woot abandoned us, but I don't hold it against him. After the whole craziness where we coup'd gonzo, he said he was leaving CN, but then he just turned up in GATO again. I can understand why he wanted to abandon ship at the time, though.

    I'll change that to "left", though, for the sake of respect for those people.

  3. Being gone for the past few weeks, I never really knew what was going on inside OFS. All I could see was the courtyard, so everything seemed normal, until one day I logged on and saw... a thread about the end of OFS.

    I have just been remasked to view the ruins of our forum... it's quite depressing. I can dig through the rubble, and piece together the history of this last week. What I have been surprised at most was the number of members, usually silent or in the background, who stepped up during this time of catastrophe. I'm seeing faces that I thought, when I was here, were only interested in spamming, and I'm even seeing some unfamiliar names with custom OFS loyalty signatures... It makes me wonder... if we had utilized all this energy, instead of ignoring it, perhaps OFS could have had a chance. It has felt like a weak alliance for a while now, with only a few active government at any one time. But we have had an flowing pool of amazing members all this time, ready to step up and help. If only we had known...

    I'll miss you OFS... I'll miss you. When I left, I was prevented from missing the alliance because I always thought it was here to come back to. Now I'm beginning to realize that this alliance meant more to me than I ever thought it did. I look back on the old days, when everyone was so full of hope... one by one, the founding members left, but still we managed to pull through. A month or two after Gonzo's disappearance, the place began to feel hopeful again... we were in the renaissance, recovering quickly from a bad image. Then the acceleration gradually lessened, and we started a slow decay... not even noticeable at first, but eventually wearing away at our spirit. Our member count seemed stagnant, and the remaining government seemed too weary to revitalize and hire more members. Nobody wanted to kick out the MIA officials, so we sat. And eventually, the boredom led to mistakes, and the mistakes led to an even worse feeling of inevitable decay. The alliance felt like a sinking ship. Even though it wasn't too late to save it, the effort involved and the time necessary felt like too much. One by one, the members active enough to notice, jumped out. Finally, there was only enough activity to officially declare disbandment. The spirit of OFS lives on, however, in #oofs, and I hope to be able to continue visiting there over the coming months...

    /o OFS

    to those who have been our imperfect, yet perfect, leadership:

    /o ro

    /o roy

    /o claud

    to those who left us, but were nevertheless an important part of our history:

    /o Wootmiester

    /o Kraco

    /o EJ

    /o Shinigami

    /o Craven

    especially to those active members who are the lifeblood of an alliance:

    /o Kenneniah

    /o Windgriffin

    /o Caoim

    /o Sir Hobo

    /o kickennn

    /o odins wrath

    /o Katinooth

    /o Elexander Beoulve

    /o Darth Blitzer

    /o Tomzilla

    /o Empire

    /o Bender

    /o anyone important I've probably forgotten...

    yes, even

    /o Gonzoczar

    /o Chytog

    Now let's pass around the ice cream... ;)

  4. sorry, this is my last post.

    It was a war, though separate from the 1V war, and they surrendered. The terms are real, and about the most we could conceivable enforce at the given time. If OFS really thinks we can't, we will be happy to show them otherwise.

    I'm no longer part of OFS, so don't hold what I say against them. You're one of the GATOnians that I respect; I didn't mean anything disparaging against you in my comments.

    My point is only that our surrender to GATO isn't because we lost a fight--it's because we're admitting you're correct. The surrender was to stop the war before it involved our members, who didn't desire a war, especially not one on silly pretenses. So while technically it was a war, and technically it was a surrender, neither term implies the usual.

  5. "lulz-hunters" are made out of bricks? But seriously, you might as well be. Nobody is buying your lame excuses for why this doesn't really count, how OFS didn't really surrender, how GATO didn't really win, how nobody was really at war, etc. It just won't work.

    Just sticking up for my old buddies. I realize it won't work... but I had to try. There's a few reasons I left CN, and the fact that the community seems to replace logic with "U FAIL" is one of them.

    Well, I'm going to bed now. I suppose this is my last visit to these forums, so farewell.



    Thats..incredible. You surrended to an alliance incapable of enforcing its terms. upon you.

    sigh... in case you haven't noticed, there are no real terms. For instance, the "three nuke limit" is equal to the number of nukes OFS has anyway.

    I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall... a wall made out of lulz-hunters.

  7. OFS hands down.

    they surrendered to an alliance who right now is at the buisness end of a famous CN gang bang

    I think this is the first time in CN history that the alliance that is going to end up surrendering forces the first surrender. I cant really think of any other times.....

    I don't think OFS's surrender really counts in regards to GATO's war with One Vision. OFS wasn't a part of that at all, and weren't even technically at war. A few nations were fighting, and then OFS admitted fault for the issue--because OFS was at fault, and knows how to live up to its actions. I hardly think it counts as a victory for GATO.

  8. Seriously, how could you lose when you're :

    1. Gangbanging a target who cannot defend itself

    2. Fighting GATO.

    3. Fighting on the same side as the Orders (even though you weren't invited nor welcome).

    It wasn't a war, and they didn't lose. Laugh all you want, but you're still wrong.

  9. They could have easily backed out and let others fill in their slots. No, actually surrendering to GATO invalidates everything you said.

    OFS admits its mistakes. Just because GATO was in no position to fight OFS, doesn't mean that they should just pretend that they're right. Some alliances (that I won't name) like to take the view that they will never admit fault if they don't have to, and will always force the ridicule on whomever they can. OFS accepts the world how it is, and takes responsibility for their actions. This is rare, I salute them for that.

  10. You still OPENLY surrendered to GATO, an alliance incapable of even enforcing terms on you. What am I missing other than your complete lack of self-respect?

    "You" is incorrect here, as I retired recently and my nation is on its way to an end in two days.

    What you're missing is that it was only technically a surrender. The terms, if you notice, will have no impact on OFS--it will be essentially peacetime anyway. The limit is 3 nukes, which happens to be how many nukes OFS has. The entire point of the surrender was to make it official that we stopped fighting. OFS was on the "surrendering" side, because the accidental fighting was their fault, and they were admitting to it. If we were looking for war, we would have fought; GATO on the other hand was already geared up for war, and wouldn't have minded adding on a small alliance to its list.

    OFS did not display a lack of self-respect, in fact, it took balls to admit it was wrong, and it did what was best for its member nations.

  11. OFS was never supposed to be at war in the first place. Only a few nations from each alliance were fighting. They ended the issue, in the first way possible. It had nothing to do with either alliance's ability to fight.

    If people would pay attention to the actual issue, instead of jumping at the first possible lulz, they might see the issue more clearly.

  12. I don't know how many of you know me, but I figure there's some, so I'm posting this here to make it official and all that. Adios!

    Whereas I have come to care way too much about something that has absolutely no importance, whereas I am uncomfortable with the idea of feeling responsible to a computer game, whereas real life duties have started to suffer for the sake of my fun, and whereas I desire to live my life to the fullest as I leave high school and enter college; despite the great time I have had here, despite my earnest desire to see OFS grow, and despite wonderful bonds I have made here with amazing people (who are real, unlike the game itself); I hereby take my leave of Cybernations.

    I intend to hang out on IRC when I can, and hope I don't have to break my ties with the people; however, I don't want to continue feel as if failure to do so would be irresponsible, when in fact it is the opposite. Hope to see you around.

  13. As a high-ranking member of the OP's alliance, I would like to see if I can request a lock on this thread.

    Even if I don't have that power, it's probably reasonable to lock it anyway. It's a DoW for a war that's been over for a day; I don't think we need to see it anymore.

  14. I have a fair amount of confidence in OFS' leadership. I know they all remember the lessons learned from the bad policies of the Gonzo era, and have learned from it. I am sure the Loyal will also learn their lesson well. Congrats on peace, and good luck :)

    We call them "the Dark Ages" now. ;)

    And I sincerely hope that in the future, a prosperous and respectable TL will look back on the recent future as their own "dark ages." After all, we too had to get the sh.. beat out of us before we learned what's what. :P

  15. If certain GATO members consider us far too beneath them to be worth discussing, I would request that they not discuss us. However, rest assured that I don't assume all of GATO holds the opinion that these people do. I know GATO members that are much more mature, and it is only my hope that this sort of attitude from GATOnians will expire in the same way that our old ways did.

  16. The OWF is the Over World Forum; part of these forums. When someone says OWF, it sometimes refers to both this forum, and its parent forum; sometimes it just means the parent.

    And I really recommend you start using punctuation and capitalization while posting publicly. It makes it easier for everyone else to read, and it makes your post look more intelligent.

  17. This thread seems to be gravedug, as this war is no longer in existence, but I do want to say something about Omni.

    While he may be almost as inexperienced as the rest of his alliance, I've seen that he is much, much smarter. I hope the alliance does well with his leadership.

  18. so what where the terms.?

    I personally would be more than willing to post them here, but I'd have to check with our queen or king first for authorization. But I can assure you that they are more generous than the vast majority of surrender terms offered in this game.

  19. We're not going to destroy them. The war's only lasted a day, and already we're offering TL pretty mild surrender terms, mostly emphasizing that they become a protectorate (not ours), because they obviously need some guidance. We're not even going to ZI anybody; we just ask that some step down from office, even temporarily. All in all, we realize that TL isn't completely mean-spirited, just incredibly stupid. See my "lava pool" analogy above for an explanation as to why they deserved a punch in the face.

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