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King Phil II

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Posts posted by King Phil II

  1. What a weird topic :blink:

    Allience exists, 3 members of gov decide to leave, then tell everyone else in the alliance that the alliance doesn't exist anymore... have I got this right? Why not just say you want to leave and let some f the other members take over control of the alliance, you don't have to shaft everyone there just because you don't want to be in UCN anymore.

    and if you are going to disband, then at the very least tell your members before you tell the rest of the CN world, it is only polite, and gives them a chance to find new homes BEFORE they are left to fend for themselves.

  2. [quote name='Jace Couture' date='24 March 2010 - 01:03 AM' timestamp='1269392615' post='2234675']
    Njebite have a tendency to get utterly smashed at such events. Nothing like the Soronian populace who know the concept of moderation.

    But, we'll be there for the party, sounds like it's a blast waiting to happen. Expected this from Blue, and especially from TFD those smexy guys there.

    .... have you just thrown a party in our name without asking us first... :o:frantic::frantic::frantic:

    still, great idea, beach party at TFD!

  3. [center][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/e/ed/TFD_flag.png[/img]

    [b]Better late than never! Happy 3rd Birthday TFD![/b][/center]

    With all the turmoil of the last few months, many of us have been quite preoccupied. After sifting through the rubble of war, we found a birth certificate with our name on it! Suddenly it dawned on us that we over at The Foreign Division have almost let a most joyous occasion slip by unheralded. All that radioactive waste from the nukes must have given us some memory loss, thus, without further delay, it is my pleasure as TFD's oldest surviving member to wish our alliance a happy belated birthday!

    That’s right, TFD turned three years old on February 21st! How time does fly. There was never any guarantee of success all those years ago, when our founder, Tamurin, declared TFD’s existence to the world. We brought the promise of a place for second chances and new beginnings, a place for the past to be forgiven and a new future forged. It is a promise we strive to keep every day.

    We’ve had our trials, but TFD's stride has never faltered and remains strong. We owe our continued success to the many friends we’ve made in our journey, and to the hard work, dedication, and loyalty of our wonderful membership. Truly TFD is a community of friends first and foremost, and we are so happy we’ve had the opportunity meet so many great people over the years.

    As we move into our fourth year, everyone in TFD is optimistic that this will be our best year yet! As we seek to honour our founders, yet continue to grow and adapt to a changing world, we hope that we can continue to rely on what has always been a source of strength: our dear allies and valued members. We invite Planet Bob to share our joy in having spent another great year as a vibrant member of CyberNations community.

    We would like to take this opportunity now to honour some of our dearest friends, as they have done so much for us these past months.

    The Senate of The Foreign Division awards the medal/title “Friend of The Foreign Division” to the following people:
    Agnu of Nevermore
    Anubis of Nevermore
    BritishDude of The Smurf Village
    Jelly Doughnut of Christian Coalition of Countries
    Kzoppistan of Zenith
    Lord Damien of North Atlantic Defense Coalition
    Nelchael of Nueva Vida
    SupremePrince of New Polar Order
    Tank Killer of North Atlantic Defense Coalition
    Zion of Christian Coalition of Countries
    Feel free to wear this ribbon with pride. :)

    We also award the medal/title “Good Soul of The Foreign Division” to the following, for being an active member of our forum and game community for so long, and contributing greatly to our off-topic ramblings:
    Pete of Old Guard

    Finally, we award the medal/title “Most Honourable Friend of The Foreign Division” to the following people:
    Duncan King of Zenith
    Hizzy of Nueva Vida
    Raasaa of Nueva Vida

    You all have been such dear friends that we needed to create a new medal to avoid redundant awards!

    Finally, we’d like to thank the rest of our allies, who have been so good to us of late. Our blood brothers in NATO, you know that you’re always at the top of our mind. What more can be said about TFD and NATO? We’re so thankful that we found such a great friend so early on in our CN journey.

    To everyone in the Peace and Love Train, we’re honoured to be part of such an amazing group of alliances; together, let’s make 2010 something to remember.

    We cannot thank the fine folks over at Nueva Vida enough for all they’ve done for us during the war. It’s always a good day when Nueva Vida’s got your back.

    Everyone else, stay classy.

    With that, TFD thanks your for your patience in reading our announcement, and hope you all enjoy the obligatory birthday pie. o/ Three years of TFD! Let’s make it three more!


  4. [quote name='Duncan King' date='15 February 2010 - 05:32 PM' timestamp='1266255135' post='2183125']
    LOL, I'm down 600 million dollars, 10000 land, 8000 infra, and 1000 tech and I'm not surrendering.

    Michael Collins always seemed cool, it's really shocking that he'd surrender.

    dude, I have yet to see a report showing a WAPA nation of any size with anything approaching 600M dollers...

  5. [quote name='Nelchael' date='13 February 2010 - 10:24 AM' timestamp='1266056642' post='2179063']
    In TFD's defense, they also declared on WAPA. Not that I approve of THAT attack either, but that's not slim pickings or an expected easy target.

    To be honest,they didn't turn out to exactly be a difficult target... (although kudos to them for sticking it out, they mostly been decent guys apart from 1 or 2 so far)

    anyway good luck on the battlefield :)

  6. [quote name='Burnsey' date='07 February 2010 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1265501152' post='2165415']
    If I recall correctly, TFD surrendered, I beleive WAPA did not surrender. Nice try though.

    [quote name='ChimpMasterFlash' date='07 February 2010 - 12:06 AM' timestamp='1265501174' post='2165418']
    didn't you guys surrender to Wapa in Karma?

    /ooc Voting this Irony quote of the year for 2010
    I believe we were handling you guys fine, then surrendered when FOK jumped on the bandwagon too.

    anyway, good luck to all of us :) may your wars be strong and your scots be bloodied.

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