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Michael McBride

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Posts posted by Michael McBride

  1. "Five minutes to landing. Everyone please strap in." The Irish accent was unmistakable. Michael McBride remained standing. This was the only plane capable of trans-Atlantic travel the Irish Resistance was able to get their hands on, and it was packed to the brim with one hundred of his most elite fighters, all armed to the teeth. Michael didn't know much of what to expect when he arrived in what used to be Pravus Ingruo, but he wasn't going to be caught by surprise.

    "Four minutes to Hero City International." Out the window, Michael could see the Hero City, could see Long Island, could see the barrenness that the country had turned a made the island. Once a wealthy residential area, Long Island had been turned into one of the most impenetrable military facilities in the world. But not anymore. Still, Michael knew if he was going to find the people he was looking for, they would be out there.

    The plane bounced slightly when it landed. Once it slowed, it taxied to a hanger at the far end of the airport, away from all prying eyes in the terminal. In the hanger, a semi-truck and a number of smaller vehicles awaited. The men filed off the plane and into the waiting vehicles silently. They knew their mission: find the old leaders of Pravus Ingruo.

    The full group drove out onto Long Island, leaving the Hero City in the background. Michael led the way. There was only one logical place to go.

  2. [quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1335972966' post='2962297']
    OOC: JED- it has always been map claim in map thread first THEN having IC posting to back it up- you have the IC post to back it up but you did not fulfill the other condition.

    OOC: Uh, no, actually. It's always been quite the reverse. You need the IC claim for a map claim to hold any validity. An IC claim can be made without it being made in the map thread. The map thread is OOC, this is IC. The map thread, technically, has no authority. JED and Californian have much more IC claim than you do. A map claim means nothing.


    Michael McBride watched the television intently. The turmoil going on so close to his home nation was interesting. He got up. He had to pack, his flight left in an hour.

  3. [b]Dublin[/b]

    "Alright lads, what are we looking at?" Michael bent over a map of Ireland, his eyes squinting at the map. Most was occupied by the Union of Ireland, but there were three other spots open that could be open to the revolution.

    "Wexford, Cork, and Limerick." One of his aides saw him looking at the map, naming the areas still open. "All separated by the cowards who call themselves the union." Michael stood and straightened his suit.

    "Give me three fishing boats, and prepare them for the journey. We'll have them skim around the coast, posing as simple fisherman with crews of no more than eight. If they are stopped, tell them to explain they are bringing a catch to whatever market assigned to them, and then to continue on. At no point are they to endanger their lives. We aren't nearly ready for an armed conflict yet." Two of the men nodded and left the room as Michael turned to the others.

    "How are we coming in terms of armament. The Union and the English seem to have left us alone for the moment, but we are only a single county. I sincerely doubt that will last." Those around the room nodded in agreement.

    "We've begun the process of acquiring enough AK-47 rifles for our entire standing force of 1,500. Vehicles... well, slap some extra metal inside a door and mount a machine gun on it and you're basically looking at our mobile force right now. Zero air or sea assets, save for some fishing boats. We're continuing to build IEDs to prepare. We're making the dynamite go a long way."

    "Good. Keep me posted. I wanted to bring Wexford, Cork, and Limerick into the fold as soon as possible. With the larger cities on our side, we will have a population base to begin to take our country back."

  4. Yeah, I'm back. That vacation didn't last very long. Starting out small because my old nation is gone. So, question to all (since I really have not been paying attention at all for like 2 months) who is Ireland, Ulster, Scotland, Northumbria, Wales, England, Cornwall, and France. This corner of the world is very, very crowded. I like it.

  5. [i][b]Six months earlier...[/b][/i]

    The explosion rocked Michael's body, sending him flying over the car and hitting the wall of the pub. As his breath rushed out of him in an angry wave, he coughed. His chest heaved as he tried to look through the gritty smoke, tried to focus through the ringing in his ears, and tried to draw a full breath. Nothing really worked.

    That explosion had been more then he had anticipated. Much more. Obviously she was playing with explosives again. Always wanting a show. Michael didn't know if she had seen his picture, heard the man say his real name. But the man and the picture of him in Syracuse were gone. His real name and cover might be safe, for the moment, but they wouldn't be for long. Someone knew. Someone had told the locals. And he had to get out of the country.

    Finally pushing himself to his feet, Michael staggered down the street. Onlookers started to come out of the shops as a gunshot rang out. Screaming, the civilians ducked for cover. Michael started running. More shots rang out. As he looked up, he saw a black car heading towards him, speeding. He moved to the side as a window open. With nowhere to run, he figured this was it. But then he saw her. A look in her eyes told him to run as the car sped towards the gunshots. Another car on the street exploded and her car drove through the fireball. He didn't stay to see what happened next.

    Ducking down a back alley, still running, he dialed a memorized number into his phone. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. On the fourth ring, the other end finally picked up.

    "Howard, what the hell took you so long. I need my ticket out, ASAP."

    "I can't do that, Michael."

    "You don't understand, Howard. It's done. I got burned. I need to get out of here, now."

    "I can't do that, Michael." Michael stopped, hitting the wall of a building with his open palm.

    "Damnit, now it not the time to play around with me, Howard. I need my ticket out."

    "No one can do that for you, Michael. The country is gone. We're destroying everything as we speak. Hopefully your issue is local. I'm sorry, son. There's nothing I can do. You're on your own now, McBride." The phone hung up. Gunshots could still be heard, but now sirens joined them. Michael ran.

    [i][b]Present Day...[/b][/i]

    "What does a man do when before his eyes, he sees the vision of a new hope dawning on his toiling, agonizing brothers? What does a man do, when at last he is realizes that his suffering is caused not by cruelty of fate, but by the injustice of his fellow human being? What does a man do when he sees those dear to him starving, when he himself is starved? What does he do? What does he do?" A cheer rose up through the Dublin pub.


    Michael stood at the podium, his hair longer now, more unkempt. His salt and pepper beard and glasses made him look older, and it would take more than just a mere glance to recognize the man who had been burned by a local criminal organization. For three months, he had been on the run, through many parts of Ireland, but for the past three he had been back in Dublin without much of a peep from his past dealings. Now he was here, making a speech in front of a large group of Irish dissidents. They saw Dublin as free for their taking, without a strong central government presence in the city. They saw the former capital of the nation the centerpiece of their resistance movement.

    "He rises up! He takes charge! He moves as one with his brothers against the powers that be! But he does not sit still and allow a dysfunctional and oppressive government hold sway over him. He usurps them and marches forward into a new era of prosperity, a new era of justice, and a new era of freedom!"

    The crowd cheered again as the strains of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8vDotWLfeE&feature=related"]"God Save Ireland"[/url] began. It was the unofficial anthem of the resistance, and the chorus nearly broke the rafters. Michael smiled. This wasn't what he had set out to do when he got to Ireland, but it was becoming what he was meant to do. And his Irish accent was coming along quite well.
    International Statement[/b]
    Nations of the World,

    The County Dublin of the Province Leinster hereby declares its independence this day. We declare this independence with a pledge of freedom for all Irishmen, a pledge of freedom for all peoples of the world. We pledge our undying love for our Isle, and a hope to one day see her reunified under one banner. We, the Irish Resistance, are that hope. As one people, with one goal, being of sound mind and body, we embark on this righteous and important journey.

    The Irish Resistance has designated Michael McBride as its first Taoiseach. All foreign diplomatic communiqués can be directed to his office.

    Michael McBride

  6. Well look at this. I guess I just missed you all too damn much. I'm back, and in the process of getting my forum name changed since my old nation is gone. That should be up soon. However, I'll snag the white land around Dublin, Ireland if you please. Please label it "The Irish Resistance" or TIR for short on the map (it is a little small). Thanks.

    EDIT: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110611"]Thread Here.[/url]

  7. This is something I thought I'd never post. There were times playing this game where I honestly thought I'd outlast CNRP, that this game as a whole would die before I was ready to done playing. Unfortunately, my time has come. I can no longer be a productive member of this community, as my recent activity has shown. Real life jobs, getting engaged, working the overnight shift, and other things have put serious constraints on my time. Unfortunately I just simply do not have time for CNRP anymore. I'm planning on letting my IG nation expire, so if I came back it would be under another name. But that's a pretty big if.

    I've been here a long time. I've seen good players come and go. I've seen bad players come and go. But I've truly enjoyed my time here, thanks to the characters I've written about and the players I've written with.

    I hate to single anyone out, but thank you Sarah. Thank you for everything. I still feel the Louis/Sarah storyline was one of the greatest this game has ever seen. I sincerely hope our paths cross at some point in real life, though I doubt we'd know it. But thank you again.

    So, everyone, so long. Thanks for all the fish. Catch you on the flip side.

    Michael, Louis, Tom, David, Thomas, and Alice... I hope I did you all justice. I think I'll miss all of you most of all.

  8. [quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1331162356' post='2935237']
    [center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Dispatch[/size][/b]


    With the apparent dissolution and collapse of Canada, the Confederation of Greater New England hereby annexes New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island into Greater New England, given our unique and similar cultures, these annexations are only logical and these two provinces are to be granted emergency statehood pursuant with GNE sovereignty legal procedures. The standing governors and any legislative bodies that are sitting now are to be kept until elections can be arranged for the new states. Pursuant with the request by the Bloc Quebecois, the nationalist sovereignty party that has assumed leadership over Quebec, Greater New England will gladly assume a state of protection over the former Canadian province. All sitting municipal and government leaders are to be kept until further notice, and a military governor will be appointed to command all units that are dispatched to ensure the protection and sovereignty of the people of Quebec, we see the Quebecois French as neighbors and partners in culture and historical experiences, we will stand ready to protect them of any external threat.

    On an unrelated note, as per regional requests for peacekeeping and protection forces, the Armed Services of Greater New England are hereby ordered to begin sovereignty assurance operations into Western Canada, these sovereignty assurance operations will extend to the following former Canadian provinces; Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, and Alberta. We call upon the [b]EMPIRE OF PRAVUS INGRUO[/b] to dispatch military forces for similar peacekeeping operations in these regions, working alongside ASGNE Forces in ensuring the protection of Canadian citizenry. At this time, we cannot dispatch our forces into the Yukon and British Columbia due to the obvious aggressive military operations that have been opened against these two provinces. We hereby request for local police forces to ensure local law and order and remaining Canadian military forces to stand down and only engage in constabulary operations unless fired upon.

    On a further note, we [i]urgently[/i] request the presence of delegations from the [b]Northern Imperium[/b], [b]Chancellery of Cyrantia[/b], [b]Marscurian Siberia[/b], [b]Tianxia[/b], the [b]Empire of Pravus Ingruo[/b], and the [b]Californian Republic[/b] at an emergency summit in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to discuss the future of North America through diplomatic means. We also urgently request that all offensive operations end against former Canadian military forces, and constabulary operations to protect citizenry in occupied territory begin in the Yukon and British Columbia until this mess is settled.


    Martin Gibbs
    President of Greater New England
    Ranking Member of the Honorable Parliament[/i]

    [b][OOC: Actions to come][/b]

    The highest number of immediate forces the Empire can deploy to the region is 9,000 Marines stationed at IMB:CP off the British Columbian coast. Further reinforcements will take time to move into the region, say nothing for the logistics of getting them across Canada.

    The Empire will dispatch a representative to the summit in Halifax immediately.

    (OOC: Recommend putting it in a different thread. It's gonna get lost in here)

  9. The Imperial 3rd Fleet, stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, would move into the Gulf of Mexico to provide support for any peacekeeping efforts. 3,000 Marines attached to the fleet would also be made available for humanitarian purposes.

  10. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1329136302' post='2919485']
    Respectfully, you seem to be pretty one sided on this. Perhaps I'm ignorant to this, but I have never seen a spyroll that has not succeeded if it was said to succeed. Further, TBM posted a few sentences and then you said you agreed with him. Shammy has allowed people to change their RP in order to suffice to a different situation, so saying that it is suddenly not allowed is foul play. Perhaps the six of us should talk on IRC this afternoon and talk about this since we can't solve it here and this thread is getting huge.

    Simply because a spy roll succeeds does not mean an RP automatically succeeds. If the spy roll succeeds, and the person RP's out the following action in a way that makes it very easy to catch them, the spy roll can fail. That's always been the rule.

  11. The Empire has noticed a significant lack of communication from the government of Cuba. Our diplomatic team in Havana was unable to locate a single national government official, although local municipalities were still carrying on as usual. With this discovery, soldiers from Guantanamo Bay have been deployed to ensure security will remain at optimal efficiency during this transitional period. For the people of Cuba, very little will change except the flag overhead.

    The Empire once again declares Cuba an Imperial Protectorate.

  12. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326464966' post='2898769']
    "Gallifrey is confused on what you are yelling about the argument ended a while ago, and insulting is just as much a sign of immaturity as arguing is."

    "The discussion was still going on when I ended it. Now, you, of all nations, for one talking about yourself in the third person, are going to lecture us on maturity when it was your immaturity that really started this whole mess to begin with? Quite humorous."

  13. "Enough!" The usually slower Texas drawl of Vizier Church's voice was instead sharp, cutting through the din of the arguing delegates without a microphone. He stood once it was silent, slowly, making sure that the eyes of all the delegates were on him. "Can you hear yourselves? Squabbling like children. It's no wonder foreigners think they can colonize our shores, look at you. This is what I would expect out of a high school debate team, not world leaders." Church slowly walked up to the front of the room and stood behind the main podium.

    "For decades this building housed some of the greatest diplomatic minds of history. Wars began here, peace treaties were brokered here. If these walls could cry, they would weep massive tears at what they have seen here today." Church paused for a moment before continuing.

    "Do you even realize what you are bickering over? Nothing. You are bickering over nothingness. Some think a treaty proposed is too specific. Well guess what? A treaty talking about defense may be too specific for other nations. So that's why, as diplomats, but more so as people who I can all reasonably assume are over the age of 12, we talk. We come to a common ground, a common understanding, but in no way to we devolve into what we have seen here."

    "American sovereignty is important, yes. In fact, it is the most important thing we have. The sovereignty of our nations and our people are the most important thing that any of us have, more than our pride, more than our egos, more than our oil. Therefore, this is what I propose..."

    "All nations here should, I feel, sign a document with a very simple pledge: that we will do what is in our power to preserve American sovereignty. For some, that may be taking up arms. For some that may be economic sanctions. For some that may be lower tariffs among other American nations to keep their costs lower and improve the quality of life for those in other American nations. Whatever it may be. The point is, what those actions are are not dictated by that document, but unify us at the same time."

    "Now, if some nations want to sign an "American MDP" or this ATOPEN, so be it. Nations can make those choices. But let's set aside the bickering, set aside these conflicting proposals which are really cropping up only due to ego and the fact that some are upset that others are dominating the conversation instead of them, and work towards what our common goals are, instead of worrying about what they aren't."

    "And one final thing: anyone else threatens to leave as a means to try and advance discussion again, I'll have security remove you. Threats are not any way to advance a forum of this type. You don't want to be here, there's the door. Feel free to use it. And if you don't like the rules then, as my father used to tell me, get the hell out of my house."

    "Now, with that out of the way, hopefully this can return to a more fruitful discussion."

  14. Secretary of Foreign Affairs Xavier Solomon shifted uncomfortably in his seat. This was very quickly turning into a discussion against the Empire's allies. Perhaps these newer nations hadn't checked the treaty web lately, but the Empire was allied to all three of the nations they were currently bashing as imperialistic. Vizier Church noticed his colleague's shift and leaned over, making sure to keep his voice low so that only Solomon could hear.

    "Relax, Xavier. This whole meeting is being recorded. Afterwards we can simply forward a copy to our allies if things get too heated. There's nothing to pin on us that violates any treaties."

    "Are you sure, Leonard? They're talking some pretty serious stuff."

    "Positive." As the next speaker finished, Vizier Church stood at his microphone.

    "Esteemed delegates, it pains me to hear some of the talk that has been going on here today. Yes, the colonization of the Americas is an atrocity that should no longer happen, but grandstanding with speeches and ultimatums will not solve anything. In years past, there has been a policy of America for Americans, and it was our own Potentate's father who was a part of it. That policy was a colossal failure. It encouraged our adversaries to challenge the policy whenever and however they could, continually needling our nations, until we were backed into a trap. That trap resulted in the downfall of a number of nations and the end of the policy of America for Americans. I fear that pressing for ultimatums again would only have the same effect. Should a power such as the Horde, or Athens, or France decide to test this policy, how many of you would stand against them? How many of you would be [i]able[/i] to stand against them? There are precious few nations here who are currently able to uphold such a proclamation, and the burden would fall unevenly on our shoulders. The Empire will sign no such document including an ultimatum to foreign nations to end their colonies. The problems and follies of the past shall not be repeated in the present."

    "On the issue of economic cooperation, including oil cooperation, the Empire approves of the idea and looks forward to hearing specifics. Companies based within the Empire, many of them subsidiaries of MediaCorp., own 95% of the offshore oil wells along the Gulf states, excluding Texas, and up the eastern seaboard, making the Empire on of the largest oil producing nations in the Americas. We would be happy to hear the ideas presented for a American Conglomerate of Oil Producing Nations, a ACOPN, if you will."

  15. Potentate Harland walked out, smiling, and tapped the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed delegates, if you could please take your seats, we can gets started." Jacob would wait for the bustle to die down and a nod from Vizier Church before continuing. "Let me just say that this is a great honor for me and my nation to have all of you here. The fact that this many nations can exist on one continent and come together in such a way is a truly magnificent accomplishment. And while not all of our nations may agree with each other, or see eye to eye, or be friendly with one another, we can all at least be amicable. I hope that spirit continues throughout the forum today, no matter what happens. We have all been through a lot recently, and this nation has seen it all. When Pravus Ingruo was founded, there was a United States of America. There was a Viniland. There was a Republic of Tahoe. There was a Republic of War. There was a Holy American Empire. Since then all those nations have fallen by the wayside. Every last one, be it through anarchy, war, or civil tensions from within. But this nation, this nation has remained. Our borders have changed, our leaders have changed, but this nation has endured. And it is my hope that generations from now, many of our descendents will be able to get together and meet together, because our nations will have continued to endure. As Americans. The floor is now open. Thank you." With a slight incline of his head, the Potentate walked out of the room. Church and Solomon would handle things from here.

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