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Posts posted by Slayer99

  1. I do agree with you there. Even if not bringing allies in usually isn't the norm these days, with the long history between TPF & NPO; I think NPO can take on an alliance the size of TPF out respect for their long service before getting rolled in the last war. I remember seeing TPF's unwavering loyalty after the Karma War, as most of NPO's allies had left them; TPF kept fighting for them.


    I'm speaking for myself here and not my current alliance (where I'm just a member).


    I was not involved in TPF government since I returned to Planet Bob last year, so I can't imagine what circumstances could have possibly led TPF to be openly attacked by NPO.  We didn't spy on them, we didn't speak ill of them.  Other than our alliance to MI6, what sort of enmity could have existed that would have led NPO to attack an alliance that stood by them so fervently.  


    As just a nation in the alliance I founded I guess I've had a couple of questions.  First, NPO has always been a master of realpolitik.  I can't think of what goal it could have accomplished in attacking TPF as anyone else could have openly attacked TPF the last war.  Not attacking TPF would have left the door open to TPF coming back into the NPO fold.  Instead, we get this...the death cry of an alliance.  Secondly, if NPO would turn so easily on a long-time and loyal ally like TPF, is any alliance on Planet Bob really safe?  I guess if you question the master privately and make some of your own decisions as TPF did in allying with MI6, you should be prepared to face the boot with little warning (and preemptively no less)...irrespective of any historical and longtime loyalty...because it's apparent that loyalty flows in only one direction...to the master. 


     NPO is more untouchable now than in any time in its history.  They're allied to 3 of the top 5 alliances and 5 of the top 10.  I guess they can do whatever they'd like and not have to face any consequences.

  2. TimLee caved into the pressure of the other TPF government members. They framed him for something he never did so he had no choice but to leave the alliance. I think it will be fair for all parties if TimLee becomes the viceroy of TPF.


    That is not the case.  He was not framed.  He was asked to step aside due to inactivity.  He was very inactive (in fact, he was a day away from enacting a section of the charter which specified a Triumvir could be replaced due to inactivity when he logged in again).  The inactivity made decision-making nearly impossible.


    Did he have misgivings after stepping down?  Certainly...but Timlee was also a teenage kid at the time and I can't really blame him.  Hence his meltdown on the OWF.  We made peace and he rejoined TPF.


    Feel free to rewrite history if you choose...but what you are saying is untrue.

  3. As I've said elsewhere....  It was NPOs prerogative to drop our treaty and they did so.  Which is rather amusing in light of the fact they had no issue treatying alliances we weren't friendly to.  But once the lap dog treaties someone they don't like, look out.  


    Where I think TPF takes issue is that after years of blind loyalty...and mere months of cancellation of a treaty...of all the alliances to attack us in this war, Pacifica attacked us?  Pacifica can spin it however they'd like...but the bottom line is if it could happen to their once most loyal ally, who is next?


    It's kinda you that doesn't get it.  NPO has left a bloody trail of former allies behind them through Planet Bob history since almost the beginning.  The question isn't "why would we want to burn for that?", the question is why did TPF think they would be treated any different than anyone previous?  When NPO is done for you, expect a shallow grave.


    That's true...I had been warned.  

  5. So Pacifica is free to ally NG, NSO, and Umbrella, all alliances TPF considered enemies, and that's kosher, but when TPF does the same thing, it's a valid reason to cancel on them and roll them? Work on your propaganda.


    Apparently it's all good so long as the meat shields do the master's bidding....


    For 8 years, we had been allied to NPO.  They sign treaties with a bunch of people we don't like.  We sign one treaty they don't like then they turn around and roll us a couple months after they cancel on us?


    Seems like I made a horrible mistake in picking our friends if that's how fair weather they are.

  6. Somewhere Slayer is hearing or this and is having a cow.


    If I wasn't back on Bob I would have heard...but I'm back and shocked and disgusted that of any alliance in this game, that Pacifica would attack us.


    We've made plenty of enemies...and I'll take credit for that.  But despite the fact that Pacifica and TPF are no longer allies...for them to hit us is kinda shows me the kind of people they are.

  7. While I am only a member in TPF and haven't been active since I departed Planet Bob many years ago...only to come back this year...I figured I should pipe up.


    TPF was a merger of COLD and TotalFarkistan.  Pacifica gave us our start in TotalFarkistan.  When we became TPF we stood by them again in The Initiative then the Continuum.   We stood by them and them by us in multiple wars.  We burned to the ground for them in Karma...and while we may no longer be allies, for them to take up arms against us without direct CB against them is nothing short of disgraceful.


    Anyone else could have hit us as part of this war but Pacifica?  Words cannot fully express the disappointment I have at this point.  I guess you've shown your true stripes.

  8. I was asked to come back by my Evil Overlord just to shake things up (you know, being one of the most-hated players back in the day can do that)...but frankly I don't have the time or inclination especially since activity all over Bob is down.  At my peak I was probably online 4-6 hours a day and was seriously burned out on the entire thing.  I can't imagine even how to start again with activity all over so low.


    Now that I've been back about 8 months or so...I have to say I was kinda shocked at how much smaller Bob is these days.   It's true that Bob isn't what it once was (maybe 1/3 or 1/4 of what it was).  There was a time when you could hop on IRC and most every channel was busy.  I've randomly popped into channels since I've come back and they're dead.  Nobody even said, "Hey Slayer, DIAF."  The only active channel I found was MI6.   I remember when we had regular Skype calls with alliance leaders (sometimes politics, but mostly to BS).  While I'm sure there's politics going on, backroom deals, and the like...nothing like it was.  That being said that even in it's heyday, there was only 20-40% of an alliance that would be active on the alliance forums, here, or IRC.  Now that Bob is that much smaller the amount of active players is that much smaller.


    Disbanding alliances isn't likely going to cure the problem...because in reality the only thing that would help is a huge influx of new AND active players which is highly unlikely.  Most people are content paying bills, collecting taxes and waiting for the next war.



    I'm not sure if there are any "better" geopolitical RP web games out there...or these games have fallen out of favor...or if Planet Bob has run it's course.  It just is what it is.


    You're grossly misinformed. We take shots at ourselves far more than we do at anyone else.


    And Slayer, you're right. I must have imagined that photo of Martens you posted. It never happened. Neither did any of the other things you never apologized for or suffered any kind of reactions from. All those folks you chased away never existed in the first place. It was all one big mirage.


    Please don't misunderstand me. It's not that I don't like you. I don't know you. I also have no particular desire to know you. You've done things that are reprehensible and which, if they were more broadly known, would cause you to crawl back into the hole you've just emerged from.


    And with that, I'm done. Toodles.


    Oh, you mean the link to his public photobucket account?  Martens didn't have an issue with it (it was discussed on the podcast) so I don't know why you do.


    In any case, keep grinding that axe...I wasn't sure I how long I was going to stick around....but now I'm pretty sure I want to stick around if only to annoy the haters.


    I come out of it looking great, actually.


    Meanwhile, Slayer says he's apologized for what he did --to whom, exactly? this is certainly news to me -- but then goes on to say how "fun" all the "butthurt" is. Never mind that he never actually says what he's apologizing for.


    But I'm the one who is flat out lying? Hmmm. Something doesn't quite add up there.


    [OOC]But hey, since Slayer is the guy who destroyed the IC/OOC line, maybe he'd like to share his own life with us so that we might judge his reality in the same way he judged people based on a fantasy.[/OOC]


    Actually, you never come out looking great...mostly because you've already flat out lied here....but whatever.  I've already said on more than one occasion 5 freaking years ago that I was wrong when it came to the no-CB war.   I never outed anyone's personal identity so don't even TRY to pretend I did.  Don't even pretend that I was wrong about people like ThorVonMayhem...because that wasn't really isn't the point.  The point should have been who cares, it doesn't matter.  People are going to cluster in-game sometimes based on personal ideology and it really doesn't matter what that ideology was.  THAT is where I was wrong.   I don't owe you a personal apology and you're never going to get it.


    Hell, I even did a podcast with Kaiser Martens long after the fact where we were joking throughout.  I worked behind the scenes to get him and others off of perma-ZI lists.  You can keep grinding that axe and get over yourself.  


    Let's just say we don't like each other and leave it at that.


    [OOC]I'm upset about RL people who were run out of a game to satisfy the frustrations of someone who admitted to me that, while a police officer, he always felt helpless when dealing with skinheads. Suddenly he had some kind of fantasy power and then decided to do something about it, targetting people who didn't even come close to fitting his imaginary profile.


    Meanwhile, NoR is still one of the most diverse alliances around. I'm talking real people, not some theme.


    I am not 'mad' as a member of some silly alliance in some silly game. I am pissed off that a guy who lives in a pretty spectacular glass house decided to throw stones and got away with it. On top of it all, managed to get away with telling someone -- the owner of NoV's forum -- what to do with their RL property. There's a name for that kind of behavior around these parts, but it slips my mind at the moment....


    You need to find yourself a better hero. I've yet to meet anyone who wasn't flawed in some way, but trust me when I say you can do much better.[/OOC]



    First off, you're flat out lying.  I never dealt with any skinheads in my 2 years as a police officer.  If anything, as a libertarian, I'd defend their freedom of speech (though not criminal actions).  What I did say is I could do things in character which were things that didn't agree with my IRL ideology.  I could go on an on but it really doesn't matter does it?



    The butthurt is really strong with a number of you...which is what really made it fun.  Loved or hated, I wasn't forgotten.

  12. Nobody misses people who bring OOC into the game. Go play with Rotavele.


    That was Slayer99 1.0.  This is Slayer99 2.0 apologizing (again) for that transgression.  I've been gone for 5 years.  I'm simply a member of the alliance I founded...that's it.

  13. [quote name='Vinzent Zeppelin' timestamp='1339319541' post='2980196']
    First of all: Congratulations on the anniversary, TPF. It's been a while.

    Second: I apologize in advance for the minor thread derailment.

    Third: Hello, Slayer. It's been a while. Remember me? Let's chat.

    When I read this, I was hopeful that you were admitting that the pretext for that war was a farce, that you merely wanted to give Norden Verein a good beating, and that you were apologizing for the disgraceful and distasteful way in which it was done. War for its own sake based on a flimsy [i]casus belli[/i] is a scenario that's played out many times throughout this world's history; I can't begrudge you for that. You played politics and won.

    [ooc]... But then I read the rest of it and realized you're [i]not[/i] apologizing. You claim you regret the war, but in the next breath defend your reasons for doing so -- and, more specifically, the methods you used in obtaining the "evidence" to support those reasons.

    I'll make it clear that at this point, I couldn't care one way or the other that you were a driving force behind the Norden Verein's destruction, or even that you had no real in-character grievance against us. Nordreich presently is on good terms with several of the parties who were involved in the other side of [i]Fall Helsing[/i]. What I do care about is the gigantic steaming heap you smeared on the collective face of CN when bringing that war to fruition. Your official [i]casus belli[/i] couldn't even be posted on the OWF because of the egregious violations of privacy and out-of-character nature of it all. (And what information you did share required such absurd stretches of reasoning that it would have been more credible for you to just say "take our word for it" and leave it at that. To wit: Screenshots of months-old membership applications which were long since rejected, assorted joke images from our spam board, and goofy photos of Martens. One would think an alliance so notoriously welcoming of white supremacist elements would have had more to show for it.)

    Digging up information on us and turning it over to the SPLC? [i]Seriously?[/i] As amusing as it might be to have another [i]Aftenposten[/i] episode, the idea that you would go to such lengths in your misguided crusade is a sign that you have trouble treating this game as a game, and are probably better off not playing. (Aside: Ever considered a second career in tabloid journalism?) Since you've long since retired, and thus have nothing to gain at this point by standing your ground that we're nothing more than a white supremacist recruitment front, I can only conclude that you're either genuinely deluded, obstinate, or both. If that's the case, you will not hear me joining the chorus cheering your reappearance here, and I'm not the type to hold grudges. This boogeyman of "neo-Nazis" using this game as a vehicle for recruitment isn't fooling anyone, and the time when you could in turn use CN as a platform for your own agenda, as a battleground in your holy war against the white supremacists lurking in every dark corner, has long passed.[/ooc]

    Shortly after our Reunion three years ago, we included in our [url=http://cybernations.nordreich.eu/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=846]charter[/url] a provision prohibiting us from the practice of "indefinite ZI" against an opponent. There is one and only one reason which would cause me to rescind it, and no bonus points for guessing what it is.

    In regards to the current iteration of NoR...I know nothing about them and I can't really lump them in with NoV.

    As I know this is an IC forum, pardon as the following is OOC.

    As I stated, I regret taking out NoV for the OOC ties to white supremacist groups. Don't even try to deny that prominent members of NoV like WeissVonToten and ThorVonMayhem were OOC WS. Hell, Thor was a prominent leader of the American Front (and no, I never would have wished any ill will on him or anyone else for that matter)...if you want to go back to old NoR, you can include Wartides. You can keep playing the denial game as it really doesn't matter in the long run for a few reasons. First, I really don't care that much about Planet Bob...I've been gone for 3 years. I came back to stir the pot a bit and it looks like the butthurt is still strong (some justified, some not). Secondly, the OOC info we obtained relative to using Planet Bob to recruit should have remained OOC which means an OOC source such SPLC or One People's Project to publicize hate groups using online games to recruit (which is fairly well-known anyway). Thirdly, I fully support their freedom of speech no matter how much I may dislike it. Fourthly, the truth of the matter is that we were bored and looking for a war...NoV was an easy and convenient target.

    As time has given me some perspective, I was wrong for using OOC knowledge of NoV members to take out NoV. It was bad for the game and I'm sorry I did it.

  14. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1339304599' post='2980103']
    That's true. While the rest of his crew got theirs, he was nowhere to be found. Guess we will have to fix that.

    It cracks me up that you guys are all so bitter 3 years after I departed Planet Bob. If I cared enough, I'd come back and really make things interesting...but I don't. Just thought I'd stop by for the TPF 5 year anniversary.

  15. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1339212778' post='2979678']
    I have to agree with this. I remember you (Slayer) giving me all the evidence you had back before that war (When I was in Polaris) and I did not find a single thing that was truly damning. The rocket science was trying to figure out how you took the evidence you had and managed to create the scenario that NoV was a den of racists.

    As I said, I regret doing it now...and I was wrong. We had FAR more that we didn't publish because it led back to RL identities, that info would have been far more damning. It wasn't my place to take IC action...and I should have handed all the info to SPLC and let them deal with it.

  16. You know, I wasn't going to post anything else in this thread....but I have to say...I really get a kick out of the butthurt and the fact that I'm so despised. That alone amuses me to no end. I've been off Planet Bob for 3 years, yet people still remember and hate me. Hilarious.


    banned member and banned member betrayed UJP. I always knew that Spongebob was a snake...but he was a smart snake. But banned member and banned member were so anxious for war they forgot one thing: Politics. While old Spongebob was signing treaties left and right, 404 and the rest of the GOONS were doing everything they could to stoke the war. The ONLY reason TPF was in UJP, was to try and delay any war until we could get NPO on the same side and have the political strength to take out Polar. Sorry GOONs, truth hurts. I have no regrets pulling TPF out of that war after what banned member did. Was it opportunistic? Certainly. But I had warned against 404 bringing that up and stated TPF would leave the battlefield immediately if anyone went after Bilrow in that manner. I stated it multiple times. If you have anyone to blame, blame the GOONS for sucking in \m/ and Genmay (had some of the leadership of those alliance NOT been banned, I think we could have delayed war, had people playing nice and built up the political strength to take out Polar). Would it have taken longer? Certainly. Unfortunately, kids aren't blessed with patience...that's more of an old man's game. The funniest thing is that Spongebob admitted to me that he deliberately baited GOONS and I warned GOONS leadership of that very thing when it was happening. It's really the difference between kids and adults.

    After I stepped down, I left mhawk in charge. The ONLY rule I left for him is that we stand by NPO no matter what. Imagine my surprise and disdain when I woke up the morning of the Karma War and mhawk resigned because the rest of the gov was against the war (I wasn't worried about it because he knew the rule). OneBallMan and I reminded him of the deal...he rejoined and more than fulfilled our commitment to Pacifica.

    I DO regret taking out NoV. Why? Because the truth of the matter is that everyone knows what NoR and NoV are all about (no matter how much they deny it, the truth is easily found...and it really doesn't matter IC). It's not rocket science to connect those dots. That being said...I wanted to take them out because it a bit of a IC payback for something I would never do OOC. Besides we hadn't had a war in awhile and we were bored. I was wrong for going after them and taking them out in that manner. It would have been more appropriate and fun to work with FAN to take out NoV IC with an Operation Evil Overlord.

    Ironically, as distasteful as I find their beliefs I will defend their freedom of speech as if it were my own. Honestly, I would have been better served sending all the info (and we had FAR more than what we published but I didn't want to divulge any OOC identities) to the Southern Poverty Law Center and allow them to do the OOC publicizing of them using the game (and the other games they were involved in) to recruit. It wasn't the place of Slayer99 the IC character to do that.

    Haters, hate on...it amuses me greatly. I've been gone for 3 years and you're still all butthurt. Not many people can say that they've left that kind of a mark on Planet Bob. :P

  17. Hi all...I'm sure you all have missed me the last 3 years. Ah, good times. Totalfarkistan, the Cold-TF! merger to TPF. Good times with people like Edward Curella, Rach86, Sir Wellington, Hail Satan, Jbone, Auto98, Quiz, Chinatownbus, Desperado, TheBigBad and OneBallMan. Allies like Moo, Dilber, Philosopher, Bama, ChefJoe, BigWoody, Dark Mistress, Lysdexia, and Bilrow. Enemies like Virillus and Ephiphanus...frenemies like VanHoo. I had the epic run of going rogue not once, but twice on Electron Sponge...selling off infra for a 2nd round was soooo sweet.

    Folding in BANG got us sanctioned but didn't work out so well other than people like Kilkenny and Vol Navy. Joining the Initiative, setting up OPP then the cold war with Atlantis were probably the high points of my reign. I remember before Atlantis folded up shop that we had totally outmaneuvered them with OPP and had locked up all the Senate seats in preparation for war. The epic DoW against GPA (screens posted below) were some of our highlights during my time. By the time of UJP, I was pretty burned out and searching for a replacement. Elysium and mhawk would have been good about 6 months earlier. I remember working the scam against Vox Populi with the fake spy...writing up fake forum posts that I was pissed at TPF and looking to split off. Spongebob bought it hook, line and sinker...we all had a good laugh at that. Can't say I miss running an alliance...but it was a good ride. I never would have imagined that TPF would still be around.

    [b]Congrats to all TPF members...current and past...you've all been a part of something that's been great and unique.[/b]

    As for those enemies of mine from years past...flame on dudes.

    Memories and Milestones:

    First Flag after Sanction:


    From the GPA DoW:

    EC's TPF Fairly Tales:

  18. oops, I knew I'd end up posting here again.

    I think this answers this question:

    "Geopet's betrayal goes far deeper than you'll ever know both IC and OOC...."

    -Slayer99 writing in the same thread that led to this OP

    I just facepalm every time I read that line.

    I just hope this all of us, no matter our AAs or pasts, can keep or renew friendships and right any other outstanding misunderstandings or wrongs. I did not want to answer greetings since the OP is something I do not want to just gloss over and I wish now I would have worded it a bit better to show that I accept full blame here.

    I'll start another thread soon for other matters, one that is not so depressing.

    et tu, Brute?

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