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Posts posted by paytonpa

  1. well it said for multing and i made the other nation for my brother before you were only aloud one per ip

    that was like last january

    Edit: it was also on 2 diff computers, his laptop had his my comp had mine

  2. ok what hap[pened was last night i went on colleted my taxes paid bills, i was at about 25 mill because im saving for a wonder. wll i wake up this morning and will it wanted me to create my nation so now my nation got deleted with out me doing it and i was doing so good i was in the top 6.2% and like 26.8k ns and 12 nukes, 600 and some tech, and like 5.2kinfra, 2.1k land with 2 donations :( c

    what has happened

  3. ok i was check out the nation sitting thread, it says it's closed... im going away for 17 days and need my friend to look after my nation well ill post this here and can any one answer what heppened??

    Nation sat:

    Nation Name: futeramer

    Ruler Name: paytonpa

    Away Until: december 3rd untill december 20

    Nation Sitter:

    Nation Name: j-nation

    Ruler Name: j-Nation

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