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Union of Yuktobania

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Posts posted by Union of Yuktobania

  1. Ali looked around he was out of the camp. The first time in three years. It was warm here bright and the world had couler and hope.The past 24 hours had been nightmeareish The guards had regaind control in just 30 minitues of the inital up rising, Ali had watched this from under a barrack block were he was hiding. The guards killed one in every ten men and the ring leaders, They looked for Ali put he was no were to be found the guards had assumed he escaped and put the army on alert now the country side was sawrming with Yuk soldiers. Ali managed to esacpe via a train that brings new prisoners to the camp when it was leaving he along with 10 other musslim men who had escaped. They had found them selves an abandound bunker from the first war which was under ground and coverd by grass, the army could not possibly find him here. The other men were Barack, Ranesh, Vara, Samera Evala, Himself, Sdadat, Samera, Muhamad and Fanera, They were all now holed up in this bunker with no were to go if tehy went out they would be cught. They had managed to get Yuk Uniforms but without the Id cards pinnied to every soldiers chest they were Usless. "Come brothers" said Muhamad "We must figure out a plan", "What's the point" Said Ranesh "sure we have uniforms but with out the cards there usless and we are safer here"."The point is" said Muhamad "We are in a better position now then many of our brothers in the camps there are millions of them, we pust do at least some thing to help them". "Muhamads right' said Evala "We must fight them and I have a plan as to how to do it".

    Meanwhile in the Yuktobanian capital Cinigrad the leader was looking over the requests from forign governments one wants to send a platoon over to fight religous extremeism. The laeder was stressed nations were threating war his nation was ready but to waste Jewish lives to him in a pointless war was wrong he must avoid it. he took his pen and paper and begain to write.

    " To the Holy Degen Empire we grant your request to send troops but limit them to 200. They will be escorted everywere by a guard of 500 men. They will not be allowed anywere the government tells them not to and this will be enforced by the troops in the gaurd detail. You must on arrival pressent the head comander to the Leader of Yuktobania were he will get a report, then you will be given lodgeings in the main army camp Razgrez."

    The leader had finished the letter it was short but hope fully it will prevent war at least for another week." Sargent Melecha front and center" the leader barked " Sir' replied the sargent standing to attenion "I want this letter sent to the prime minister of Holy Degen Empire it must be there in 20 minutes I want you to make sure it is emailed to him and is given the highest email security. Then I want you to ring th eprime minister and ask him if he was recived it then report back to me within the hour. Under stood" "Sir yes Sir" Replied the sargent taking the letter and runing off to do his orders. while the leader was left allone with his computer and papers. "I think tonight I may have a whisky" Said the leader to no noe in particuler and he went of to make one.

  2. The Leader of Yuktobania has had a rough week,He sits in his office looking at the reports. Nations all over the world were asking to inspect the camps but then what would they do if they found out the government was killing all withen the camps, They were the rouges of socity any way the gays the Musslims. The lader took a pen and papper ran his hand though his balck hair and began to write.

    "In request to your wanting to come visit our labour camps we must refuse your wish".

    The camps were not labour camps they were in fact death camps a place to work and die. The leader vistied one camp once he swore he would never go again. The look in the peoples eyes of utter hoplessness the smell of hunderds of bodys being burnt and decomposing. The sun was out when he visted but withen those walls it was cold the air here only had the feeling of death no hope no tomorrow.

  3. A few days ago the government resigned and but in a communist system allong with this there have been a greater number of land and citizens to Yuktobania so we the first communist government of Yuktobania officaly change the nations name to.

    Union Of Soviet Socalist Yuktobanian rebublics

    This name is to be used when refering to the nation from now on


    Communist govenment spoksman

    Comrade Eravga Slovatcov

  4. The Union of Yuktobania stands with the Belkan people at this time, But we also support any communist uprising in the nation as it only is within there best intrests to do away with the capitalists. But as we say that there is no excuse for war crimes and we allong with Finland(in this topic) wish to ask that the war criminals be sent to a international court for trial. We the Yuktobanian people will help in any way we can to support the coomunist uprising

  5. ooc:hay guys the role play story of which you can help write that is about to take place is not real it is not how I think and i do not want to offend any oneok so please dont go to war with me over this.I know it uses my nations name but I could not think of another one to use. I state again this is not how I think i think all religons have right to worship and the state should stay out If you do not want the story to continue please tell me and I will deleate it.


    The heat was intense as Ali Muhammad worked on the graves being dug in the dry ground. The sun shone a bright hazy yellow that only the desert can make. There was no escape for him here, every part of him had been sysmaticly destroyed by the state. They had killed his wife and child and taken away his religion(all religions were banned except for Judaism but the state had been hasher on the Muslims then the others. Ali now wondered how long before one of these mass graves was his along with all the other so called enemies of the state the homosexuals the Muslims the political opposition or those just getting in the states way. He stopped to wipe the sweet from his brow when a Yuktobanian soldier cockily stood over to him, “Oi what the hell do you think you are up to get to work you sand Nigerâ€. the soldier wouldn’t have been older than 18 and yet with his black uniform with the red armband he had all the power in the world within this camp thought Ali looking at him. The soldier steered back “What the $%&@ did I just say to you Arab†and the soldier swag at him with his heavy black boot with all the force he could muster and kicked him in the face Then the soldier turned with military precision and marched away laughing like a maniac with his mates. Ali felt his face with his hand It felt wet and warm he looked at his and saw it there blood. Ali took his spade and walked over to the soldier who just kicked him. “Oi†yelled the soldier “get back†Ali continued the soldier looking more worried with every steep then Ali ran at him hit the soldier with the spade in the neck killing him by this time every one in the field had seen Ali do it kill the soldier. The guards came running but then a great cry arose and all the oppressed started charging the guards. The Muslims yelling Allah akba the others slogans about freedom and liberty.

  6. Yuktobanian anthem plays video of mighty armed forces showing in the background


    "Tonight In the Union of Yuktobania."

    "Many more still dieing after the first and worst terrorist attack on Yuktobanian soil in history live covarge"

    "Army takes out head of Red guard terror group"

    "His majasty king Zane the first today announced a move that will please the United nations".

    music plays

    "good evening ladys and gentelmen I am segi ravstok"

    "Tonight we start with your top story the anthrax bombing of lovostock city, 50,000 died from the inital bombing but mnay more are dieing in the hospitals, the combined total of deaths for the terror attack now total 120,000 people,

    The army is now conferming that the virues has spred to the village of Demiv 10km east of the city and have today announced a 13km redius quarinten zone, we advise all citizens who are outside the quarinten to stay away from the area, and if you are in the quarenteen zone know our thoughts and prayers are with you".

    "In other news the army foward platoon has taken out the red guard leader with no losses to our forces, The ar5my wishies to tell people thta chopping the head off the red guard group will not do we have to weed the out compleatly" those words there spoken by major Ragstok"

    "Todays other developments, King zane the first today anounces that the union of Yuknobania will sign a treaty not to use or develop biological weapons in the wake of the anthrax bombing comminy referd to as AB, The king would like to invite other nations to sign the treaty once it is drawen up,"

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