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Posts posted by Howso

  1. Last time I checked they aided FAN, which helped them launch a huge attack on NPO. So I know why they got smacked, just not what happened after. I figured NPO let em' go but I guess not.

    NPO didn't "smack" us, they were at war with us. GOLD disbanded due to internal instabilty caused by disagreements over war. NPO then attacked our PoW's my own naiton included. And Gold disbanded. That's pretty much what happened. They weren't a notch for NPO's bedpost.

    On topic: This treaty looks good and will hopefully bring stability to the Yellow sphere, I wish it all the best and also wish to say "HI *waves*" to all ex-gold.


    Ohh wait you guys are serious?

    Since when did NooN become a part of this? As I see it, 4Horsemen just dragged in 2/3 uninvolved NooN govern't people for a reason I can't actualy work out, and.. Ohh god, I just hope this is a "bit of a laugh" gone wrong.

  3. May GOLD continue to live in our memories as what she was and not what she became.

    It is nice a few still remember old W_A_R (He is absent from any mention in the GOLD wiki, which might reflect the true level of involvement he had in the Alliance. :( )

    <3 W_A_R!!!

    I believe the wiki will be getting updated some time soon, as it's quite a long way behind now,

    there's about 5 chapters which need adding, You shall be mentioned, as will all the other big names,

  4. Well done FAN and GGA, impressive set of terms, not suprised that it took over 3 months to get them written up.

    Also FAN's government revolves around a single person, this person does not need to be in FAN nor even in CN, he is merely a random person selected from the phone book each week.

  5. He really isn't that special.

    I could condemn any alliance to death if I were its leader.

    Not that difficult.

    Lets see here.

    GOLD goverment decides to help FAN by sending it cash.

    To do that they disgustingly use small alliance of NooN, by lying to them about the fact that FAN has a on going war with NPO.

    Then, when they got busted for it, "genius" leading this alliance provokes NPO further with his thread, effectively condemning his alliance to death in an act of complete disregard for his people well being.

    And then when some intelligent GOLD members with self preservation instinct gets angry at him,...he runs away to his masters in FAN.

    Yes, that boi, indeed, rocks.

    You see this is what I don't like

    Arses who think that they know everything about me when the've never even had a conversation with me, nor do they know a single thing about what has happened. I know that most of CN hate me, yeah because I decided to be different and try and do something out of the ordinary for GOLD, (Don't flippin' troll me or try and insult me for this statement because those were my intentions and I know m own intentions alot better than you do) yeah I made a single mistake! I'm sorry CN, I shouldn't make mistakes because of course all you people who are so god damned eager to have a go at me, you've never made a mistake have you? ohh no not perfect old [trollers' name]. I made one mistake and I don't count it as a mistake, I count it as a gamble, 60% of CN understood the point of that post and 40% didn't, unfortunately the 40% are much more eager to lay into whatever poor sod is at the end of it.

    This is not self pity, I have seen it done to good friends of mine and peopel I don't even know, they get picked apart and destroyed by the bloodsucking morons who dominate these boards with their pathetic attempts at making themselves feel better about (what must be) their own useless lives, of which they spend 90% of their time on these forums, insulting people they barely/don't know on issues that don't involve them or they don't even know about. This is what I personaly hate about CN, and it is what alot of people hate about CN. Yeah sure there are people who mess up in this world, and they get enough stick about it from their alliances without having complete strangers insult their character and actions when they know nothing of either.

    Don't judge me as a leader because you don't know me as a leader, I bet you can't name 2 things I did when I was MoEA, I bet you don't know anything about me, and i know nothing about you except that you have on more than one occasion made up facts to suit your own arguement of which you aren't even a part of. I don't mind GOLD insulting me, if they feel it, then I deserve it, I don't mind what OG's say about me, because they are m good friends and i respect their opinion. But you sir (and every other person who has done similar are and will always be the person who sees a scene on the street goes up to the person in the middle and hits them in the groin for no reason, I'm not saying you should change, if you're completely happy with who ou are then so I am, as I know you will know how it feels one day.

    Don't judge me on one incident, I may not have done much for GOLD over m entire career there but at least I tried my best, and as long as that is true i am content,

    tl;dr: Ohh f&%# off

  6. Every one is invited tonight to come to #goldcn for what promises to be the biggest bbq ever held,

    OLD GOLD and Honoured friends get ops, everyone else can come and join in the party.

    Please don't come to the channel to flame and avoid flaming this thread, there is no malice involved we just wanted to have some fun a nice little get together,

    It starts from now and all are invited, tags are not required, however a gift to your hosts of beer, guns, hookers or whatever your alliance specialises in would be much appreciated.

    Come one come all!

    Please try and keep this thread to RSVPers I mean no ill will to anyone by this, so don't think that I do...

    tl;dr GOLD BBQ @ #goldcn

  7. OK in our mercy, the Global Organisation for Liberty and Defense would like to offer the NPO a chance to take back the huge mistake they have made.

    So, theses are your terms of surrender,


    1.) Each nation in GOLD recieves 1 mill for every 400 infra they pocess (rounded up).

    2.) Each Aliance that supports GOLD will also recieve the same aid package.

    3.) FAN gets white peace with NPO and every other alliance attacking FAN, however they are permitted to still attack the ex-NPO nations who may not retailiate in any way (basicaly what happens now)

    4.) ALL NPO pow's are released.

    5.) electron_sponge's applogy for blowing this whole ordeal out of porportion.

    6.) NPO signs a never ending NAP with every alliance that supports GOLD.

    7.) NPO declares Red an open team and welcomes GATO into the sphere.

    8) NPO Become a protectorate under GOLD for all eternity, do all our dirty work and be our !@#$%*es.

    9) NPO must incorparate the GOLD flag into the corner of their flag, with "We surrendered" upon it

    I personaly hope that the NPO accept these terms for their own good. I will expect a personal response from the NPO within 24 hours or these will be taken as accepted.

    I would like to take this opportunity to highlight GOLD's mercy at having not insisted on making the NPO move to Pink, this is because we wish to show our forgiveness.

    You have been warned.

    Signed for GOLD

    Howso of Howsoland- Premier

    P.s. thank god there's no sarcasm on the internet or there'd be trouble

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