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Posts posted by Sparticulous

  1. Actually I was using this spam:

    I think it's better.

    But seriously, if this is offending you so much, I apologize.

    If you're not wearing a tag on IRC, how am I supposed to know if you're in an alliance or not?

    the continued existance of your alliance requires you to look yourself

  2. What are Navajo? In what nation do they live? I was unable to find any known nations or rulers with that word in their name.

    "independent" native american nation located in Arizona. They're supposedly independent from US and are supposed to be in theory but really arn't. They even have their own president who can't do anything because of US politics.

  3. It is pleasant to stand on the crest of a road and look back at the distance carried.


    Alliances die because their members let them. No one can kill an alliance, but its membership.

    but you can decimate an alliances forces and remove them from any importance.

    also where is gw2 and gw1.

    also hate the name polar war for that last war. should be polar war 3 if you want to name it that. but not polar war. jesus. learn your history.

  4. To refix your fix

    TGE: TPF, CPCN, TOOL, FOK, Continuum (via TPF and uh FOK?)

    NoV: FCO, NV, Hanseatic League, Continuum (via FOK)

    omg continuum civil war :o

    Wasn't NoV removed from HL? and I dn't believe FOK is allied to NoV in anyway. and i think NV's mdp or treaties they had with NoV doesnt remain active.

    @The Big Bad

    you're so cruel. This is why I like TPF =P

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