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Posts posted by Wozzname

  1. As the topic says, we're looking for a permanent trade circle - we don't want someone joining only to dissapear after a month. If you must leave after joining, two weeks warning will be expected.

    Iron -

    Marble -

    Wheat - Archmage of Death

    Lumber - Archmage of Death

    Fish -

    Water -

    Aluminum - Wozzname

    Uranium - Wozzname

    Sugar - Enimecnegnev

    Spices - Enimecnegnev

    Cattle - jovialthethinker

    Pigs - jovialthethinker

    edit: Wheat and Lumber now found with Archmage of Death; Iron, Marble, Fish, Water to go.

  2. As the topic says, this is a trade circle for the 3BR setup with Fish and Uranium.

    Aluminum - Wozzname

    Uranium - Wozzname

    Fish -

    Iron -

    Spices - Enimecnegnev

    Sugar - Enimecnegnev

    Marble - Riddick

    Water - Riddick

    Cattle - jovialthethinker

    Pigs - jovialthethinker

    Wheat -

    Lumber -

    edit: Looks like Kirchy has dropped out )):

  3. As the topic says, this will be a permanent trade circle with 3BR and Fish and Uranium.


    Cattle: thinker

    Pigs: thinker

    Wheat: Reeses Cup Queen

    Water: Riddick

    Sugar: Enimecnegnev

    Aluminum: Wozzname

    Spice: Enimecnegnev

    Lumber: Reeses Cup Queen

    Marble: Riddick

    Iron: Kirchy

    Fish: Kirchy

    Uranium: Wozzname

    Colour will be decided once all resources are found.

  4. If all that is true you might as well be the same alliance, since you aren't I'll call TSO a puppet state, regardless, I will never be a part of ANY organization, alliance, or otherwise which shows support to you OR TOP. Burn in hell (OOC: Burn in hell).

    Puppet state? Can't say I agree with that one. Ever had a best friend, with whom you'll go through thick and thin for?

  5. - You also neglected to mention that Sup4l33t3ki11a was elected into this new High Council, and was also elected into the position of Minister of Interior, to be later impeached due to his (OOC) OOC relationship with me. (OOC) Way to let Maxfiles continue his witchhunt.

    And I suppose the OP abuse that went on in MCXAs public channel about a week ago had nothing to do with his impeachment?

    Anyhow, congrats to MCXA on the new government and charter ammendment!

  6. So you were indeed considering war, the signs of which might have been used to intimidate Genesis? Thank you for confirming that and contradicting your comrade who was doing a much better job of making you all look good. Your government will be in contact soon. Don't call me, I'll call you.

    OOC: Also, I forgot to mention earlier but it should be noted that the Wings suck, and let's go Rangers.

    War wasn't being considered. It was unknown whether matters would lead to that, and it obviously didn't. Thank you for trying to stretch a fact.

  7. That's interesting, because earlier in the thread you were all insisting that there was never any possibility and the threat of war was made up by evil slanderers just trying to tarnish your reputation. Now the question isn't whether you were anticipating war, but who you were anticipating it with? I am sure the Genesis mess and you bulking up and preparing for war occurring at the same time is a total coincidence.

    All of us were? Really? I'd have thought, with your experience of CN, you'd know that there is always the possibility that diplomacy fails, and war is a continuation by other means. Also, 50% is hardly "OMG WARZ" time is it? It's more of a "Let's be ready, just in case."

  8. That's funny, things weren't looking quite so rosy a week ago when MCXA was preparing for war:



    At first I thought maybe it was the Continuum drama, but when the Genesis issue became public the last piece clicked into place.

    Of course you don't. MDP chaining can't happen when you don't honour your MDPs in the first place.

    If you read sam's post, there's an important word in there. Possibility.

    edit:destroyed tags

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