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Posts posted by Eryllian

  1. OK, appreciate the response and explanation.  I still think it's a bad look to come in nuking and say that you are going to continue war declaring/nuking unless the nation goes to peace mode, rather than with a desire for tech or exp raiding, but it is what it is.  He's not gaining much by it if I can help it (he's getting smacked hard regardless of how much he hits my nation), so just know it's a nice waste of alliance resources.




  2. Good evening to those in power within The Legion.  Given that your alliance has a charter against tech raiding, I presume it also covers rogue actors nuking independent nations?  While nations are known to test the boundaries with raiding unaligned nations, and such raids are not unexpected or unexperienced, is there no line against the unprompted use of WMDs?  One of your Legionnaires, graphonomy, appears to be crossing that line, given that he attacked with the following "I will nuke you everyday, starting from tomorrow. hit back until you can lol." and "LOL. Let's see how much you can tolerate" after nuking our nation.   


    The soldiers of Lyonara are proudly and valiantly bloodying these invaders, and will continue to do so as long as is necessary.  That said, there is no reason for this bloodshed and stain on The Legion's reputation.  We humbly request the alliance step in to police their member or explain how this behavior does not violate their charter.


    Best regards,


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