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Posts posted by GayDragon

  1. No. I am honestly too intolerant of stupid and it isn't worth my time. But I assure you the facts will go against you.

    ((Here is the real reason: I am not going to be able get to a computer for a week or so; I can't pull it up from my mobile device. So it looks like you will never see them. RL is a !@#$%*.))

  2. FEAR is like a good teacher, we aren't going to throw stupid stuff at you that you may already know and bore the hell out of you. It is a student's job to ask questions on stuff they fail to comprehend.

    Do note: Gordy is an aid thief. I would not want him in an alliance remotely close to me. (or in any alliance.) Aid stealing should be frowned upon by any alliance.

  3. What Gordy did....

    He took 9 million in ais from FEAR. He spent it irresponsibly. He was advised on how to spend it. He ignored the advice. He passed the first FEAR task set in our academy. That is essencilly a "how to play and not be stupid" quiz.

    He took in two tech deals. Then he came and cried on our forums because he needed more money for he had spent the 15M he received.

    He said on our alliance forums in a thread "This alliance is full of scared people." Then he made another thread saying "I want to leave this AA because it's holding me back."

    How is sending you 15 million Dongs in aid "holding you back?" We have a well developed academy that I have personally put a good chunk of time in to. This academy has made a lot of FEAR the amazing players they are today.

    For aid stealing, general stupidity, !@#$%baggery and openly insulting our alliance, I, the FEAR Director of Education, will call out our Chancellors for the issuance of a single ZI.

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