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Posts posted by AussieAvenger

  1. Awww tough love. The best kind.

    While I don't care who raids who and would raid myself if only there was a (legal) target within 10k NS, I would say that PC has gotten a lot of negative attention for their aggressiveness. I certainly hope that it doesn't have larger consequences in the future because there are some guys I really like over there.

    Congrats and best of luck guys.

    Hell \m/ were hated because they raided pretty agressivly, if you aren't smart enough to go into peace mode when you switch your AA to None then you don't deserve your tech. Also i think Posion Clan would be ok if you went to them beforehand and spoke to them about your new alliance and who is protecting you, they have an internal list of those they can't raid.

  2. VE 2.0 is a dispicable alliance that resembles nothing of the once proud, idependant and honourable alliance VE 1.0, the true Virdia. You have become the monster you once hated, faught against and said that you would never become.

    o/ Viridia, Ephirim Grey would be proud of your sucking up

  3. Unless they want to become the next FAN, they better accept it.

    Well FAN are still around aren't they while the might Pacific war machine still attempt to kill them, the NPO is pathetic really its its quest to stop any further alliance from hitting peace mode.

    Also these are the worst terms every given, indevidual members not allowed to join an alliance for 90 days! I've never known any alliance to sink so low, also the whole peace moders get attacked twice as long is absolute rubbish, you punish people for supporting their alliance when their leaders desert them/fail.

    My disgust at the New Pacific Order has risen to new all time highs, when will this madness end?

  4. So that you can look like you're supporting your allies, while maintaining minimal damage to your infraz?

    Or are you going to pull out (har har) if the opposition has a chance of winning, like you did in the UJW?

    How could you suggest such a thing!

  5. This pretty much sums up why I only lasted 3 weeks in TPF before leaving.

    you stayed 3 weeks, wow, i was under the impression that only those will mental disorders were able to remain in TPF, only because they didn't know how to change their AA of cause.

  6. Its a sad reflection that people take this game seriously enough to perma zi anyone, if they do, its just shows that they lead sad little lives with nothing better to do then feel superior playing a browser game

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