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Libertarian King

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Posts posted by Libertarian King

  1. 47 minutes ago, Kapleo said:

    Not to be the devil's advocate, but the fella has been more than active recently, you were just not around to see it. He even got a globar war named after himself just a couple weeks ago. Not exactly something I would be proud of considering the reasons but it was super fun to watch. 

    Yeah, guess some older players have been getting more active again. Seems to be more wars as well than when it was just Oculus allied with Doombirds hegemony. Guess Oculus suddenly declaring on each other solved that problem.

  2. 23 minutes ago, kingzog said:

    I could tell you when I *stopped* calling myself a libertarian, but OOC and all that.


    Also....Sigrun, ugh. What a disappointment.

    Not sure whatever happened to Sigrun, don't think I was playing when they disappeared.

  3. 3 hours ago, Electron Sponge said:

    which is the whole reason you posted this nonsense in the first place, do everyone a favor and just do whatever it is you intend on doing, honestly no one cares

    Haven’t seen you very active since pre karma. Glad you cared enough to respond at least.

  4. 3 hours ago, Kapleo said:

    It's not that no one else thought about it, more like most people already know how it is. "Tools to hunt bigger whales" and comments like that are not exactly unheard of coming from those corners of the world.

    I guess most aren't so blunt about calling people tools, even calling Sigrun a useful took didn't sound flattering. However doesn't matter, Caustic has always been blunt on what he thinks I guess.


    Is interesting how divided up the treaty web is. Don't think it's been so divided before, might actually make some difference where I decide to go.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    Spoken like a true sociopath!

    So I wasn't only one who thought he sounded a bit crazy calling his supposed friends just useful tools. lol


    Although I was never under any illusions it was nothing other than a common interest at a time which made us work together. However thought Sigrun was his friend.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Wobblies said:

    If Libertarian doesn't have the word Socialist after it, it's trash.

    If a Libertarian Socialist is what they say; they believe in freedom for all. Just as LIbertarians of all kinds. Just prefer to live with like minded people who share more, which I think works better on a local level.


    If they believe people shouldn't be free to start their own businesses without gov approval; they're just a commie. In they believe gov should restrict all.

  7. 20 hours ago, jerdge said:

    She was outstanding, you'd be lucky to have Sigrun.

    Sigrun was a good friend, miss them.


    Caustic, maybe we used each other. However I’m not a tool, not really expecting much from you anyways.


    I forgot how the NoR thing started, but was no way in hell I was surrendering & never expected you to get involved if that’s what you’re mad over still.


    Preferred ending it my way, than dealing with their demands after 

    my bank members with billions got banned somehow.



    Death before Dishoner & back; proving spirit never dies & can come back from anything.


    Think random member attacked them, causing it. However gave them excuse to try extracting blood from me and didn't expect them to be nice.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

    I see you have returned Methrage / Sephiroth / Noctis Lucis Caelum. Are you going to stick around this time, or will you be shilling something like Junkalunka?

    I came by on a whim, ended up letting my nation go inactive without doing anything last time. Depends if it's interesting, I see you're still around at least. I have Fish/Wheat on Black, so will probably log in enough to keep the circle going if someone wants to fit me into one. 



  9. 2fc7afa8-0111-f30b-2735811.gif


    Forgot to do anything with my nation after rerolling 3 years ago, but might as well keep it around.  Could use a trade circle actually.


    It was this game I was unanimously voted King of a previously over democratic Libertarian Alliance, which was part of The Citadel. Continuum was seen with disappointment by the FCC, who saw all members of The Citadel join a new bloc with the evil hegemonic super power of the time. After we defeated NPO in the Karma War, felt like final boss and motivation to try already beaten. After Continuum was beaten no one was a match for The Citadel. I remember eventually stepping down after getting increasingly bored with no rival I guess. I remember did get yelled at by a founding member when I got into a back and forth Ivan Moldavi on the forum. Since I knew we could beat them & Frostbite was likely opposition against The Citadel. However after I stepped, ended up actually joining NSO; since Ivan Moldavi convinced me to & explained it would be possible for me to rise to the top.


    After defeating what represented the New World Order, wanted to prove a single nation on their own can be invincible & take on anything with an unbeatable mindset.



    FCC sort of fell apart after I left, because they never elected another King & person who convinced me he wanted to take over was just convinced into BSing me by that founder who lost his !@#$ when I just had some fun with Moldavi on open world forum some. I fought the BiPolar War for NSO/Moldavi; then after that Moldavi left. So I eventually left & kept helping those alliances that didn't get peace. After that got into a war with GOONS helping some noob.


    Kerberos Nexus & Limitless Nexus I went by when seeing how invincible a nation could be. (When I started just playing with brute force, proving it was all just a battle of wills I guess.





    I don't really have any plans here, other than reconnect. Are good memories, seeing The Citadel outlast continuum, Libertarian Party of CN later rise from nothing to challange the color status quo. I don't have any grudges & mostly just funny memories. The rivalries made the game interesting, but never was something personal. Pre-Karma War wanted to see NPO defeated since seemed impossible & most worthwhile challenge.


    I don't really have any plans here, other than reconnect. Are good memories, seeing The Citadel outlast continuum, Libertarian Party of CN later rise from nothing to challenge the color status quo. Been to long to really care about any old grudges or drama. 


    Discord, not really for a specific alliance or I've decided to make one, but can be fun networking with old and new friends. Also where I can be found for now if someone does want to get in touch. For now I've created Anarch Nexus, but not opposed to the idea of many teaming up, etc.





  10. 38 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Neutrals have become more exciting than that washed-up hag

    Problem is nobody cares anymore among leaders, just want to keep the alliances going out of habit. So discourage doing anything among allies & maintain status quo. 


    So for some this can be frustrating, for they want to see action. For them; they've been here over 10 years & surprised NG didn't rogue out tbh.

    Edit: Also New Pacific Order used to roleplay the kind of ruthless government a New World Order IRL would be if they succeed; so seeing if they could be defeated was my motivation to play. Once they were gone, got bored & renounced power despite top of the world power wise with Citadel. NPO now isn't nearly sinister enough to motivate people to really want to beat them. Was nice simulation though)



  11. 2 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Imagine it taking 10 flamingos to sign a Sparta- Everyone of you should resign out of shame.

    Does let more people feel important if their names are on it.

    Remember when Onyx Hand (FCC Splinter which convinced me to join there from Mushroom Kingdom; whom I joined for the noCB War when others held back from FCC jumping in. Onyx Hand did eventually merge into FCC with new Charter & that's when I was voted King), didn't like Poison Clan. Since they were first to tech raid me & others held me back from hitting with everything I had. So was interesting Caustic happened to be most interested in doing stuff last I was active, so made for unexpected allies. lol

  12. 9 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:

    Sanctions are a function of the world economy designed to bring consequences to those in community that ignore international norms like nuke rogues, or sponsors of terror. Any policy to abolish sanctions can only result in the decline of a sphere. 


    I'm sure green team will soon realize such decline if they continue to promote their brand of "free trade" 

    Brown was great for a while.

    3 hours ago, jerdge said:

    Please explain further the green team part, thanks.

    He makes it sound good.

  13. On 7/8/2020 at 11:16 PM, General Kanabis said:


    Welcome back, apparently.



    .Methrage and Junka were eventually defeated, but a bunch of Furries adopted their kids


    .Oculus thinks they run the show, but DBDC is actually in charge, Doom won


    .And pixel hugging is still a thing



    If you found any of the above repulsive, please visit gulag

    Guess I'll see if they let me back and what fun can still be had here. If I come back, don't have any old grudges. To old for that stuff. lol



  14. 1 to 1 on the Slots on any open slots before I get any aid in them instead.

    For those who want to give me aid 2 cycles in a row, so I can get the most out of my initial 20 tax collection; willing to send 3 cycles of tech after.


    I don't see reason I won't be unbanned, but posted a request there. However if you send money before I get confirmation, you take some risk of a bad decision being made there. Here is my nation. https://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=625367




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