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Darby Crash

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Posts posted by Darby Crash

  1. Supposedly, as stated in the information index and wiki of the game, soldiers are hired as foreign mercenaries, and are not to come out of your working population. Well, that's happening to me. I'd do a calculation to make sure that my soldier count barely stays below 80% of my population, and when I buy the soldiers required to achieve that, my working citizens count comes out lower than it initially was, causing my population to be uncomfortable. This bug has caused me to lose nearly all my 2,000,000 trying to fix it (I'm a new nation btw). Any purchase that can increase population and happiness, I've pretty much done. None worked, and infrastructure and repurchasing soldiers was the biggest toll in my economy. Now my bills are barely lower than my income and I have almost no !@#$@#$ money. I've also tried changing my policies to see if that'll work, it didnt, it just made purchasing soldiers even more expensive. Does someone have an explanation? And if not, can I get my !@#$@#$ money back?

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