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Posts posted by Tumin

  1. Furthermore, I intend to always be on the stronger side. In case you didn't figure it out, for the most part you can avoid losing by not screwing over as many alliances as possible, as was the stance of certain BAPS officials.

    So, you've just admitted to being a bandwagoner? Congratulations. You're just proved my argument. You're fighting on the side of might, regardless of the truth. Get bent, tool.

  2. Is anyone else loving this guys' ability to pull a story out of thin air?

    Dude, give it up. If you're gonna go out with fire, go out with fire, not tears.

    There are no tears being shed here, honestly. Just facts being brought to light. Out of personal respect for Rach86 I'll decline to bring more logs up from talks, because I'm not the kind of person who uses others statements in confidence against them, so you can have your forum "victory", if you can call it that. I'm pulling nothing from thin air, however. The fact that that is the only argument you have is pitiful. The only reason you're able to say such things is because you're on the stronger side, if you weren't you'd be disregarded as a fool and an incompetent, which doesn't stop me from pointing out those obvious facts.

    Honestly, I'm just enjoying watching you folks flounder to keep your lies straight. I don't edit my logs, unlike your side. I don't try to twist my logs either. Every log I have ever posted as completely raw, not "edited for content". So please, get your facts straight, smarmy tool. It'll serve you, and your protector well. A protector who happens to have abandoned their treaty obligations in GWIV anyway, (Go figure amirite?) to let their allies take the fall. Slayer sure has a good record of standing by his allies when the odds are against him, doesn't he? Let's not play the morality card. At least I'm burning out for an alliance who hates me. TPF wouldn't even fight for their friends. But I'm sure Slayer is happy to go down for The Continuum. ;)

  3. Session Start: Wed Jan 02 15:01:39 2008

    Session Ident: Rach86[TPF]

    [15:01] Session Ident: Rach86[TPF] (chatzilla@coldfront-4D2DCAC1.austin.res.rr.com)

    [15:01] <Rach86[TPF]> Ok, I talked to some people...

    [15:01] <Rach86[TPF]> from the agreement: > In recognition of the Dark Nation Federation the Generals of The Phoenix Federation would like make the world aware that, for the time being and until a membership count of 20 or more is acheived, we have taken DNF under our wing and bestowed upon them Generals' Protectorate status

    [15:02] <Rach86[TPF]> I'm guessing that they're more than 20 now.

    [15:02] <Tumin[bAPS]> Kay.

    [15:02] <Tumin[bAPS]> They are.

    [15:02] <Tumin[bAPS]> So?

    [15:02] <Rach86[TPF]> So we don't protect them. :)

    [15:02] <Tumin[bAPS]> MMmk.

    [15:02] <Tumin[bAPS]> :)

    [15:02] <Tumin[bAPS]> So, that conversation, yeah I'll just go tell TimLee.

    [15:02] <Tumin[bAPS]> <3

    [15:02] <Rach86[TPF]> <3

    So, TPF and BAPS never get along? Funny. I remember getting along great with your diplomat, and never really having an incident between us. But that's just me. But obviously TPF was blatantly lying to me in order to prevent getting mixed up in an incident with BAPS, as I made statements tending to be overtoned with hostility towards your ex-protectorate, and no issue was taken, nor intended to be taken. Go figure.

  4. You choose to believe that...I feel differently about BAPS and their involvement. I believe they knew all along the kind of person Tumin was and they invited him to be a high-ranking member of their government. It's all a matter of opinion. BAPS may not have known all of Tumin's sinister plans, but they knew enough about him to realize he's a poor choice for MoFA.

    Just because I always hated you for being a coup'ing tool doesn't really make me a bad MoFA. In fact...lets dreg up some !@#$ from your past, with Zzz!


    Now thats a fun little record of your coup on ACDC. Remember that? Remember how 2/3 of the triums disagreed with you? But you had forum root admin so that legitimized it? Anyhow, if you knew anything about talking to me you'd know I have good people skills. Just not with people I find to be scum. And you're certainly one of those, for dredging up things you know nothing about. I mean, when are you even around to decide? Pretty sure we've never spoken. And honestly? Given the nature of my last dealings with Zzz...

    Session Start: Tue Jan 01 15:30:37 2008

    Session Ident: zzzptm

    [15:30] Session Ident: zzzptm (chatzilla@coldfront-41A71A6.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net)

    [15:30] <zzzptm> Just noticed you stopped by...

    [15:31] <Tumin[bAPS]> Yap.

    [15:31] <Tumin[bAPS]> I b around

    [15:31] <zzzptm> OK, here's the straight poop.

    [15:31] <zzzptm> We can maneuver diplomatically.

    [15:31] <zzzptm> We got a working gov't... well, still need a few ministers, but you get the picture.

    [15:32] <zzzptm> So... DAaRK? We'd need different signatories, but it's still a kickass treaty.

    [15:33] <Tumin[bAPS]> Aren't you udner NADC still?

    [15:33] <zzzptm> Yes, but we can cut deals.

    [15:33] <Tumin[bAPS]> Like couping them?

    [15:33] <Tumin[bAPS]> gtfo

    Session Close: Tue Jan 01 15:33:51 2008

    Pretty sure ACDC thought I was a standup guy til the end as well. Mind you, I've always thought you were pricks for couping ACDC, but c'mon. You're offering my alliance an MDP bloc and yet our MoFA is a scumbag who is gonna screw BAPS? Try a little harder.

  5. Oh, and as for the diplomacy, you've certainly been very diplomatic, like the time Tumin came into #tpf and started insulting me for no reason, right? You had this comming, and it's my pleasure to be a part of it.

    Meh, you just got owned because you were attacking GPA and acting the hero, so I took issue with you. QQ more please. Smeared you wall to wall and even your own protector didn't care. So feel free to bandwagon more from the safety of TPF's shadow, as you attack an alliance with a man's man for a leader, who happens to have trusted someone who acted childish and immature one time. Anyhow, cry more.

  6. Did he go rogue? Had he succeeded in using his authority in BAPS to push us around, would you still have expelled him? I know it's just pixels here, but let's be honest.

    I also find it hard to swallow that most didn't know of what was happening given how many of your nations were in peace mode before any official declarations were made.

    Push you around on what? Peacing Bobery? I didn't ACTUALLY extort Elysium, mind you. If that'd happened I wouldn't have done a thing. That 150 tech was a "lulz" suggestion, just like so many others, which would probably be apparent if full logs were posted. Any yeah, they had no clue until NoWedge showed up and started browbeating them. Moshea left me a nice post in gov't inner forums going "Tumin what the $%&@ is going on here", and thats verifiable by him. They went to peace because NoWedge was threatening war, blatantly. Thats understandable, I think?

    Anyhow, yeah, you guys're right. I'm a tard for thinking BAPS wouldn't get involved, given how CN works, but I'm not sure how that makes it right. :P

  7. Tumin ,

    I guess the tl;dr of that is you were having a little bit of fun on a game called cybernations.

    It was all about the fun when you were sanctioning our protectorate.

    When other people playing the same game ect .. it's no longer fun.

    First rule .. Don't mess with peoples pixels , and they won't mess with yours.

    Haha, yeah, I bet those days of finding trades were really worth killing BAPS over, right? I mean nothing reasonable like reps, nah. We gotta go and demand insane terms and be complete Bilrows about it, amirite? I mean its not like you should've just called for my expellation and dealt with me as the fool I am, yeah, theres PROBABLY something more to this. Once you got those logs it was PROBABLY obvious what was going on. Way to go? Anyhow, just saying, at least state the truth of the war and not your sob story about some 17 year old coming into #Elysium and smacking Mhawk around verbally in front of his big protectors.


    As a note, your protectorate threatened some idiot with extortion. This is a fact, and thats why they were sanctioned. Because I personally think Elysium is scum, and definitely deserved it. Thanks for proving me right.

  8. Now that I know you were behind the attacks on my nation, I'd like to inform you that it is you indeed that is "DOING IT WRONG!"

    Thought you would do better considering you sanctioned AND nuked me. You might have thought your antics would embarrass me, but you've done nothing but get your friends killed.

    You're still doing it wrong. You've declared on an alliance for the clearly rogue actions of one member of government, bringing the whole CN armada into it, and you're STILL trying to gain back some face in the front of a bunch of friends who were just having a few lulz on a game where pixels don't matter, and friendships do. Having thrown myself to the wolves pretty early on this one, and doing my best to make BAPS completely hate me, I figure I'll jump in now. It's about 1:30am, and I can't sleep.

    Anyway Mhawk, I'm glad you're not embarassed. I'm glad your little snotnosed protectorate is enjoying itself. And I'm glad that I've quit Cybernations. I'm not glad BAPS is dying. That was never my intention. Even the logs show that. I was having a bit of intoxicated, and what I thought was lighthearted fun on a video game, called Cybernations. Apparently thats the case for destroying an entire alliance full of REALLY good people, probably the most honorable group I've ever met. And yeah, I'm a stupid kid, I won't lie, I make mistakes. I'm going OOC here because MSN logs are OOC, I hope thats ok. I went a bit too far in the name of lulz. But seriously? Killing BAPS? You're just fulfilling your own ends using me as a reason. And thats not really cool. You're just trying to get to GOONS, because you're all still butthurt by their very existence in pixel form.

    Over the last 3 hours I've sat and thought about things. I went from anger at being realized, to shame, to sadness, and now I'm at a point where I can objectively consider what happened, realize me and my friends were playing around, and that this is a game. It shouldn't have escalated to this point. I should have been honest with Moshea. I should have been kicked from BAPS. I should have done a lot of things. If I had more experience, I probably would have done those. If my diplomatic skills are being honed in a game where only pixels are lost and gained, I'm alright with that. I'd like to apologize for all of BAPS for !@#$@#$ up. Up until that night, I'd been doing my job to the best of my ability. I think people who have dealt with me will agree that I haven't pulled !@#$ of that magnitude before, and I've definitely never before tried to pull something like this off.

    Maybe I was bored. Maybe I was just on-edge and strung out. I'm not sure myself. All I know is that this entire situation and such seems to be more than just anger at me, myself. It seems to be an attack on BAPS, more than that. And go ahead and attack me if you want. I'll be dropping peacemode as soon as possible; save the "LOL ENJOY YOUR SLOTS BEING FILLED". But you're just pathetic if the only casus belli you have on BAPS is my actions, and you bring multiple, unrelated alliances into it. And yeah, I might be an &#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;, but I'm also a kid who doesn't take his pixels too seriously, even the ones hes putting money into. Looking back on this, I'm having a pretty good chuckle over a game where MSN logs of a bunch of friends laughing about doing some minor damage becomes a reason to ZI a 2m NS alliance.

    Anyway, just thought I'd make a post since this is all my fault. I'm sure Tim Tebow wants some credit too, but you know, whatever, cause I got in one little argument and Mhawk got scared then I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "SANCTIONED!" and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could tell this cab was rare but I thought now forget, "YO HOMES TO ZI!"

    Boney, sorry man. I don't know what you must think, I guess it depends how much this game means to you. I've talked to you a lot, and I hope you don't judge me as an individual by my actions in this game. I think you know better then that.

  9. Because of course, Bobery isn't known for lying, is he? Is he Bismarck?

    [13:00] Tumin: dude

    [13:00] Tumin: whats with this log?

    [13:00] Tumin: That Bismarck is feeding me?

    [13:00] Tumin: Seriously.

    [13:00] Bob: bismarck made me make up a log

    [13:00] Tumin: For serious?

    [13:01] Bob: i'm sorry

    [13:01] Crappy: he knows it isnt true

    [13:01] Tumin: dude

    [13:01] Tumin: no

    [13:01] Crappy: like he said

    [13:01] Tumin: dont worry Bob.

    [13:01] Tumin: Dont worry.

    [13:01] Crappy: bob make up a log

    [13:01] Bob: i just didnt wanna get in trouble :'(

    [13:01] Tumin: I'll make this work.

    [13:01] Crappy: bob he told u to make up a log?

    [13:01] Crappy: he kne wu didnt have one?

    [13:01] Tumin: Bobery.

    [13:01] Bob: yes

    [13:01] Crappy: cuz if so

    [13:01] Tumin: Bismarck wnats you on IRC< right?

    [13:01] Crappy: WOW

    [13:01] Tumin: I need you to gimme a little while.

    [13:01] Crappy: so bismarck wanted u to lie

    [13:02] Crappy: wow

    The idea of what to do with Bobery was tossed around, and scrapped when we decided to pursue ZI. Tt was rediscussed, and then it came down from the MfW that we were ZI'ing Bobery. Unfortunately, Bobery likes to take things out of context. Lets nitpick more, shall we?

  10. bapsflagbd0.jpg

    On the 23rd of April 2007 BAPS was born, through the hard work and diligence of it's members, new and old, we have today breached the 2m NS Barrier for the first time. After the UJW ended in Sep-07 BAPS was under surrender terms for 30 days and lay at a mere 670k NS, since then our rebuilding and recruitment efforts redoubled and we stand where we are today, barely 3 months later. We’re very proud of this achievement, and are looking to continue to strengthen black team and the alliances around us. We’ve come a long way in a short time, thanks to the effort of our members and their consistent growth. We’d like to wish everyone the best in ushering a new year, and we have great hopes for things to come.


  11. I imagine that admin is trying to prevent the war-time DEFCON swap, which allowed nations to collect at full value and quickly go back to full readiness. I think that was a ridiculous mechanic, and wholly retarded. That being said, I think this solution is horrible. What would be better, perhaps, is only allowing a nation to increase its prepardedness DURING AN ONGOING WAR and outside of that window, DEFCON can be switched as it has been. That mechanic would make a lot more sense, because you don't stop being prepared when you're at war.


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