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Posts posted by Shtanto

  1. I never wanted to go to war. I didn't know what it was and it didn't seem sensible. I remember Nation States, in the before-time. And it turns out war isn't all that bad really when you have people like NG looking after you. My last battle was quite amusing. Poor Serberus of The State managed to win 2 ground attacks but all he got for his trouble was $42.97, which was enough money (in 1997 dollars) to buy a pair of Yamaha YST-M7 speakers. They're still good today as far as I understand. 


    I've never had as many votes for senatorship as I do these days. It's nice :) I guess I'm finally the popular kid at school. I was the first to leave TIE. Kinda feels like this:


    Big thanks to NG for all their help

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