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Posts posted by Idiotman

  1. Why do you believe that selling land loses you money Horus Lytton? This is not the case, insert a negative value into the "Miles of Land" field, and it will return a negative value, which means that you pay a negative amount. Paying a negative amount is of course the same as being paid the positive of that amount.


    As Mithrandir stated, land is beneficial and your nation should have more. The only reason to sell land is to reduce NS, which is not a serious factor for your nation.

  2. On 26/05/2017 at 11:37 AM, keks said:


    I'm not an avid forums user, so I don't really know where to look for info on this.


    I was holding the "Goon Order Of Negligence and Sadism" AA, but today my alliance was set to none.

    Was there a cull of single member AAs that I am not aware of?


    For now I have gone to umbrella, but if it is something easily rectified I wouldn't mind holding on to the old AA.


    e: it may be related to here? 



    Your old AA has been taken. In future move faster.

  3. Greetings fellow nation rulers,

    I have spent my time here testing the limits of this world. Most recently I have attacked 3 nations of the Viridian Entente, for 3 days now with no retaliation. All 3 of my opponents have been thrown into anarchy due to their weak defenses. All of them are too weak to face me:


    You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of fartsville. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

    Last Tax Collection: 5/21/2017 8:03:23 PM
    Last Bill Payment: 5/26/2017 8:30:51 AM
    Desired Religion: Shinto
    Desired Government: Capitalist
    Threat Level: Low
    Tax Rate: 23%
    Number of Spies: 5
    Last Nuke Purchase: None
    Last Wonder Purchase: 7/22/2016
    Total Money: $45,833,834
    Technology: 74.27 Levels
    Trade Partners: Confederate USA, shadwland, magdalo, Capricaa, vendeta
    Secret Aid Sent To: None
    Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 17, Navy XP: 0, Air Force XP: 81, Intelligence XP: 0
    Assigned Generals: None
    Total Aircraft: 0
    Aircraft Fighter Strength: 0
    Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0
    Navy Purchases Today: 0
    Navy Vessels:

    You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Manor Farm. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

    Last Tax Collection: 5/26/2017 12:44:29 AM
    Last Bill Payment: 5/26/2017 12:44:47 AM
    Desired Religion: Judaism
    Desired Government: Monarchy
    Threat Level: Severe
    Tax Rate: 10%
    Number of Spies: 10
    Last Nuke Purchase: None
    Last Wonder Purchase: None
    Total Money: $4,330,971
    Technology: 271.56 Levels
    Trade Partners: Platypusville, Seeking, Trigunia, Geonosis, Skaro
    Secret Aid Sent To: None
    Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 134, Navy XP: 0, Air Force XP: 156, Intelligence XP: 8
    Assigned Generals: None
    Total Aircraft: 50
    Aircraft Fighter Strength: 300
    Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0
    Navy Purchases Today: 0
    Navy Vessels:

    You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Gatlantis. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

    Last Tax Collection: 5/25/2017 5:51:19 AM
    Last Bill Payment: 5/25/2017 5:51:10 AM
    Desired Religion: Christianity
    Desired Government: Dictatorship
    Threat Level: Guarded
    Tax Rate: 28%
    Number of Spies: 5
    Last Nuke Purchase: None
    Last Wonder Purchase: None
    Total Money: $2,430,796
    Technology: 91.27 Levels
    Trade Partners: Manehatten, Eastfriesians, LuvWine, Yooperland
    Secret Aid Sent To: None
    Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 40, Navy XP: 0, Air Force XP: 90, Intelligence XP: 1
    Assigned Generals: None
    Total Aircraft: 37
    Aircraft Fighter Strength: 8
    Aircraft Bomber Strength: 76
    Navy Purchases Today: 0
    Navy Vessels:

    You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Union of SSR. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to target and destroy $119,897.69 in enemy money reserves. Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.

    You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Seeking. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to target and destroy $92,493.72 in enemy money reserves. Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.


    In nature, it is such that the strong should prey on those weaker than them, as it is on Bob, where those alliances which cannot defend themselves must be crushed into oblivion.

    I invite you to join me on The Crusaders and join my fight against the Viridian Entente and soon other alliances too weak to defend themselves, the riches and glory shall be ours!

    Crusaders onwards!

  4. On 19/05/2017 at 8:44 AM, Alexio15 said:

    Maybe it's because you are a comedy of errors, and think burying your head in the sand means people won't notice?

    I had assumed there would be more reaction to what happened in fact. I thought my nation would be attacked by ex-PG nations as well as possibly by Non Grata, but in fact I was only declared upon by unconnected people. After those expired no one attempted to prevent me escaping to peace mode.

    I have now declared 3 wars upon a sanctioned alliance in order to help me pay off my tech deals, I will see if there is more reaction to that. I strongly suspect that there will not be.

  5. On 16/05/2017 at 5:03 PM, Franz Ferdinand said:

    Of note, you went rogue and kicked everyone off the Praetorian Guard AA.

    That is correct. I had considered posting about the matter but I have never announced anything historically and have had no overt desire to ever do so.


    Your own post seems to be the only mention of those matters on these forums, so it is not as if what remains of the Cybernations community has very much interest in it.

  6. Most alliances are incredibly inactive, I was able to raid with large success in the lower tier against aligned nations; Knights of Ni, MI6, The Chaos Brotherhood, Shangri La, United Equestria, LoSS, InterComradary Pact, United Purple Nations, RnR, The Imperial Remnant, Menotah, Argent, Armpit Platoon and others, none of these resulted in much of a fight or any response from other members of their alliances. All of this was with only a small number of wonders and limited activity. Additionally I myself was attacked unprovoked whilst on the Praetorian Guard AA (Protected by Non Grata) and do not believe I would have been able to get any assistance to deal with my attacker.


    The only exception to this was Guru Order, I attacked one of their members, who fought back and moved to Fark. A government member of Fark then proceeded to message me are request I cease attacks.


    My point with this short tale is that it is entirely possible to exploit inept and inactive alliances to raid successfully if a player is careful. Mr. Quixano's problem, as stated by several above, was that he was impatient and repeatedly attacked an alliance which was active enough to be a threat.

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