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Posts posted by Bluewinters

  1. 22 hours ago, Morphine said:

    Is that before or after you put a bounty on my head?

    You pushed me to do it. "I'm going to destroy you no matter how many times you reroll".What was i supposed to d.I put a bounty on your head to send you a message which was BACK OFF.I put a bounty on your head because you put mine on the firing range.SO don't act as if you're innocent in this situation.

  2. i rerolled morphine sent someone to attack me (Guy doesnt have the decency to attack me upfront) Guys im out and above the whole TIE v COBRA war i never knew i came in without knowing and because of this war i cant join the freehold.People I wouldnt of joined either alliances if i knew the history.

  3. Okay how about we stop this whole COBRA vs TIE debacle by ending the story like this


    After GK and Lucius finish fighting pointlessly destroying both of their houses slowly they come up with a truce and build a large house where GK  and Lucius both rule with equal power and if they have a disagreement they let the people who live inside of it decide who is right.


    Nice ending right

  4. 23 hours ago, Galerion said:




    These in combination look like your claiming Morphine will be attacked by Freehold when TIE/COBRA war ends, if that is the case you're declaring war between Freehold and AW. If that's not the case then why would Morphine have to deal with freehold?

    Do you not think your earlier comment was over reaching considering you are not a member of freehold let alone a gov member.

    No thats not what im saying

  5. Just now, Bluewinters said:

    thats not what they said they said they would accept me in when the TIE vs COBRA fiasco stopped. You however morphine are taking this too seriously i obviously did something to trigger you because you have practically vowed to destroy me even if TIE and COBRA finds peace no matter how many times i reroll.

    The freehold doesnt want t get involved with this so i can understand why they would want to wait

  6. 4 hours ago, Morphine said:

    Sorry bluewinters. Doesn't look The Freehold will be fighting for you. Where to next?

    thats not what they said they said they would accept me in when the TIE vs COBRA fiasco stopped. You however morphine are taking this too seriously i obviously did something to trigger you because you have practically vowed to destroy me even if TIE and COBRA finds peace no matter how many times i reroll.

  7. To: Commander Bean    From: Bluewinters    Date: 6/3/2017 3:17:05 PM

    Subject: I need someone destroyed


    Message: OK.I need you guys to destroy Morphine of Morphinel and any other members of apocalypse meow
    that try to stop you.just tell me how much it costs for you guys t do it and ill pay you as soon as i can


     Received Message

    To: Bluewinters    From: Commander Bean    Date: 6/3/2017 9:21:17 PM

    Subject: RE: I need someone destroyed


    Message: okay
  8. Its only appropriate because he is a threat to me and my friends i asked the A team to get him to send a message that i got friends in high places who can destroy my enemies.Once he stops stalking my nation im gonna pretend he doesnt exist but leaving him alone isnt an option.

  9. Hi COBRA guys just saying my first message was a meltdown everything after was disappointment.Let me clear the air on some things LUCIUS DID NOT START THE !#$$#$%%#@ WAR GOSH.I sent your 'king' a letter asking for peace cuz we were tired of the unesscaary tensions between us.Then when your leader read it he thought it was some front and connected it with recent spy attacks but come on. Kanabis you have so many people after you out for blood why do you think our leader who couldnt care less about attacking you would do it.If he wanted to test out his spies he would of asked if he could test it out on us his members.Also how do you take a peace treaty as a threat here is it

    o: General Kanabis    From: Bluewinters    Date: 5/20/2017 7:43:15 PM

    Subject: Peace


    Message: Greetings General Kanabis I am Bluewinters, minister of communication for TIE (The Imperial Entente).On behalf of my alliance I would like to offer a non-aggression pact with your alliance.We want to avoid future hostilities and wars.We also want to make long lasting economic allies.If you agree to this pact please contact our leader Lucius Optimus
    See guys now start considering who the real warmonger  is
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