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New Lucinda

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Posts posted by New Lucinda

  1. 4 minutes ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

    Soldiers when in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no help for it, they will fight hard.


    and when the enemy is through your gates and banging down your door, sometimes the best thing to do is just grab the gasoline, sprinkle liberally, light a match and run. at least your stuff won't be any use to your enemy that way. if i don't intend on crossing back over a bridge again, my preference is to ensure i burn it down after I cross. also, why am i not banned yet, how long is this going to take? meh, going to bed, im sure ill be banned by the time I wake.


    mordd out y'all.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Lucius Optimus said:

    Hope you're not talking to me. Lucius said nothing of the sort


    your right its 4am and im pretty drunk on red wine by now, Lucius is the name of Diadochi, a senior member of POSSE, that is his RL name i guess he used on Skype, didnt look at your AA listing and forgot thats not his CN name.

    To clarify: I have a recording of a lengthy TS convo with Nation_ID=592033 

    Ruler: Diadochi message_compose.png nation_save.png message_block.png nation_ban.png Custom8.png
    Nation Name: Seleucids


    on the day I joined POSSE and Alpha Wolves were attacking Stoli, of him saying he wants to coup POSSE and throw out olonso.

  3. i was banned in 2012 for swearing in a war declaration for using the reason of "iFOK you", seeing as I was in iFOK at the time. along with about 45 other nations banned at same time as me for the identical reason. some old vets might remember it, i presume the day iFOK had almost 50 vet player nations deleted in the middle of a mass war might not have been forgotten.


    also, my AA in game is currently "FCUK 4DMIN" - im making this easy for the mods. by my count,ive broken about 5 CN game rules in the past 20 mins.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Morphine said:

    So your a banned player?

    never hid that from you or anyone else, and have already pm'd the forum mods to tell them I am and that they should ban me again now.


    i also know which of all the players I have dealt with recently are also banned players, and i have sent that info the mods as well.


    no idea what they will do with it, but if im not the only deleted soon, you will know why.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Blackatron said:

    Usually people use CNtel.


    Really my intention was just to



    sure, that works too. dont remember that forum being around when i was banned in 2012.


    as for my time right now, im still having fun pouring gasoline on everything here, this is not a waste of my time right here, once i light the match and walk away, any time after that would be.

  6. 1 minute ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Your intentions are quite clear.  


    If you say so. Zero $%&@s given. I have already messaged mods and admin to have this account deleted and my IP banned. You can find the paste bin logs on reddit in 48hrs. Turns out I realised I have more important things in life to do than this, thank god I didn't waste 1 more second on a dying game that should have been shut down years ago.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Morphine said:

    You got logs of being played? Being played means everything is basically false. 

    you made the same allegations to Sycora of POSSE, so you were trying to play him too?

    what about the logs of you denying it all after. you can't make up your mind at all. your just as much of a compulsive liar as alonso is.

  8. 2 minutes ago, SirWilliam said:

    I'll reserve judgment (which, admittedly, will remain private) of any individuals mentioned until I've seen any proof whatsoever of the various claims that have been made by various individuals (I've yet to see anything).


    I will say it's interesting that you have forum logs saved, New Lucinda. After all, what does that say about your intentions?

    That from previous time in this game I know to cover my back, in case someone tries to slip a knife into it. EVE taught me that.

  9. 1 minute ago, Immortan Junka said:

    It is always a good day when a leak is busted, especially one that subverted the Monster Mash coalition. 


    Best wishes for our friends in PoSSE and Varangian Guard moving forward. Regardless of treaties lost, smoking out rats always leaves one stronger.


    Like alonso leaking intel on the bloc to the bloc's enemies. Yes, it is more than worth it to sacrifice my nation to bring this to light. You have all been played for fools just like me. Wake up and smell the grass sheeple!

  10. 1 minute ago, AL Bundy said:

    No Matter who said what....your still a rogue that was quitting the game last month and hit AGW Overlords and Avalanche....


    You should be at .01 everything, just sad my wolves didn't get to do it for you.


    Al Bundy


    Yes, I should have done it then and not wasted my time. Now I get to drop a truth bomb instead and educate all of CN how much of a liar Alonso is.

    And yes, I Zi'd myself specifically so that you cannot get the pleasure or benefit of doing it yourself. This game is nothing like it used to be, and I am glad I won't be wasting any more time on it.

  11. This is all I have to say:

    1. Alonso is a big fat liar. I have irrefutable proof of that. He has been playing all sides off against each other, me included, and he cannot be trusted at anything he says, he is a megalomaniac and a compulsive liar.


    2. I have posse forum logs / screenies, game PM's, skype logs, and more. It's all going on 1 big paste bin file very soon for everyone to read for themself. You decide who is telling the truth then, I can assure you, it is not Alonso, and I can and will prove it.


    3. I have sold all my infra down to 25.01 infra (cant sell the last 0.01 for some reason). I have just over 200 tech left, I have already sent aid offers to my enemies with the tech, it will be gone soon too. I have sold all my land down to 0.01 land, all that is left is land from growth. I have sold off my entire military, inc. all spies, except for my remaining 4 nukes, I have 2 nations attacking me atm from Alpha, im sure they will enjoy getting the very last of my nations assets sent to them, i'll make sure to gift wrap each nuke first.


    For the moment, you may want to read this for yourself, there is absolute ton more like this and will all be on a public paste bin doc soon, links will be made available through various methods to ensure the evidence cannot be hidden and gets to everyone in CN sooner or later.


    I'm done here, good luck Zi'ing a nation who ZI'd itself.




    Id like to point out why we left the bloc
    About a week or so ago Jack posted a very sensitive screenshot to the bloc forums. The only people who use the bloc forums are Jack, Sirwilliam and Alonso. That screenshot was given to VG, COBRA and kashmirs enemies by alonso.
    (Of this we have proof)
    Given that during our war with monsters , PoSSe's senator sent secret war aid to Monsters
    And weve let that slide.
    You seem like you know what your doing and I respect that but Alonso is trying to play multiple sides of a field thats only so big
    Thats fine. Its posted on the bloc forums for all to see.
    Evidence is with bloc leaders. I dont bother with that *********;
    Ill be blunt.
    If PoSSe got straightened up - no more dictator but had a leader that made an effort to protect their bloc mates this could be very different
    I think PoSSe is heading for a very wrong and unstable direction. They are there now but they need someone more stable
    I mean alonso sent war plans of his bloc mates to our enemies..
    Not for nothing but
    You also have to see how the other bloc govt is gonna react. I mean alonso sent that info to our mutual enemies
    They might not be too happy either
    We posted the screenshot about a week ago
    Got confirmation that it was sent to our enemies about 4 days ago
    Made our intentions to leave known about 2-3 days ago

    more like this to come. alonso is a big fat liar, trust him at your peril.

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