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Posts posted by ElPres

  1. Thirdly- as you already know, our war with TSO had nothing to do about a 'failed merger'.


    Are you still trying to say that Ceres insulted you? Because when he came he said that the merge was unconstitutional and it was, it's written in our constitution and then Razer insulted Ceres and he didn't answer so that makes the reason you attacked us because of a failed merger if not please tell me why you warred

  2. So all I'm seeing in this thread is Methrage and Hitchcock are looking for technicalities in all the types of peace Kashmir tried to set up to stop MI from collapsing then they decide to attack SRA (Basically declaring war on most of TCA )  and when Kashmir finally figures out that they shouldn't be helping LH and declare war on him he claims he was back stabbed by them  when in reality it's   LH who back stabbed Kashmir with their acts of aggression, seems to me like you had this a long time coming 





  3. WE WANT YOU!! Yes you, here at The Sovereign Order we value loyalty,brotherhood,and sovereignty of nations.

    We believe that all nations should be free to voice their opinions and have a chance to influence their alliance in meaningful ways, we hold weekly games discussions and whatever else , at TSO your voice will always be heard never will you be ignored and of course we have dedicated sub forums for EVERYTHINGGGG SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR JOIN NOWWW!!!!!!!!!


    Ways for Joining:


    Forums: http://tso.cnalliance.org/


    My nation link:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=566190


    See You Soon


  4. Hello ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce my self I'm ElPresidente the new premier of TSO as one of my many coming changes to my alliance I have decided to make new forums that are better at using and more user friendly for both my members and of course the diplomats from other alliances.

    The purpose of this announcement is to get all diplomats to sign up on our new forums in hopes of better relations with everyone. 

    the link (http://tso.cnalliance.org/)

    Best Regards


  5. Oh brother.  Is this part of some stupid terms for peace?  Gotta think so.  TSO gets "raided" then has to apolgize for using every means necessary to hit back.  Laughable.  The whole damned thing is laughable.  I would tell you to kick him in the balls, but he is hiding in hippy mode.  Again, the whole episode is a joke and capitulating to worthless trolls that call themselves alliances is stupid.

    This isn't peace we are apologizing for sanctioning him simple as that and I assure you the war is still on 

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