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Mister Moetato

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Posts posted by Mister Moetato

  1. I ask this as an admitted filthy casual. But, how did the top few nations in this game get so disproportionately strong? We are all bound by the same mechanics, so it seems that older nations should be on similar levels. I understand wars change nation outcomes pretty significantly, but other than that it all seems pretty straight forward. Is it just that they have been throwing down monthly donations for years? Or is there something I'm missing? 


    Also I would be interested in seeing nation growth over the whole lifetime of some of those top nations. Is it possible to get nation strength charts that go back that far? 

  2. Christmas and war mix fine. We all have smart phones. Hop on once for 10 minutes while you are taking your after dinner crap and all will be fine and well.



    As for Christmas truce, if both sides agree I say why not? HOWEVER, it is situational. If you declared and someone, and then ask them for truce I think you are an idiot. You should have realized the war was going to cover christmas. If you are destroying the defender, he will probably agree, and you are a nice guy I suppose. But, if you declared and are now getting a beating, there's a good chance that your Christmas truce request will be laughed at. (I'm talking to you SuperCoolYellow). I think it is always fair for the defender to ask for truce.


    Maybe I am silly. Maybe I am overthinking it.

  3. Just increasing requirements for buing and firing nukes from 1000 infra and 75 tech to 2000 infra and 1000 tech would solve most of the issues for the fresh nations getting massacred by the veterans.


    I'm a new nation, and basically got ZI'd this war by a nuclear nation. Now I am just having fun taking pot shots at their low tier. It's all part of the game I suppose.

  4. CN players...they grow up so fast.



    It was so easy when I played in college. Now that I have to wake up between 5-6am on weekdays (and hardly make it past 11pm on weekends), midnight updates are tough to get to! haha. I have only set my alarm twice to wake up for them during this war. :p Luckily my fiance is a heavy sleeper and I don't have to explain myself.

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