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Posts posted by kanenas

  1. Way to take Trotsky's post out of context.  At that time, we still believed that UCR was acting in good faith and that the leak was genuine.  So, we admitted the possibility that the leak might have been due to unauthorized access to our conference room, and carried out a thorough investigation on our part, including examining possible security flaws and looking at all the people who accessed the conference room.  There was no unauthorized access.  But right as we found this, UCR decided to manufacture the screen shot and unilaterally withdraw from DL.


    Let's see, did Ronjoy ever use the nick "RJ" on IRC before?  No.  Also, why did the IP address on that "RJ" user show up as coming from a UK server, and didn't match Ronjoy's usual IP address?  Why are both Ronjoy and Gunsta denying involvement in this?  Why does the content of the "message" have nothing whatsoever to do with actual discussions that were happening at LSF?


    EDIT:  And now we find out that all this time while we were busy investigating the leak and jumping through hoops to fix our supposed "security problems" that you guys accused us of, you were similarly busy holding the election to leave DL (and thereby weasel out of a potentially losing war) using this supposed "leak" as a pretext, and were simply holding off on publishing the outcome until you made sure that you had some FA left.  Brilliant.

  2. 4208.png


    A mistake in the DoW:  the Chandrasekhar limit is the mass for a stellar core to collapse into a neutron star (NS) and form a supernova, not the mass to form a black hole.  The limit for forming a black hole is not well known but is probably closer to 2 solar masses, and in any case depends on how much material falls back onto the neutron star during the supernova explosion.


    Also, supernovae generated all the uranium on Earth and created the conditions for humans to create nukes, which are of course an inspiration for pixel-destroying CN nukes.  We thereby thank SNX for providing us with the Elesef-blessed R-process elements necessary for the Manhattan Project!  Death to powindah pixels!


    o/ SNX!  o/ Elesef!

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