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Oso Pardo

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Posts posted by Oso Pardo

  1. A freelancer hunting for recruits is a very very rare sight indeed.


    Ok, thanks Pansy.


    ^^ This Oso Pardo, I haven't recruited a player nor wanted too since 2008, nor do the crew I hang with, we don't actively play the political scene, we've farmed that task out to GATO, however the one thing were really good at is building and financing a nation for self sufficiency, any alliance worth a spit will be able to do that also though The III Percent caters to a specific political philosophy which we all live by outside CN.

    That's why Pansy damn near fainted, this is first for me in a long long .. long time.

    Good luck in your search for a new home here on BoB


    Done deal!


    Probably Riot Society, we always seem to be at war.


    Maybe another time.

  2. Most alliances will help you grow in fairness, there will be some give and take mind. Larger nations need tech just like you need money.
    Good luck in your hunt though


    Thanks for the info.


    Well, if you want to be government immeadeatly, non-corrupt anf friendly members, Get a loud voice in the alliance politics, i would say join a micro


    If you want all those things plus any team you want, and when we can give you aid, we give you aid, i would say join my alliance, The Death Remnants.


    Thanks, but no.


    How about the Christian Coalition of Countries? (CCC)? We give you a nice 12 million bonus, and organize tech deals to help you get money. If you don't know what tech deals are, just ask, and I can explain it! If anyone attacks you, you will get help. We also have several positions in the alliance, like Minister of Internal Affairs or Defense that anyone can run for.


    Welcome to the game!


    Thanks for the offer, but I guess CCC members must behave, meaning no warring only defending.  


    Though CCC is in no way a military-themed alliance if that is what the OP is looking for. :v:

    I would recommend IRON (Independent Republic of Orange Nations) based on what you seem to value. A big alliance with big members, but at the same time they do very well with small-nation economics, and they have plenty of people in any strength range to give you a hand. They are heavily military-themed so you might enjoy that aspect as well. :P



    Wow, IRON is really big.  Thanks for the info.


    I can't believe I'm about to do this, but our tech division has made great strides and were about to loose a few of them.

    While the III Percent does not actively recruit ( we despise it ) were always on the lookout for a Constitutional Patriot, if you know what that is, odds are you'll fit in with our crew, all of us our adults, most of us prior military and were pretty laxed when it comes to CN, your register on our forums follow a few simple rules  and we'll make sure your nation is ready to rock.

    To give you an idea how we operate our newest recruit is 111 days old and he's well on his way to braving the world on his own, if this is something that interests you, swing by our forum's meet the crew and we'll go from there.



    You offer seems really tempting, would wait just a little bit before deciding.


    I thought I had seen it all in my time here..... *faints*


    What do you mean?



    Join MCXA. we'll help you achieve your goals and plus were a fun bunch to hang out with.



    or join CCC they not war oriented but they a great bunch.


    Thanks for the offer.

  3. I want to join an alliance who is really oriented in to helping a small folk to get into range with the rest of their nations. So that means an alliance with a reknown reputation as tough fighters and not way too big to help you achieve their size for when the next ride arrives.

    You could let me know about you here or to my nation.

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