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Posts posted by I_K_S_C_1234

  1. just thought i would point out

    - howso was never elected properly - he was the only one to stand.

    - most of GOLD - myself included - was wholly unaware that the cash had been sent to FAN - it was meant for reparations after the war ended (if such a time ever came about)

    -about a third of the alliance - myself included again - switched to peace mode on the first signs of war...

    its rather depressing though that noone seems to care...

  2. I, I_K_S_C_1234 of Solafia (formerly of GOLD), announce that I accept the terms of surrender to NPO, and am now an NPO-POW, despite the fact that my only contribution to the wars against NPO and CIS was to oppose the war against CIS and then switch to peace mode a few minutes after the war was declared.

    I hereby state that I will continue to take no actions against the NPO or CIS, and will patiently and peacefully await their statement as to what will happen to those members of GOLD who are now POWs...

    p.s. i was told that if i did not make a post on here i would be "hunted" forever - even if i followed every other condition of surrender... so i have had to make an account on here...

    p.p.s.lets just say my feelings towards NPO are currently at an all time low... it will probably wear off after a few days though...

    p.p.p.s. i said it would. and it has

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