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Maximus Augustus

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Posts posted by Maximus Augustus

  1. :rolleyes:

    You have just lost any granule of credibility you might have had in this thread. Seriously, you need to just log out and go get a new screen name lest your ignorance embarrasses you any further.

    You have no clue what you are talking about, none whatsoever.

    That statement coming from a FAN member makes me feel all warm inside. I'll wear it as a badge of honor.

    Al Qaeda thinks they are in the right too, but that doesn't make it correct.

    Enjoy continuing peace mode until Moo says differently.

  2. ....lol Baghdad Bob comes to mind.....

    You know, when we, the United States, went into Iraq, he kept trying to turn himself in so as to appear to be someone of importance.

    The US kept releasing him LOL

  3. Yes. Chairman Hal and chefjoe have both been throwing about threats.

    Stop with the whole "mindless" thing. It does you no favors.

    Once again that has nothing to do with anything. If peacemode is a tactic that can be used, there is no reason to mock those who use it. You are simply saying "Oh FAN, look at how you don't fight" just to rub salt into the wound of crushing them in a war that had a weak CB. Now that Valhalla goes to peace mode, it's not a tactic of war, it's "What Valhalla, my ally, want's to do."

    You keep bringing up Valhalla like they are relevant to a thread about FAN. That's on you, not me.

  4. My sources say yes.

    My sources say yes.

    This one, I'm gonna say no to, because they suck at propaganda.

    And everything you say about this is hypocritical, because you or your allies have done it all and worst deeds as well.


  5. If peace mode is a-okay, when why mock somebody for using it?

    Are they throwing around idle threats about war crimes tribunals against anyone else's alliance?

    Are they throwing around idle threats about someone's imminent demise?

    Are they throwing around mindless propaganda?

    Again my posts aren't about Valhalla but FAN and this thread about "freeing FAN".

  6. Apprentely not. The time line goes like this.



    VietFAN2 (NPO violates the surrender terms which state that NPO will only attack violators of the terms, not all of FAN).

    They are two conflicts.

    Also, the peace mode argument? Really? Look at your allies in Valhalla right now, and say that with a straight face. Even I'm not in peace mode.

    As for us being the FAN media corp, well I guess that's cool.

    I remember it more like

    The failed FAN war which, after the curb-stomping occurred turned into


    Then after peace was granted and while the sniping on the forum continued from certain sections of the FAN membership (real or just ghosting we'll never know), VIETFAN 2 occurred.

    Maybe they had some ghosts staying in peace mode the entire time, but certainly there were a ton of them in peace mode. Now I speak for myself only and not the NPO leadership in any way. That said Valhalla can do whatever they wish, it's not like the NPO or anyone else is ordering them around so how about we not cloud the subject by doing the "But well YOUR ally this" or "Valhalla is in peace mode blah blah blah" that.

    My posts remain about FAN. Especially with my imminent destruction :awesome:

  7. You said peace mode. It's been around a year. Do try to keep up.

    Reread what I wrote and get back to me. It's fairly clear I indicated that FAN has been in conflict with the NPO for nearly two years (and yes they went into peace mode during that conflict as well - I WAS there for it after all).....

  8. If you are going to present an argument, please at least try to get the facts right. It's been around a year, not two. They never tried to coup NPO.

    Then get your facts straight.

    The first FAN war kicked off about 3 weeks before my daughter was born. She'll turn two in July.

    Thanks for playing.

  9. Yes. Yes it is. And you will have to live with the consequences.

    Hope you've made your peace with God, bucko.


    "peace with God"?

    Good Lord but that's a funny one.

    How are you going to do anything from peace mode? The answer is nothing.

  10. OMG let it go you out number them by how much.......jeez 22M to less than a 1M in NS...they are a huge threat.....I wonder if the role was reversed would you insist on your own repressions....hmmm......

    I guess someone should have thought of that before attempting to engage the NPO.

    Either way, it is what it is now.

  11. What does he think about that? It's a fact that you and your allies are being threatened by the Citadel and some others. What is wrong with what I'm saying?

    I don't know. Maybe we should ask him. I'm sure what he would say would make a lot more sense than this back and forth between me and the various FAN and Vox people that's for sure...

  12. It's remarkable how you manage to maintain that same arrogant "rank-and-file member of a powerful alliance" attitude on the eve of your potential destruction. All I'm saying is that maybe you should hold off on the posturing lest you look like a fool if FAN outlasts you in the end.

    I wonder what Ivan thinks about that.....that is, of course if you are truly a New Sith Order member.

    BTW FAN won't outlast me, I'm not going anywhere ZI or no.

  13. You should tell that to your allies in Valhalla.

    That's for my leadership, not for me to speak about.

    My point stands. FAN can whine on here as much as they want (and God knows they have to include creating their own media corps otherwise known as Vox Populi), but there is a reason they have to remain in peace mode nearly TWO YEARS after getting caught attempting to coup the NPO and then getting caught again going against terms.

    Too bad so sad.

  14. That's right. You trusted us the first time to set up NAAC with a beautiful back-room diplomatic / war ambush which you signed off on and helped make work.

    Then you unwisely trusted us to lay down and die when you manufactured false evidence, played e-lawyer with technicalities of the loophole you deliberately engineered into the truce, and started massacring us.

    How silly of us. We should have been obedient slaves and let you properly work out your psychosis by flogging and rending us further, I suppose?

    You're either collectively sick in the head, or willing cogs and mouthpieces of an infernal machine churning for a rancorous purpose. Either way your alliance needs to be put down.

    I hear the whirlwind in the thorn trees, boy.

    "needs to be put down"?!


    Not from peace mode son.

  15. NPO can surrender to FAN at anytime. The war will be over. We tried trusting NPO once. That's enough.

    You see, the NPO made the mistake of trusting FAN TWICE.

    It won't happen again under Moo's watch unless something significant changes.

  16. Uh, who declared war on who again? Who's fixated on destroying whom?

    Oh yeah. Now I remember.

    Guess we should have followed fire code in our anthill or something, right, Mr. Anteater?

    You've got some Kool-aid on your shirt too, dude. Might want to get that drycleaned.

    awwwww LOL

    if that's all you have....

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