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Ser Baras

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Posts posted by Ser Baras

  1. Today, the rebel forces of Cult of Skaro have reached a critical milestone and a history victory. No Dalek Empire nation of substantial size has been left untouched by the conflict, but the scale of the destruction may be lost upon observers, so I will call attention to our successes here.  


    As of this moment, there are no Dalek Empire nations remaining with one thousand or more infrastructure. 


    Furthermore, as the Dalek Empire nations have never been obligated to keep warchests, there are no Dalek Empire nations remaining that would not be stronger if they rerolled today. 


    To reiterate: every single loyalist nation has been damaged to the point where they should reroll as soon as possible to maximize their nation strength. 


    At the same time, we continue to gather recruits from the Empire's defectors and to provide them with adequate trades and education resources. Within a day, those who defect to us can be stronger than any nation left in Skaro. Within a week, they will be stronger than the average three. HD's Dalek Empire has lost roughly 120,000 nation strength (more than half its starting total) while the Cult of Skaro continues to only gain in power. 


    The victory on the battlefield has been won, and won decisively. All that remains to be seen is how many players will acknowledge this and join the True Skaro of Coolgreen44, or abandon HDSupreme's failed Empire and seek greener pastures outside of any Skaro. 

  2. As HDSupreme has refused to enter into any negotiations with us, we are continuing military operations, including nuclear strikes against loyalist nations. 


    However, I would like to draw the world's attention to the fact that several of Skaro's top players, including Hector, martians and nayia have either sought asylum in other alliances or joined Cult of Skaro and pledged their nations to our cause. Whether or not HDSupreme is willing to acknowledge our demands, the people of Skaro can and will make their own choices. 

  3. Update: all rebel nations have been kicked from Cult of Skaro and some Skaro players are initiating counterattacks against our offensive. 


    Despite personally removing and banning us from the alliance, HDSupreme has not initiated private communications with us in any way. 


    We have therefore elected to form a new alliance, Cult of Skaro, under the leadership of Coolgreen44. Any Skaro players who sympathize with our cause and wish to remain Skaro players are welcome to join us. All Skaro players are still free to seek asylum in other alliances; we will continue military action only against those who continue to support the corrupt and failed regime of HDSupreme. 



    Edit: HDSupreme has sent at least one message to Coolgreen44 criticizing the actions of the rebellion and labeling us traitors to the alliance. A diplomatic resolution of this conflict appears unlikely. 

  4. Thank you for your support, everyone. It means a great deal to me in these turbulent times. 


    It has become clear to me over the time I have spent in Skaro that the leadership of HDSupreme is a poison to this game.


    • Many of Skaro's players are new, recruited en masse via PM and from SE, and are given little or no adequate assistance or training.
    • Skaro's build guides are flawed and out of date; they don't even teach collection cycles. There are no warchest standards or advice; none of my current opponents have more than $2M. 
    • Skaro has no organized military coordination, resulting in frustrated players fighting on their own, losing their wars and not befriending their alliancemates. Skaro's forum and IRC are
    • Skaro's command structure is extremely inadequate. Through the entire war with TPC/TEPD, Skaro's leaders did not collect warchest data, did not assign targets to their members, and did not assist their players in coordinating against critical opponents. 

    These and other crucial flaws in the leadership of HDSupreme warrant drastic action. We demand that HDSupreme immediately relinquish control of Cult of Skaro to Coolgreen44, following which a new governing council will be instituted. This new council will include current alliance heir Jesse James, should he wish to continue his role in the governance of Skaro. 


    Any player who wishes may leave Skaro entirely to seek asylum in other alliances. Once a new AA has accepted a refugee, we will peace out all our wars with that player. 


    Again, thank you for your time and your support. With your assistance, we look forward to building a better, brighter TE. 

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