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Posts posted by digger

  1. Daenarys, by your own account, your alliance is largely made up of rogues and noobs. You have an active recruiting program, but it would appear from the state of things no training program. There is little to no coordination, and no discipline for people who disobey direct orders. And if you were in charge, you'd run things differently.

    If this is the kind of paper tiger that you've built, than don't complain when it gets cut up. Enforce discipline, or pay the price for the action of your rogues.

  2. Maybe there should be a separate subforum on the TE public forums for noobs to ask questions. People could use the same forum to post guides tailored towards noobs, both comprehensive and on specific topics. We could comment on, refine, and edit the guides, and once the community likes one, we can ask the moderators to sticky it.

  3. Right now all of the prizes are for individuals, or two people who are supposedly fighting each other. This seems strange for a game that is so much about team work. There should be a prize for the alliance with the largest total NS at the end of the round.

    In order to make this work, there would have to be a cap on the size of an alliance in order to qualify for this prize. Just to toss a number out there, say 9 nations. Many teams would, of course, be bigger than just the 9 in the flagrunning alliance. They would have to put their 9 largest nations into their running alliance. The rest could concentrate on attacking the flagrunners of other teams. It would be a group version of the current ns competitions.

  4. Once per day is fine, but requires a bit more time than a few minutes during wars.


    Not sure you'd find someone telling you the history of TE for many hours though. To truly understand it, quite a lot of reading/playing is needed. No quick fix here. 

    I think that's all I can offer for now


    Well I can't guarantee that I'll be able to do more than a few minutes on any given day. Most of the time, sure. But there are days when I'm swamped and I'm just not going to commit to anything that's going to negatively impact my life. So you'll have to decide if you want me or not based on that.


    I don't know where you got the idea that I'm looking for a quick fix. I'm just looking for someone who will explain things to me. I've played a game that's somewhat similar to this before, and I know that the real complexity is in the politics. So if I'm not learning about that, I'm really just spinning my wheels. I've been clear that I'm more than willing to do my reading before bothering anyone with stupid questions.


    Not sure why this is sticking on the idea of explaining the political dynamics to me. It seems to me that you think I'm asking for more than I'm actually asking for.

  5. I have no problem doing my reading ahead of time.


    What are your requirements, exactly? I am sporadically active. I have a 2.5 y/o and a 2 month old, and I'm going to school part time. So life takes priority over games. This seems like the sort of game where I only really need to show up once a day. If I have instructions I can just carry them out and be on my way in a few minutes. I can do my politicing and learning on days when I have more time available. Is that feasible?


    I don't exect to be given sensitive information. But I'd like to learn the lay of the land by the end of the round. So I'd like someone to walk me through the subscript of public statements, the history of alliances and enemies, and what they know of the motivation and personality of the people involved. This is a must. If I don't learn this stuff, I'm not going to have any idea where I want to fit in.

  6. I'm brand new to CN as of 2 days ago. I need to learn the ropes, and I'd like to do so quickly by receiving some intensive mentorship. With the new round starting in just a few days, I am offering my services for a round in exchange for everything you can teach me.


    I will do whatever you ask of me. I'll fight in your wars, I'll farm for your team. I won't go rogue and make you unneeded enemies. In exchange, I want detailed descriptions of exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing. I want to know every level. Game mechanics, tactics, strategy, and especially politics. At the end of the round, I'll decide where I fit in best long term. And if that's not your alliamce, I expect no hard feelings. But as long as you're not skimping on the teaching, I will be loyal and obedient throughout the round.

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