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Status Updates posted by 52897_1460756739

  1. RT @AstroKatie: ? https://t.co/X0Nhnbkmf5 https://t.co/n7mQjFfR45

  2. RT @sicsuper: Se ampliará el plazo para el Registro Nacional de Base de Datos hasta el 30 de enero de 2018, espere muy pronto más informaci…

  3. @edgarwright In Colombia, We'll have to wait until September 7 to see "Baby: The apprentice of crime" :( https://t.co/EOftJx28No

  4. RT @johnfcortes: #Ahora Paquete sospechoso en el Portal de @TransMilenio de Américas resultó ser un gatico. A esta hora el sistema funcion…

  5. @PizzaHutBogota ¿Por qué mi pedido está en estado pendiente de pago y no cambia?

  6. RT @Aiannucci: Politician becomes country's leader unelected but then loses very soon after in her election. It's hilarious. https://t.co/2…

  7. RT @ZachWeiner: Sci Fact: The Beatles were approximately 4 times bigger than Jesus, by volume.

  8. RT @OnePerfectShot: SHAUN OF THE DEAD (2004) Director of Photography: David M. Dunlap | Director: Edgar Wright https://t.co/ktHRHmVGHj

  9. RT @NASAhistory: After a historic 33.5-hour nonstop solo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh triumphantly lands in Paris #OTD in 1927.…

  10. RT @olgabot: Defended my #PhD in #Bioinformatics!! #phdnera @yeo_lab https://t.co/y10iOFBpXb

  11. RT @actualidadpanam: Popular muñeco Kini será precandidato por el Centro Democrático https://t.co/AUGtzKx8ZZ

  12. RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Sales department: We're giving away a car and cruise to Alaska IT department: Who wants a bag of gummy bears for most…

  13. RT @pwnallthethings: Perhaps if turning off automatic updates is the antivaxxer movement of technology, then password complexity requiremen…

  14. RT @fordm: It's less of a "news cycle" these days and more of that BSG episode where the Cylons attack every 33 minutes.

  15. RT @jessicahagy: An oldie people are asking to see today: http://t.co/i8zNddSTsw

  16. RT @BLAST_TNG: @Spotify Can you recommend a playlist with some frosty vibes for cooling the camera for a 5000 lbs balloon telescope to near…

  17. RT @JPMajor: The Apollo 11 site imaged at various times of the lunar day by LRO. Descent stage at center; at "noon" you can see trails by b…

  18. RT @sudosev: The code I expect to write vs. the code I end up writing. https://t.co/ij5GaA811u

  19. RT @dhidalgo65: Avenida Caracas 1996 100% tarifa para privados 68 muertes al año Diesel 3000 ppm Jornada conductores 12-14 h/día H/t @can…

  20. RT @MicroSFF: "My identity has been stolen!" "Let's see... Oh! No. It has been reissued." "What?" "You were a disappointment. It's in bette…

  21. RT @PersianRose1: https://t.co/dDT6j37Kh1

  22. RT @PeterGleick: Apparently, this even has a name: Brandolini Principle. Seems like direct empirical evidence. https://t.co/Pv8zLoJZdN

  23. RT @DeathStarPR: The Captain told me I had to post this. https://t.co/Rz73X5vrnz

  24. SETI Has Already Tried Listening to TRAPPIST-1 for Aliens https://t.co/j7GrE6bHcR

  25. RT @Salazzle: 144p vs 1080p https://t.co/5jimtlujBU

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