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sergei romanov

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Posts posted by sergei romanov

  1. Dual Unions Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance


    The Union of Communist Republics (UCR) hereby recognizes the legitimacy and protects the sovereignty of the Union of Global Socialist Republics (UGSR). 
    Article 1: Union Stability.
    The UGSR and UCR hereby agree to not attack one another. The UGSR agrees to not raid any alliances or be an aggressor in war. Should any issue arise the UGSR agrees to come to UCR for a solution, diplomatic or otherwise. 
    Article 2: Bread Lines for All
    The UGSR and UCR hereby agree to do trade with one another and allow tech deals to flow between the two for greater prosperity of all the people in both alliances. 
    Article 3: Defend the Motherland!
    The UGSR and UCR agree to come to one another’s aid in the event of a war, be it militarily, politically and or economically.
    Article 4: Intelligence
    All information that would aid either entity will be shared freely with each.
    Article:5 Communication
    UGSR is to keep in contact with UCR at all time, by any means necessary. Either via the UCR Foreign Affairs Commissar or Premier.
    Article 6: Politics: The two parties are extensions of one another, thus one should not act in Foreign Affairs without the considerations of the other.
    Article 7: Allotment
    This treaty is a time table agreement and thus will only last 6 months, if more time is needed it may be requested.
  2. Preamble:
    The Union of Communist Republics (henceforth known as UCR) and Doom Squad (henceforth known as DS) (the term party/parties may be used to define either UCR or DS) have come to be friends and by getting some paperwork out of the way make our friendship formally recognizable.
    Article 1: Optional Aggression
    Either party can act in an aggressive manner in solidarity with other signatory against another party. This is not an obligation but is a privilege to do so.
    Article 2: Non chaining
    Let’s be honest, both parties have other treaties, needs or obligations to attend to. Thus this treaty is optional. If there is another treaty that supersedes this one, then UCR or DS can choose not to activate this treaty and sit out the hammering of the enemy. 
    Article 3: Information
    Both UCR or DS may have information pertaining to the safety or security of the other. As long as sharing that information does not breach a higher priority treaty, that information should be shared with expedience.
    Article 4: E-lawyering is against the state
    Let us recognize that we are comrades in arms, we have signed this treaty as a sign of our friendship to one another and thus agree not to get stuck on any loopholes that may exist. Whose form of Communism is better, Trotsky or Stalin? It doesn’t matter! What matters is that we, workers of the world, are united as a forefront to our ideals and to one another. Comrades until death.
    Article 5: Upgrading or Nullifying
    If the signatory alliances of UCR and DS determine it worthwhile the two may upgrade this treaty to signify stronger ties and greater co-operation. On the flip side, if either alliance is displeased with the current treaty and wishes to nullify the arraignment, a 48 hour notification must be given privately to the other alliance letting them know of the intent to cancel. After the 48 hour window is up, the treaty is over. If this fateful day happens when comrades abandon one another, and both parties just want it to be over, they can mutually forgo the 48 hour wait and end it immediately.
    Signatories for the Union of Communist Republics:
    KillingInnocent - Premier
    WarrenJarol - Commissar of Internal Affairs
    AkkenNovikov - Commissar of Finance
    RA2Leader - Commissar of Defense
    Sergei Romanov - Commissar of Foreign Affairs
    Sondirrasta - Commissar of Census
    Signatories for DoomSquad
    Hapapants - God Prince

    Ghost - Doomanager

    Caliph - Doombassador

    Xavier Rengegade Angel - Doomarshall

    Stonewall - Propaganda Doominister

    Addaff - Doom Advisor

    Supreme Emperor Daeg - Doom Advisor

    High Chancellor Liq - Doom Advisor

    Lord Hershey - Doom Advisor

    Banned - Doom Advisor
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