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Posts posted by Vend3tta

  1. [quote name='Ardus' date='28 June 2010 - 11:19 PM' timestamp='1277792348' post='2353681']
    None of us were. [b]None[/b] of us.
    Philo always had a way of influencing Egore. He actually thought the OE was a great and groundbreaking idea, if I remember correctly, which influenced Egore's attitude on the project and I think gave him a sense of approval from the NPO.

  2. [quote name='Ardus' date='28 June 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1277765885' post='2353291']
    The reasoning was that attacking a professed "neutral" would incur massive backlash during a period of cold war and possibly result in a global war from a poor PR position. Nobody wanted to hand what would become Aegis the neutrals on a silver platter. We didn't care, it was the most clear-cut CB somebody could have asked for, and we wanted blood. We actually threatened to go it alone and were willing to do so--VE was more top heavy, could land a first strike, and actually had war experience. I don't recall what prevented us from doing so.
    Philo and Dilber talked Egore down. I was not happy about it.

  3. Mostly Harmless Alliance - 4 - You guys are MCXA 2.0; large in size but you don't have much else going for you.

    Green Protection Agency - 5 - Neutral score

    New Pacific Order - 7 - You guys have been well behaved post-Karma. I respect how fast you've bounced back and kept big.

    New Polar Order - 4 - The BiPolar War made me facepalm more than any other war, thanks largely to yourselves.

    World Task Force - N/A

    Sparta - 4 - Been on a slow decline for a while. Now, Tulak's gone.

    Viridian Entente - 10 - No, really?

    The Democratic Order - N/A

    Fark - 6 - You guys used to bother me a lot, but I think the whole alliance has matured.

    Mushroom Kingdom - 8 - Not as epic as the Karma MK, but Archon's still running a tight ship. Congrats on the sanction.

    Orange Defense Network - 6 - I respect your history, and seem to know where you are on the web

    United Purple Nations - 5 - meh

    FOK - 8 - With the exception of the last war, you guys have never done anything that I didn't like

    Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 8 - Very underestimated. Great allies to have and of decent size finally

    The Legion - 3 - I don't think you guys will ever peak like you did at GWIII

    The Order Of The Paradox - 4 - I respect you guys, but that doesn't mean I like the lot of you

    Ragnarok - 6 - Hoo used to remind me of Egore, but the alliance as a whole has hit a quagmire I feel

    RnR - N/A

    The Order Of Light - 4 - To be honest, I don't think I've EVER liked you guys

    Random Insanity Alliance - 6 -

    Umbrella - 9 - I'm ecstatic that we became allies.

    Poison Clan - 5 - Their douchebaggery has dropped substantially since they were initially founded, so I'll keep this one neutral

    Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - N/A

    Nueva Vida - 7 - One of our oldest allies. Underappreciated I feel.

    Federation Of Armed Nations - N/A - Do something

    Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 3 - You guys definitely deserved the smacking you got in this war. Good luck on the rebuild.

    Siberian Tiger Alliance - 5 - Know where they stand and are well run, but I've just never seen things eye to eye with you.

    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 4 - I'm sorry TSO gutted all the good leaders from you guys. You guys deserve to come back

    The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - N/A

    Athens - 3 - One day MK is going to drop you guys, and you will see what kind of alliance you really are

    Nordreich - N/A

    The International - N/A

    The Foreign Division - N/A

    LOSS - N/A

    Nusantara Elite Warriors - N/A
    The Grämlins - 2 - Really now? This war has shown your true colors. You guys had so much potential

    Guru Order - N/A

    North Atlantic Defense Coalition - N/A

    M*A*S*H - N/A

    The Templar Knights - N/A

  4. [quote name='Barix9' date='03 February 2010 - 12:01 AM' timestamp='1265184118' post='2156062']
    Possibly the worst attempt at humor I've seen this war.

    Though, I must say, I do credit you for writing that yourself, I assumed after reading about your bandwaggoning ways, you needed your friends to do just about everything.

    Edit: I must say, I agree with USO, Im bored with this thread, time to go find something fun to do.
    Color me disappointed. Your temper tantrum was amusing.

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