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Posts posted by Che78

  1. Whine about my slots being filled by MK nations.

    Don't fill slots when open...

    Also no nukes.. I should have eaten two by now... How else are the children of Stewieland meant to grow their third, fighting arms??

    Touché Polar, you're not allowing me to gain casualties... Touché

    Careful man some one might report you for talking abut kids with 3 arms , dont you know there is some one here who has a sister with 3 arms  ... you so very kind sir have been warned .  

  2. Umm, your not the first dumb#!! I've reported, and secondly, implying you had intercourse with my parents...honestly, if you think posting trash like that is ok then you really need to get your head checked.  



    [ooc]my mother passed away years ago $##wipe]

    you and i know your full of crap but you got to do what you got to do to try and win and you sir WIN    your taking it way out left and bring in RL situations as i was talking abut something way different .

    let it go now like i said you win .

  3. Actually, if he was in a state of near constant warfare, he'd have a lot more casualties.  Seriously, loosen the ball cap there Neo.  

    please don't file a report on no one else ..... you just proved what i asked you lol    make a report again over me talking back to you and did you not call me A C.S  too there WilliamBonehead  or was that just me ? you forgot to mention that when you turned into a rat :)   its ok i wil give you some cheese .

  4. If your not a coward and not wanting to get mk involved, you'd fly the bf aa and fight with your "brothers" as a real soldier or just shut the $#@! up.  Sadly your not in my range, although you would be after I smash up a few clowns at bf.   Oh yes, they are rats for filing a report, because war slot filling really makes you look like an honourable warrior.  :gag:  

    The only slot i filled was your moms and in the side your dad...... and like i said to you  i am a coward so why not hit me oooo yes i forgot  as i'm a retard your out of my range  and yes rats   who makes the most reports in CN once there AA goes to war? be truthful  now .

    Your words are really hurting me sweet heart so enuff with trying to hurt me with words and take action on me you big bad gangster you .

    just dont destroy all my infra as i worked so hard for it . 

  5. Promises, promises...just like all the other guys.  Come and get it if you want it soooooooo bad, it's not like I'm hard to find.  But it's interesting to hear that you can admit you are a big coward, just as I had expected.  Infra > friends is your philosophy, isn't it?  I do hope an apology to the mushroom kingdom is somewhere in the works, your making them look really bad by flying their aa.  In fact, I think you'd make just about any aa look bad right now.  

    I'M a coward and................ your not right ?  so why not come at me sweet heart  you know where im at you checked my nation more then a few times all ready today so go ahead and declare on me as your not the C.S and i am big time as you can destroy me.

    Also    just to get this straight  stop trying to get MK involved in something as NO as i know has said anything abut them besides NpO.

    so i will wait for you you know where im at and i will NOT hit back my word ..

  6. Does this mean you're not running to hide behind Mushroom Kingdom anymore tough guy? Tell you what, my link's in my sig, you and bf are free to come get some, unless your chicken $#@!?  

    lol  like i said sweet heart i just want your love  thats all , and YES i am a big coward i to scared o you no hurt me ok .

    for a pink clam like yourself you sure find it hard to not respond to my advances, you love me as i love you ? don't fear the reaper baby and i know this might have you all angry no where to drop your nukes but i can tell ya what ....



    it is NOT as Hot as my love for you ;) 

  7. This is very entertaining. Can't wait to see how Polaris is going to deal with this situation.

    Like they always do ..... report it to the mods   or   just report it to the mods    

    and yes i am a clown and fallen fool  it looks like you and maybe half of NpO  NEED to get there pink clams out of the cage and get a good ol tickle from there uncle che78  





  8. but we are fighting ... It's just that the other side is trying to twist the level playing field to slope in the direction it wants for itself.   War slot filling .. and admitted spy slot filling is underhanded and wrong. 


    as for you .. I see...


    11 posts        

    • Nation Name:Colabear                         
    • Alliance Name:BF1


    .....you can come out of your BF1 closet now.

    hey panic  you want your slot filled too 

  9. My dearest comrade, if anything you have posted makes the slightest bit of sense to you once you re-read it you are truly doing something wrong.  You are filling war slots of your friends to show your support for them, or you are ''claiming'' your assets for some deal you have done or you are just simple.  All three situations are completely irrelevant long term to the overall situation but do show the true nature of you as a leader and complicate a simple desire for Alliance A to have a simple throw down war with Alliance B.  I know you think it is clever and that you are a revolutionary mind ahead of your time, but the truth is you are just grist for the mill like every other moron who thought they could do whatever they felt like without consequence.


    Let say Polaris gives you the benefit of the doubt, lets assume that MK is comfortable with the situation as well, I will state categorically and without fear of complications, if you declare on another BF1 nation and sit there and do nothing I will consider you to be fair game.  I know you wont understand this warning for what it is, because frankly I doubt you understand much about what goes on here, but it is a simple warning.

    Man think what you want report me as you will i give a shit ,  go on and play rat to MK on me all you want i did NOT 1 thing wrong in my retarded head as you say right ? tell ya what grub   if i want to fill a hole   i will fill your ASS  ok ;)   you know you would love that kind of a tug of war   ..


    see ya on the flip side .

  10. Personally I really don't care, it's quite comical watching you and bf1 make clowns of yourselves.  Words can be twisted my friend, but stats don't lie.  Have fun over at MK I guess?  

    if you don't care then why are you posting a reply?   Words can be twisted sure then can    now for the stats ok   well i warned stewie big deal i did do a few G.A on him and i did use A.S on his nation to get his attention and what of it ?   if you donate a few hundred dollars to the game and some one does NOT pay you back with in game money and tech would you get mad? then finding out there going to war and you run a chance of loosing your tech and cash  come on man get with it   like i said check my AID screen that should answer a bit i think.

  11. Che, bro, I'm going to miss you. :wub:  PM me your snapchat.

    same buddy :)  all of you   ..  sucks that some big ass AA can't just fight a war with 10 nations and stay cool abut it . what ever   i bet there come back will be NG cried  over Kaskus and every lil nation that hit them .  man oooooo man   what a crazy game we all play ..

    now if this game would have been mine it would be different .

  12. Where on earth did you get that idea from?  You must be some kind of a lunatic or something?






    I can understand when someone goes rogue because they are leaving the game, but the ones that do it for kicks and keep trying to come back are really just lame imo.  

    lame i am , lame is when  you cry over lil things friend  lil thing  ok     what ever i decide to do is on me and what ever i post on my nation is for certain friends of mine and showing support for them ,  keep making conspiracy theory over some war on you guys  i never thought that this GAME was like this and that there really was guys,gals like yourself .

  13. Ah, so it's complete coincidence then, Stewie, that chee78, formerly on the BF1 AA, has jumped to ghost MK and fill 2 of your slots? How nice of him to do this without you asking for it! And considering SirWilliam's wonderful amount of at least 3 attacks in more than 48 hours, you need to teach your alliance leader how getting XP and fighting wars works, or not hide behind a flimsy excuse.


    I don't mind you acting out your fun little vengeance here, but let's not bullshit each other and call a spade a spade. Doing otherwise only lowers the (all things considered pretty decent) opinion I have of you.

    First off there Dick Tracy im not filling any slots for no one, sure i was in BF1 for 1 or 2 days i joined some friends big deal.

    As for DoW on the 2 nations of BF1  does not concern you but i know you truly need to know,  i did a couple of donations and they were to pay the rest of it to me as you can check my aid screen they did 2 payments all ready and i want the rest before they loose every thing to the mighty ARMY of polar ok.

    So i dont think that would have been a problem as i was going to nuke today but every one is saying to just let it go so i will,and if you don't buy me saying im a donation dealer maybe ask a few of your nations with in NpO as they have bought a few off me also i'm not a ghost on M.K nor do M.K have anything whats going on Mr Dick  i just want to go where i think i would fit and M.K would be perfect for me is that ok with you ?

    Sure you might be pissed that a few nations DoW on your A.A  but deal with like a warrior like like a new recruit and try and start some conspiracy theory and get some attention.

    The way i see it there eX Poison Clan members that don't like you guys big deal nuke THEM ZI them  do what you guys do best ;) .

    But back to me   keep me the fuck out of your conspiracy theory ok  like i said check the AID screen on my nation like a big boy before you start some bull shit abut me ok .

    BF1   you guys stay gold lol  you crazy dick HOLE       

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