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Kael Istari TTE

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Posts posted by Kael Istari TTE

  1. The logs are legit. I remember the first and I have confirmation from Yuurei (the real one) that the second is true, although more than a year old. (Somebody must really hold a grudge against that guy to have logs that far back) However the logs were taken way out of context. The part about avoiding two wars: Yuurei talked about this. He hated that he couldn't enter the last war. He had arranged to enter with some other people, but they flaked. He would much rather have a decimated alliance but well respected than a strong but disrespected one. 


    Yuurei has always held a neutral stance. We defend our allies but don't get into wars because those same allies declared. He explicitly wrote the treaties like that so he didn't get caught in a treaty web.


    And lastly: Why has there been not a single positive comment on this thread? Hmmm . . . Haters gonna hate.

  2. Hey, welcome to the world of Cyber Nations.


    Like you said, you need an alliance to help you start. The Terran Empire, the alliance I'm in, doesn't offer 3 million for joining, [b][i]BUT[/b][/i] we do offer tech trades (3 million for 50 tech, approximately 2 million profit per trade) and trade circles for new members. But if that doesn't interest you, there are some other reasons:


    WE have a very active forum with the friendliest members and one of the best spam & games sections in all of CN. I've gotten 200 posts in a month. And if you want a government position, we have openings all the time.


    Trust me: You'll learn a great deal about Cyber Nations while having fun doing it. So check out our forums at http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/


    If you have any questions just ask me.




    Kael Istari

    The Terran Empire

  3. I play another game that implemented this system. When a new nation was created, it was inundated with recruitment messages. (Once I got flooded and my inbox was too full to receive all of them) The system didn't really help anybody. The region (sort of like this games alliances) I was in had a lot of new arrivals at the start since one of our members bought the Mass Messaging stamps less than a week after they debuted; however, our growth topped off as more and more people bought these stamps. If Admin was to implement this, I have a feeling somebody who has a bit of cash could create an alliance and see it grow exponentially while the larger alliances don't experience much growth.

  4. Join an alliance that actually cares about its members.
    That's what sets us apart from other alliances. The Terran Empire doesn't have any gimmicks nations; it's just a solid alliance with a friendly group of people. We don't offer money just for signing up, but we do set up trade and tech circles for members allowing for rapid growth. Some nations get 20 million a month just dealing tech!
    TTE also has an active forum with one of the best spam & games sections in all of Cyber Nations. (I have 150 posts in three weeks!)
    And if you want to contribute to our alliance, TTE has that too. Government jobs are always available on our forums.
    If you have any questions about The Terran Empire or why alliances are important, contact either myself or our Chancellor Prime, Yuurei.
    You'll be glad you did.
    Yours Truly,
    Kael Istari
    The Terran Empire
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