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Daemon Vower

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Posts posted by Daemon Vower

  1. I got contacted and asked if I wanted to give this thing another go, too. Like you I have been absolutely blown away by how dead the real time communication aspect is and how tiny even the biggest Alliances are compared to back in the day.


    OOC (Thanks for reminding me these silly rules, exist, Slayer): The game still seems to be designed and run as if it was a decade ago, back when there were always more people registering and wanting to play, back when it was completely ok for the health of the game to be free with the banhammer and the ZI stick because there were always new people itching to try their hand at straddling the world, back when no one was SO far ahead that it was insane to dream of someday catching up.


    If the game-runners really want to rejuvenate this thing - and apparently they do if old folk are getting emails - they need to take a good hard look at how they can change the rules of the game to make the day-to-day more exciting in and of itself instead of relying on extra-game politics to provide the draw. I'm honestly hugely surprised that CN is still going as well as it is considering that war is so hugely disincentivized at the high end and it is impossible to ever catch up at the low.

  2. We stand before you tonight a humbled alliance.

    We stand as people proven wrong. We stand as people who have fought and bled for our friends only to see them evaporate. We stand as men and women who have waged the wars of others out of the spirit and letter of our agreements.

    But we also stand for the first time with our eyes open.

    And because of this we'd like to apologize.

    First and foremost to Viridia. We had our loves and our hates, but you did not deserve that. But when GGA asked us to fight, we fought. For our friendship, for our treaties, for the World Unity Treaty, we put ourselves on the line for the ambitions of a fellow. We contributed to an atrocity and for that we apologize.

    Most recently, we apologize to the Legion. It began with Dilber saying "We're going to kill Legion." Then Moo moved it to "Who wants to help us kill Legion." All of a sudden its GOONS, \m/, and TPF fighting for the casus belli NPO had conjured from Valhalla while NPO keeps its hands clean. But were friends. We were treaty partners. We fought the war that we had nothing to do with for those whose back we believed we'd always cover and be covered in return. And for that we apologize.

    And finally, we apologize to FAN. FAN who perhaps deserved what it got the most. We apologize because they tried to warn us - they tried to tell us that as soon as we were a threat to their power, Pacifica would throw us down the steps just the same. And we laughed. We laughed! The Drinking Buddies would be friends forever! Pacifica's honor is supreme! We rejected their words, we called them fools. But they were right. They were too right.

    For months people have told us this day would come. They tried to warn us and again and again we laughed them off, and we trusted. We stated again and again that it would never happen, that these people were good. We flamed and trolled those who only tried to open our eyes.

    And for that we apologize.

    But here we stand, and here we make a stand. Our vision is for the first time cleared. We pray that whatever god is floating above this 'verse will have mercy on our souls for the sins we commited in the name of a treaty, of a false friend. But more, we pray that that same deity will have mercy on the betrayers... because GOONS will not.


    The Goon Order of Neutral Shoving

    PS: I'd like to request that electron_sponge, Ivan Moldavi, and Doitzel stay out of this thread. I want it to stay open and those three aren't really conducive to that, you know?

  3. Ah, friendly concern as Drinking Buddies. I'll ask again - what concern? Can you elaborate on this? What gives GOONS the right to troll a statement from the head of a fellow Drinking Buddy alliance?

    Well we are friendily concerned because last time GOONS reached out a hand to a former enemy, they ended up betraying us in a time of possible trouble and signing with another alliance. We wouldn't want THAT to happen to our friends at Polar, so we're expressing concern. The bunch of cavemen we are, however, we don't express our feelings well :/ sorry sponge.

  4. IMHO you'll find this infighting more or less in every larger, democratic alliance. Dunno if the alliances lead "by strong hand" have less quarrels inside them. In a democratic alliance, if elected or not everyone feels some right to tell the elected ones where he things it all should head to. not?

    The only infighting I came remember during my entire time in the GOONS leadership structure was once and it was about girls. We very effectively channel all of our rage outward.

  5. That one guy that claimed he's a werewolf and reported anyone who says you can't have wolf blood for insulting his religion.

    Haven't seen him in a while, I think I might've driven him away with my mean words, much like Chris_Kaos and Kaiser Martens. I seem to have a knack for getting rid of the aftermath of lavatory visits, I'm very proud of it.

    That's Nikanor and he's your alliancemate now. Surprise!

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