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Posts posted by Isolationist

  1. much hail to this awesome DoE! o7


    Novus Omega is heading for the future, looking to add members of quality only and maintain good standing with the other denizens/citizens of Planet Bob. Looking forward to working with our Protectors and partners in this venture, UPN, as well as our new friends at Aurora Borealis. Thank you all for your support!

  2. Wow, now that is some excellent advice, thank you. I have been trying to consider some general themes, I've tried to do my homework on most of the larger sanctioned alliance as well as some of the older smaller alliances that continue nonetheless, but your list makes everything much clearer and concentrated, thank you! Since you've been so kind as to offer that much, can I ask: Should post themes and ideas on this OWF post as well?

  3. I'd like to start an alliance, and have plenty of ideas and general knowledge, but as you know, a one man alliance doesn't go anywhere. Looking for some brave individuals that would like to work with me to form a new Alliance. Please post here if you're interested, or PM me if you'd prefer. Thanks for your time, I would appreciate no trolling here.

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