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Posts posted by Aphelion

  1. Only if you admit that NSO is even worse than Polaris allies, after all you lost a 3x1 war against one of them.

    I recall it was a  5 versus 1.


    It was essentially a 1v1. While Tetris fought, they were too small to make much of a difference. Every other alliance in the coalition barely fought. IAA, out of dozens and dozens of nations, had only five or so active wars at one point (and from three nations). NSO and Tetris were the only alliances that actually used the majority of its strength in that conflict. Despite having more than twice our numbers, Legion still couldn't win and needed financial aid from Polar due to a lack of war chests.


    Thank you for revisiting this old conflict though. How exactly is it supposed to make Polar's allies look less worse?

    You forgot that the Tetris "coalition" got aided by TLR, GATO and co. and still fought pathetically.

    Back to the main topic though, I think this should be fun for Polar. Good luck on sending them to ZI.

    o/ Polaris


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