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Posts posted by Beets

  1. As in the title. Thanks in advance


    also happy to pay back 50 tech

    Oh Christ I know you. PM me ingame and we can work something out, I have a feeling you'll find me.


    EDIT: Also if anyone if looking into this, it's doubtful you'll get your tech. I wouldn't advise you take him up on his offer.

  2. Pretty much all the advice in the thread is geared at getting you to join some dictatorial alliance that will force you to do what they say and just help the already instated power.

    You should team up with the other down-trodden lone wolfs, and then start toppling over the complacent bourgeois in the alliances trying to trick you into joining them. Idealistic hard-working people like you will be key in the Glorious Revolution.

  3. Don't listen to these people, they just want you to join an alliance so they can use you as some cheap tech farm. Whatever you do, don't give up your freedom or get involved in "tech trading", since that's just a way that the bourgeois keeps the working-class nations down.


    Lone wolfing is a totally viable strategy that works better than being some cheap slave for some alliance.

  4. You should totally appoint me adviser since it's better to have an adviser that offers a viewpoint contrary to your own rather than a person that just blindly agrees with you. Plus, I totally love being goon, and that's like only one letter away from being good. Nobody else can offer that sort of qualification.

    Gimme a holler when I get the medals and money that comes with the position.

  5. ahh mr Beets your skill at making apology is equal to your fighting skills. I truly understand. War records show you lost war with Milo and also war with Ubuntu. You mustered all your resources to make apology but you had precious few resources due to your defeat by Zulu.

    Your tears are worth more to me that my infrastructure will ever be worth.

  6. You were actually pretty happy to have a competent opponent finally up until this morning, so IDK why you're whining here instead of whining at me in one of the PM's you've sent.

    Competant. I only send 2 CM's a day at you. I'd love to see the usual incompetant people. Whoops I read your post wrong. Guess I'm not competant all along.


    Besides, I'm not complaining about your war. You're a pretty cool guy that doesn't afraid of anything. What I'm complaining about is the whole "Sparta isn't at war with GOONS" while I, a member of GOONS, is being attacked by a Spartan King. Either Sparta is wholly incompetent at basic communication, or moderately incompetent at lying. I prefer to think it's the latter simply because I like giving people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to competence.

  7. Not that any of those wars were condoned by allied request for help.

    I'm super curious about the requests detailing that I'm such a huge threat to the free people of NPL that your king found it necessary to skit around targets Sparta is actually at war with to focus in on me.


    I mean seriously, I'm the most lovable guy around with the friendliest country in GOONS. I can't imagine anyone would put a hit out on me.

  8. I also find it interesting that the one member of CSN that is running his mouth is also the only member of CSN in Peace Mode right now.

    Real talk, throwing around the term peace mode like it's a terrible thing gets nothing done when both sides are using PM tactics.
    I mean you have so many legitimate things you can bring up in regards to why Krash is a Silly Billy, throwing around "peace mode" just distracts from insults which mean something.

  9. To the first part, you apparently do not know what ad hominem means.

    My mistake, I was trying to show how silly your argument was by strawmanning (best fallacy) it. I guess I should have been more straightforward so you could understand my point better.

  10. Dude, you realize you are on the same side as such notable shitposters as Neo Uruk


    Can't actually refute what I state so you go ad hominem.

    Good night everybody.

    And I do realize the hypocrisy about complaining about double standards when I've previous complained about complaining about double standards. Sue me.

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