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Andrew Ryan

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Posts posted by Andrew Ryan

  1. Yes I have a clue what I'm talking about.

    Emphasis mine

    At least he didn't use my flag.

    But he fooled and lied to me, I wasted my time doing a flag for him and for what? Because I said if the alliance was red he can't use that, so I was doing a flag that wasn't going to be used. He could said to me "Ok, so forgot, don't do that then." but not he just said ok and I hate waste my time for nothing. So yeah, he is a liar and I really wish the his alliance fails miserably.

    So D34th, where were you when GOONS couldn't enforce their doc? I don't remember you complaining then? (If you were, I would like a link, pleeeeeze and I will retract my statement) And why is it such a big deal to you. Are you on Red? Are you a member of the NpO? :ehm: "Stuff" happens. And if it matters this much then do something about it instead of complaining about it.

  2. I got on at update and in a few mins the site goes down for maintenance and now chrome says the www.cybernations.net url is broken.

    Admin? Got any ideas? )):

    Nevermind it works now...

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