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Posts posted by Igumen

  1. A warning against the anti-Christian heresy that lies at the heart of the UCR 


    Throughout the Church age, the mystery of iniquity has worked subtly and insidiously to foster unbelief. Satanically inspired humanism, which had received such impetus during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, reached its nihilistic nadir in the form of atheistic communism. The utopian ideology which is at the root of communism, and in fact of most secular thought, is seldom clearly realized even by its adherents; it has become part of the unexamined ideological inheritance of the post-Enlightenment era. This poison has subtly entered the very soul of the Union of Communist Republics!


    One has to realize what communism is: not merely a power-mad political regime, but an ideological-religious system whose aim is to overthrow and supplant all other systems, most of all Christianity. Communism is actually a very powerful heresy whose central thesis . . . is chiliasm or millennialism: history is to reach its culmination in an indefinite state of earthly blessedness, a perfect mankind living in perfect peace and harmony. This steady ascent of mankind is flatly refuted by history, which demonstrates cruelty and imperfection have always been part of humanity. And, in a tragic irony, the very depths of man's cruelty and despair has been found in the midst of Communist regimes!


    Communism specifically attacks the lands which most fully retained their ancient Christian traditions – Holy Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Serbia. Propaganda portrayed Bolshevism as a political/social uprising, which is what gullible individuals throughout Bob and the UCR still imagine it to have been. But the “revolution” was far more than this – it was actually a battle against Christianity.


    The battle was lost by Communism, as its grip on these countries was lost and Christianity flourished once again. Yet it seems, in the UCR, the shambling, rotting, corpse of Communism has been reanimated to wreak havoc again! Of course, by the power of Christ the moribund cadaver of Communism will once again be defeated. But, brothers, how many nations must die within the rotting body of the UCR?? The decision is up to those who have a conscience and recognize the evils of Communism: leave the Union of Communist Republics and break all ties with them!


    Christ will come and call all those not tangled up in the thorns of corrupt political ideologies.


    It's later than you think!

  2. That's like being in a debate and not responding to the other person because they have a different viewpoint than you.


    In this case he is acting more wisely than you. He realizes he cannot change your mind and so chooses not to continue talking and waste his and your time. Is he wrong in thinking you won't change your mind? Conversely, you are continuing to debate with him.... is it because you think you can change his mind? Really?

  3. There is a lot of importance bound up in a name. In some ways it is bestowed upon us: by our parents/relatives, by our ancestry (in our surname), and later by our friends and enemies later on in our lives. The first disciples of Our Lord Jesus had the name "Christian" -- little Christs --- given to them by outsiders. And yet it was still accepted by His followers, with humility, so that people today actively choose what was originally a derogatory term. In the Scriptures we can read how God even bestows names upon people: renaming Abram as Abraham, and Simon as Peter. All this carries a meaning, and blessed are we if God bestows a new name on us after baptism and unification with the Church!


    On here we must choose our own names, and it is a difficult business as we can fall into the pitfalls of pride and vanity. Better for us to accept the name that is given to us from our enemies and in it find some enlightenment about our true selves. Meanwhile we can pursue through prayer and asceticism greater communion with God so that in Paradise we can have revealed to us our true names, written on white stones (Rev 2:17) 

  4. If need be i may consider donations to otehr nations and alliances to use thermal nuclear war against the top nations in Iron to teach thema  a lesson if your a nuclear nation and have teh power to take on top leading people within I.R.O.N contact me and we may be able to make a deal if you willing to nuke teh top leaing nations of I.R.O.N.


    No need for you to donate anything Yamuliss. If you have been so badly treated by IRON some well-meaning powerful nations will aid you for free. If.

  5. I disagree with you. This is no way to treat new nations. This kind of treatment should not go unpunished. I urge any alliance member of any alliance taht agree with me to wage war against I.R.O.N and teach them a important lesson on how to properly treat new nations.


    Obviously you disagree. It's just that the reasons for you disagreeing aren't very good. Consequently your exhortations for nations stronger that you to come and protect you from the inevitable drubbing you will now receive for starting a war will go unheeded. Perhaps even after all that you will still believe you are right and IRON is wrong. But it won't matter because your nation won't exist because you will have had to fight unaided (as no one will agree with your position) against a rather large alliance.

  6. As ive stated i dropped them but they ued the threat of war before i was even decided on which way i was going. No matter how you look at this its still wrong and its an act of war and intemidation.


    Well I don't agree that it was an act of war and/or intimidation. You hadn't decided whether to join or not, but in effect you were still claiming IRON AA despite not being a member. If you had been undecided about joining whilst not carrying the IRON AA then you wouldn't have been threatened by war. 


    He then again wrote back
    making his excuses as to why he made those comments and in his statement he
    suggested that he acted no differently than any other alliance within Cybernation’s.
    Suggesting to me that it is the common practice of alliances to threaten new
    nation with war unless they join!




    Not quite. No big alliance would threaten you with war because you weren't a member. They would threaten you with war if you continue to list your affiliation with an alliance that you are not a member of. It is a subtle difference but an important one. If you drop IRON as your AA and don't join them then they will not attack you.



    ETA: that is, if you drop IRON as your AA, don't join them, and don't attack IRON members then they will not attack you. But seeing as you have done the last thing, the stronger nations will now aid the "thirld-world strength" nations you've attacked and they will crush you into the gorund.

  8. Christians of Planet Bob, and more particularly confessed Christians of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, please read the following statement, offered in love.

    Official Statement of the Bishops and Abbots of the Free Land of Cathari regarding Freemasonry:

    Freemasonry is not simply a philanthropic union or a philosophical school, but constitutes a mystagogical system which reminds us of the ancient heathen mystery-religions and cults—from which it descends and is their continuation and regeneration. This is not only admitted by prominent teachers in the lodges, but they declare it with pride, affirming literally: "Freemasonry is the only survival of the ancient mysteries and can be called the guardian of them;" Freemasonry is a direct offspring of the Egyptian mysteries; "the humble workshop of the Masonic Lodge is nothing else than the caves and the darkness of the cedars of India and the unknown depths of the Pyramids and the crypts of the magnificent temples of Isis; in the Greek mysteries of Freemasonry, having passed along the luminous roads of knowledge under the mysteriarchs Prometheus, Dionysus and Orpheus, formulated the eternal laws of the Universe!

    "Such a link between Freemasonry and the ancient idolatrous mysteries is also manifested by all that is enacted and performed at the initiations. As in the rites of the ancient idolatrous mysteries the drama of the labors and death of the mystery god was repeated, and in the imitative repetition of this drama the initiate dies together with the patron of the mystery religion, who was always a mythical person symbolizing the Sun of nature which dies in winter and is regenerated in spring, so it is also, in the initiation of the third degree, of the patron of Freemasonry Hiram and a kind of repetition of his death, in which the initiate suffers with him, struck by the same instruments and on the same parts of the body as Hiram. According to the confession of a prominent teacher of Freemasonry Hiram is "as Osiris, as Mithra, and as Bacchus, one of the personifications of the Sun."

    "Thus Freemasonry is, as granted, a mystery-religion, quite different, separate, and alien to the Christian faith. This is shown without any doubt by the fact that it possesses its own temples with altars, which are characterized by prominent teachers as "workshops which cannot have less history and holiness than the Church" and as temples of virtue and wisdom where the Supreme Being is worshipped and the truth is taught. It possesses its own religious ceremonies, such as the ceremony of adoption or the masonic baptism, the ceremony of conjugal acknowledgement or the masonic marriage, the masonic memorial service, the consecration of the masonic temple, and so on. It possesses its own initiations, its own ceremonial ritual, its own hierarchical order and a definite discipline. As may be concluded from the masonic agapes and from the feasting of the winter and summer solstices with religious meals and general rejoicings, it is a physiolatric religion.

    "It is true that it may seem at first that Freemasonry can be reconciled with every other religion, because it is not interested directly in the religion to which its initiates belong. This is, however, explained by its syncretistic character and proves that in this point also it is an offspring and a continuation of ancient idolatrous mysteries which accepted for initiation worshippers of all gods. But as the mystery religions, in spite of the apparent spirit of tolerance and acceptance of foreign gods, lead to a syncretism which undermined and gradually shook confidence in other religions, thus Freemasonry today, which seeks to embrace in itself gradually all mankind and which promises to give moral perfection and knowledge of truth, is lifting itself to the position of a kind of super-religion, looking on all religions (without excepting Christianity) as inferior to itself. Thus it develops in its initiates the idea that only in masonic lodges is performed the shaping and the smoothing of the unsmoothed and unhewn stone. And the fact alone that Freemasonry creates a brotherhood excluding all other brotherhoods outside it (which are considered by Freemasonry as "uninstructed", even when they are Christian) proves clearly its pretensions to be a super-religion. This means that by masonic initiation, a Christian becomes a brother of the Muslim, the Buddhist, or any kind of rationalist, while the Christian not initiated in Freemasonry becomes to him an outsider.

    "On the other hand, Freemasonry in prominently exalting knowledge and in helping free research as "putting no limit in the search of truth" (according to its rituals and constitution), and more than this by adopting the so-called natural ethic, shows itself in this sense to be in sharp contradiction with the Christian religion. For the Christian religion exalts faith above all, confining human reason to the limits traced by Divine Revelation and leading to holiness through the supernatural action of grace. In other words, which Christianity, as a religion of Revelation, possessing its rational and superrational dogmas and truths, asks for faith first, and grounds its moral structure on the super-natural Divine Grace, Freemasonry has only natural truth and brings to the knowledge of its initiates free thinking and investigation through reason only. It bases its moral structure only on the natural forces of man, and has only natural aims.

    "Thus, the incompatible contradiction between Christianity and Freemasonry is quite clear. Freemasonry cannot be at all compatible with Christianity as far as it is a secret organization, acting and teaching in mystery and secret and deifying rationalism. Freemasonry accepts as its members not only Christians, but also Jews and Muslims. Consequently clergymen cannot be permitted to take part in this association. I consider as worthy of degradation every clergyman who does so. It is necessary to urge upon all who entered it without due thought and without examining what Freemasonry is, to sever all connections with it, for Christianity alone is the religion which teaches absolute truth and fulfills the religious and moral needs of men. Unanimously and with one voice all the Abbots of Cathari have approved what was said, and we declare that all the faithful children of the Church must stand apart from Freemasonry. With unshaken faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ "in whom we have our redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of His Grace, whereby He abounds to us in all wisdom and prudence" (Ephes. 1, 7-9) possessing the truth revealed by Him and preached by the Apostles, "not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in the partaking in the Divine Sacraments through which we are sanctified and saved by eternal life, we must not fall from the grace of Christ by becoming partakers of other mysteries. It is not lawful to belong at the same time to Christ and to search for redemption and moral perfection outside Him. For these reasons true Christianity is incompatible with Freemasonry.

    "Therefore, all who have become involved in the initiations of masonic mysteries must from this moment sever all relations with masonic lodges and activities, being sure that they are thereby of a certainty renewing their links with our one Lord and Savior which were weakened by ignorance and by a wrong sense of values. The Assembly expects this particularly and with love from the initiates of the lodges, being convinced that most of them have received masonic initiation not realizing that by it they were passing into another religion, but on the contrary from ignorance, thinking that they had done nothing contrary to the faith of their fathers. Recommending them to the sympathy, and in no wise to the hostility or hatred of the faithful children of the Church, the Assembly calls them to pray with her from the heart in Christian love, that the one Lord Jesus Christ "the way, the truth and the life" may illumine and return to the truth who in ignorance have gone astray."

    Adapted from: Freemasonry: Official Statement of the Church of Greece (1933)

    To the rest of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons I congratulate your survival in the cruel climate of the Cyberverse, and pray that you continue your existence on this rapidly dying world at peace with your own conscience and without fear of the Truth and Light, incarnated in the person of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  9. If there wasn't a "randomness" in the war system then it would reflect real life less accurately than it does now. Maybe there is an accidental explosion in one of your barracks; maybe a storm affected your defences; maybe all of that was divine punishment for starting aggressive wars. Whatever... these things cannot be easily coded into the game, but the outcome of these occurrences can: you losing many soldiers despite having the numerical superiority.

    [i]If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;[/i]

  10. [quote name='Armed Society' timestamp='1355364252' post='3063145']
    It turns out it feels pretty nice to base my self-worth over something other than hatred of others. You should give it a shot.

    Not basing your actions on the hatred of others was more or less the gist of my criticism towards you on previous threads. Still, if you have honestly had a change of heart and come to this realization yourself then I'm happy for you. Just drop the chippiness against me and I'll guarantee your "pretty nice" feeling will only increase. ;)

  11. [quote name='Bowwow' timestamp='1355356931' post='3063087']
    What has this forum come to? Arguing over colors...

    It's a proxy argument, over the real, yet subconscious, conflict over who has the edgiest skull/gothic avatar. Clearly, the answer is that neither of us have edgy avatars precisely [i]because[/i] we chose one containing skulls, which are too contrived to be edgy or shocking.

  12. It is true that this world is illusory, and that for all of us there is a reality that transcends the one we become so obsessed with. Mystics have spent lifetimes atop mountains, or hidden in caves, trying through asceticism and prayer to commune with this transcendent reality. For the inhabitants of Bob, the same transcendence can be achieved by the slightest of actions: turning around, looking out of a window, or closing down a web-browser.

    But not all of us are ready for this transcendent reality, Tom. And so some continue to dwell in the illusions and distractions that Bob has to offer.

  13. [quote name='LOLman789789' timestamp='1354750199' post='3060692']
    Igumen, I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with you on this one. I'm thinking of changing Teams to Pink, for my nation does indeed try to help the oppressed and doesn't give a crap about the opinions of our nation and alliance.

    You did it as well. o/

  14. [quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355351483' post='3063050']
    So now you are attacking my character.[/quote]

    What I said does not equal an attack on your character. I really do bet that your later, more moderate, statement was relatively easy for you to write. Therefore, me picking you up on your previous "forceful" statement, and how it comes across, wasn't inappropriate (it would've been inappropriate if I thought you couldn't write in anything but a forceful manner). If what I said is an attack on your character in your eyes then I apologize, but also suggest your sensitivity is not suitable for the rigors of forum posting.

    [quote]I would dig through the blogs and topics me and you have argued in to find one of many examples of your hypocrisy, but frankly I don't really want to.[/quote]

    How utterly unsurprising. :rolleyes:

    [quote]He didn't ask "What color should I pick". So, you have misread his question. Therefore, an example of you being hypocritical.[/quote]

    Firstly I didn't misread the question. I quoted you and agreed with the answer you gave. So why reply to Robkouch at all? To provide the link for the additional, but related, information on choosing a colour for your nation. Perhaps I could have reworded it thus: [i]"If you also want to know about choosing a colour for your nation, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113935&#entry3051292"][b]this might provide some guidance[/b][/url]." [/i]; nevertheless, I knew what Robkouch was asking, and specifically answered that before moving on to the deeper meanings colours can be given.

    Secondly, even if I had misread the question, why would that be an example of hypocrisy? Did I say [b]you[/b] misunderstood Robkouch's question?

    [quote]One last point, it was a simple question. So, it deserves a simple answer. Not a "soul searching" journey.

    It got both. What's wrong with that?

  15. [quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355277532' post='3062865']
    I'm not going to bother to get into past conversations with you because you are just incredibly hypocritical.[/quote]

    Another subjective opinion stated as fact? How terribly predictable. Still, you probably have evidence for me being "incredibly hypocritical." You're welcome to post it.

    [quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355277532' post='3062865']All I meant to say is they are colors. No maybes, mights, or perhaps about it. They don't have to have a complicated meaning. It's that simple[/quote]

    They don't [i][b]have[/b][/i] to have a complicated meaning (implying that they can). See, I bet you didn't even find it difficult to temper your previous comments with a caveat. Good luck for the future.

  16. [quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355275663' post='3062820']
    So because I don't find meaning in colors means I don't have an imagination?[/quote]

    No. We've had other discussions in which I could discern this - not that I said you had "no imagination" specifically, but then you have a propensity for misreading the subtleties of the English language. What you've written today is just a bit of extra evidence for your - quote- "unimaginative materialism."

    [quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355275663' post='3062820']
    And how do I force this upon others?

    Your manner of writing, in which your choice not to read meaning into the colours is stated as fact to another, newer, member who you obviously expect/hope to listen to what you say. This manner of speech could be put down to clumsy expression, but regardless of the reason or your intent, that is how it comes across.

    I say: "this might provide some guidance."

    You say: "the colors don't have a deep ideological meaning. Red is red. Grey is grey. Blue is blue..."

    Might, maybe, perhaps, are not just filler words. As I have got older I have realized their importance. Without having to modify or compromise my own deeply held beliefs with "mights" and "maybes", I can still appreciate these words when speaking with other people.

  17. [quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1354583242' post='3060146']
    It depends on the alliance. Some require you to be a specific color, others don't

    In terms of choosing a colour for your nation, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113935&#entry3051292"][b]this might provide some guidance[/b][/url].

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