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Posts posted by Foxchild

  1. God Emperor Rebel Virginia...

    Lowsten, iamthey. If you are reading this. From this day forward, I wish to be known as Super God Emperor Foxchild.

    I've only recently noticed your thread here. I don't usually frequent the OWF that much unless it's for something important. Too much arguing and too many folks waving their trouser furniture around for my liking. Anyway, as Super God Emperor of Argent, I've always been more interested in the wrecking than the rebuilding. So seeing as peace has fallen upon Planet Bob... there's nothing really left to wreck. So Argent grants you peace, dear Rebby V.

    Super God Emperor Foxchild

  2. [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/Otaku_Fox/ArgentFlag_zpsd7ab73a2.jpg[/img][/center]

    [center][size=5][b]Argent Embassy Row Clean Up[/b][/size][/center]

    Greetings one and all.

    This is basically a courtesy announcement to inform you that Argent is currently in the process of a forum clean up over at our boards. This means that work is currently being carried out in our Embassy Row section. All embassies in that section that have not been used since July 2012 shall be sent to our archives for safe keeping and all diplomats to those embassies will be unmasked.

    If you wish to be remasked and have your embassy restored, then please post a new diplomat application on our boards and we will get everything sorted for you. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

    All embassies that either belong to our allies or have shown activity since July 2012 are still fully operational and will not be effected by our current clean up efforts.

    That is all.

    There's cookies and punch by the door.

  3. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1354405228' post='3059230']
    [color=#0000ff]Did I strike a nerve there? Are my truths a bit too much for you to handle?[/color]

    [color=#0000ff]I have always been a beacon of Truth and Virtue. My words are a much appreciated Light in this dark and bankrupt world. The only people who have ever opposed me have been the morally weak and the pathetic. That no one wants me to speak is the same "argument" NPO used whenever I said something that challenged their delusional self-image, which is quite funny considering the countless messages of support and endearment I received, of those whom I championed telling me to continue my just crusade.[/color]

    [color=#0000ff]The same people telling me today that I am not wanted are the same who told me that in 2007, 2008, and 2009, and then crawled into a corner and shut up for the next three years. You are all collectively as pathetic and cowardly as you have ever been. You have not changed one bit. I look forward to once again crushing you scoundrels.[/color]

    What in the name of King Louis XIV colourful pleated trousers are you on about?

  4. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1354377246' post='3059011']
    [color=#0000ff]Congratulations on the addition of an alliance with such high standards as to accept HeroofTime as a member. Normally I wouldn't have anything nice to say about Argent, but to be quite honest your joining has actually raised the quality of the average Duckroll alliance (if only by a little).[/color]
    I think it's only fair to inform you that HeroofTime was never actually a member of Argent. True we granted him asylum on our AA for a while before he left. But that's as close as he got. Anyway, it's a pleasure to learn that Argent is ruining your scenery, RV. Nice choice of font colour by the way. Have you considered changing it to white? I think it would be a really popular move on your part.

  5. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1353992146' post='3057338']
    Well if I'm being honest TOP should have cancelled once Argent let the likes of Omni in gov. I'm sure he is already boasting that he is running the alliance single-handedly from the internal affairs spot. Disaster will soon follow. Dude can't handle even a tiny shred of power.

    He's actually been very humble and his conduct has been excellent. The rest of the Argent government and the membership can definitely vouch for that. And if anyone wanted to cancel on us because they have a dislike for a specific member and nothing else, then I guarantee that I wouldn't be losing any sleep over such a cancellation if they choose to be that petty.

  6. I never had the pleasure of talking with him in the past, but judging by what everyone has been saying, he sounds like he was a good guy. Things like this really makes you realise more than ever that there are actually people on the other side of the nations. Obvious I know, but still... Sorry to hear about your loss.

  7. [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/Otaku_Fox/ArgentFlag_zpsd7ab73a2.jpg[/img][/center]

    [center][size=5][b]New Argent Government[/b][/size][/center]

    Greetings one and all!

    I'm guessing that most of you closest to us already know about this. But near the end of September, our former Emperor, Yosh, was hijacked and ridden off by two mustachioed plumbers to a place outside of Planet Bob. Despite our best efforts to recapture him, he succumbed to nation deletion and chose not to return. Some would argue that it's a wise decision on his part considering that he no longer has to deal with the insanity and smell that lurks in the darkest corners of our fair alliance.

    Regardless, we at Argent and our allies and beyond will miss him. He's done a lot of good work for our alliance and has our thanks. We will always be here to welcome him back with open arms should he choose to return to us here on Planet Bob.

    But moving on to the main subject of this announcement!

    Although a little later than we usually get this done. We've finally completed our four monthly nomination and confirmation voting for this terms new government. Without further delay, I proudly present the new government for Argent.

    Emperor: Foxchild
    Regent: Diomede
    Minister of War: Otter
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lowsten
    Minister of Finance: Iamthey
    Minister of Internal Affairs: Omniscient1
    Minister At Large: Deathman1212

    That is all.

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